Chapter Four
It was morning always the sun was shining sitting on the bed the girl turned to see her father sleeping sounding, standing up she went to the window to look through it just like her Nana thought her to do every morning, opening the blinds she peep through it looking at the sky she closed her eyes and said her morning prayers.
After she was done she turned back to see her dad was still fast asleep so she decided to enough the view of the busy streets before he wakes up, looking down at the street again smiling as she saw a woman dragging a young boy in his uniform probably to school she thought, while others were rushing to get to their various destination she smiled.
But the smile immediately disappeared when she saw a man cross the road opposite their building looking at her intensively, when he noticed she was looking at him he smiled creepily at her waving.
Awkwardly she waved back at and immediately his eyes lit up and he gestured for her to come showing her some bars of chocolate, probably asking her to come and take it, with a smile she shook her to show she was not interested and mouthed thank as hard as could so the man would see.
Seeing that the girl was not willing to come, made him angry and his face held a grown as he directed a very dangerous glare towards the little girl's way.
Seeing that she got scared closing the curtains she ran back to bed jumping on her father thereby waking him up.
Getting up Damien saw his daughter coiled up against trying her best to get as close to him as she could, patting her hair and kissing her good morning smile.
Looking up at her father the little girl told him about the strange man looking at her father's face whose expression changed the more she kept going on about what just happened.
Standing Damien marched toward the window opening the curtains to see if there was any man crossing the road looking at them after using his eyes to search for some minutes.
When he couldn't find anyone suspicious he called his daughter to the window , holding her tightly he asked her to point out the guy secretly.
The girl looked at the street again searching for the man then looking back at her father she shakes her head saying he left.
Closing the windows Damien released his daughter, patted her on the head and told her how proud he is that she did not go out to meet him. Sitting on the couch he put his daughter on his lap educating her about the dangers of men like that.
After their talked he gave her a bath then dressed her up then gave her some snacks from the bag to eat, turning on the small television at was the other side of the room he sat down beside his daughter with his own snacks in his hands thinking of a plan to get him and the little girl out of her, the address and car were both out since it seems like they were a trap since they were being trapped, trying to crack his brains for ideas he stopped and looked at the television it had an advertisement of a big hostel in Miami it was one of the many hostel they planned on visiting when they were still together, clearing his head he focused back on trying to get a plan.
After hours of thinking he finally got what to do looking at his daughter he saw her fast asleep, getting their things ready he woke her up saying it was time for them to leave.
Checking out of their room he went towards his car only to find an old man looking at it with interest, looking up at him the old man asked if it was his he replied yes why, well I just like it, it's portable and look comfortable you know, you got a fine car.
Nodding his head looking at his daughter holding her hands tightly suddenly an idea popped into his head turning to look at the old man he offered to sell the car to him looking at the young man suspiciously he asked him to follow him back to the motel.
After explaining some stuff to the old man of course partly lying to him the man decided to buy the car since he wanted to help and was also interested in it anyway he asked him to follow him into his office in motel surprised Damien looked at the him the man turned and said yes I own this building nodding his head went with to finalize everything.
Walking out of the bank with a smile on his face again he was happy he had hope again taking his daughter he hailed a cab telling him to take them to the train station.
Daddy are we leaving again nodding hai head he answered yes kissing her head, getting there he booked tickets for them to safest place his mind could think of right now, getting on the train with a smile on his face he was happy to be given the chance to start his life over again with his daughter in a quiet place looking down at her he smiled at her as she was playing with her fingers a habit of hers that she does whenever she bored.
Looking at his daughter brought back memories of his first love and everything they being through all the promises they made to each other, all the sweet words they said to each other and most importantly all the places they wanted to go to together it was sad how it ended but at least he was given a chance to start a fresh it was new beginning for him and his child looking through the window he prayed to God make this new chapter one filled with love and happiness.