I put my phone in and zipped it up. I walked downstairs and saw my dad and Max laughing their asses off. Since when did dad warm up to him? I shook my head at their behavior.
Max looked up when he noticed me descending the stairs and his eyes swarmed over my body, taking in my appearance. He smirked as if he was satisfied. I felt self-conscious again but I can't help myself from blushing at the look on his face.
What the hell Shelly? Compose yourself.
I tried my level best to compose myself and looked straight ahead, acting normal. I smiled warmly at him, acting good in front of my parents but be ready Max Jackson, once we leave the house *evil laugh* you will be running away from me.
"Shall we go?", Max asked and shook hands with my father.
I nodded and followed him out.
"Bye guys", I screamed from outside before closing the door and adjusted my dress well.
"Bye princess", I heard dad.
"Bye and have fun", mom yelled back and I chuckled.
Sure mom, this is what I was thinking. Shopping with me is going to be the worst decision in your life, Max. You should have thought twice before agreeing to this.
"So, are you ready for our date?", Max asked and raised one of his eyebrows at me once we were settled in his car.
"Are you crazy? Who do you think you are? We are only going shopping and that's all", I said and glared at him. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms over my chest. I looked outside the window completely avoiding him and his conceited arrogant ass.
But that did not last for long as Max started the car and reversed the car out of the driveway harshly. I was thrown against the door and then at Max. If there wasn't a seat belt attached to me, I swear I would have been dead by now. Soon we were on the road and he continued driving over the speed limit, keeping a death grab on the steering wheel.
His knuckles turned white and he looked furious. His face was solid hard and his eyes narrowed straight ahead. Damn! I think I should not have done that. I should not have screamed at him like that. I'm such a dumb ass sometimes. Maybe, he was just trying to lighten up the atmosphere or maybe, he was just joking but it's too late now. Of course not. It's never too late. I have to stop him. Yeah, right as that would be as easy as it sounds.
"Max, stop it, you are scaring me, please, Max", but he did not even glance at me.
"Max, stop!", I grabbed his right arm begging him to stop. I was screaming at this point but he was acting like a deaf person. Oh shit! What should I do? I started panicking and with the car flying down the road, I couldn't think straight.
"Please, Max, stop now. Stop the car!", I screamed and cried at the same time. What is wrong with him? I began sobbing uncontrollably. I am gonna die. I am gonna die. I am gonna die. I kept chanting this in my head. Tell my parents that I love them. Tell Rey that am gonna miss her and tell Liam that I love him too.
I jerked forward when the car went still abruptly. I screamed again and lifted my hands to protect myself, shielding my face.
Silence. Complete and utter silence. Is this how death feels like? Am I in heaven? I heard a smack and I hissed in pain. Why am I being beaten? Oh no please! I can't be in hell. I did nothing wrong. I am too innocent and too good to be in hell. I should be in heaven.
I heard a smack again and felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and yelped in fright when I saw Max looking at me with wide opened eyes. He was too closed for my liking. He was leaning over me.
Am I alive? Oh I am alive! Thanks God, I am alive. I couldn't look at Max. He was only an inch away. If he moved, his lips would be touching mine. I looked around and saw that Max stopped the car in the middle of the road but the road was deserted.
I took a long breath when I felt Max thumping my tears on my face gently. I looked up and met his eyes. He was looking at me worriedly. Is my eyes betraying me? What the hell? Max looks so concerned for a moment there. I gulped hard.
"Are you okay?", he softly asked and I nodded at him, too shock to talk after taking in his not so subtle actions. He huffed out a sigh of relief.
That did not last long as Max eyes widened even more with recognition when he noticed his actions. He narrowed his eyes at me and I glared at him. Was he bipolar or what? His moods keep swinging more than a pregnant woman.
Wait! Did he slapped me? That smack? He slapped me.
"Did you slap me?", I questioned him but he kept quiet and sat back on his seat.
"Answer me", I said through gritted teeth and grabbed his left arm to make him look at me. And that sure got a reaction from him. His head whipped towards me. His face hardened with his cheek bones visible as he ran his right hand through his hair multiple times. Great! I have awakened the monster again.
He raised his left hand and I flinched. He is going to slap me again. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited but got nothing.
"God dang it, Shelly! Look at me", when my eyes remained closed, he touched my chin. At his touch, I quickly glanced at him and he kept his eyes on me.
"I am sorry. I panicked when you screamed. I thought something happened and I'm sorry for what I did in the morning", he apologized and looked down, his arms dropping down and then he turned away. He started the car again and drove at a constant speed.
I was still in a shock. Did Max Jackson just apologize to me? Has he even said sorry before? The word sounded foreign on his lips.
I was brought back from my thought when Max opened the car door for me, waiting for me to get out. Have we reach the shopping mall? I looked around and saw that Max has parked the car near the front of the parking lot.
He was waiting patiently for me. I grabbed my purse and unclasped the seat belt to get out. He closed the door once I was outside and locked his car. I smiled in content when I looked around.
"Come. Let's go", Max said and walked inside. I followed him quietly. We soon stopped in front of Friends ( I invented a name ), the big library with all types of stationery and book stories and variety of pens. This place is my paradise.
I smiled widely at Max and then rushed inside. The small scene in the car long forgotten now that I am here, enjoying the smell of new books. Call me a freak but this is how I am. I love it here. My most favorite place in the whole world, is a library.
I need a new backpack, new notebooks, some of those little purple felt-tip pens and some new story books, I thought. I checked my mobile and saw that it was still three o'clock. Thank you mom for forcing me to tag along with Max. Thinking of him, I looked back but he was nowhere in sight. God! Don't tell me I have to go searching for him now.
Oh it's gonna be a long day.