Anisa's POV:
Groaning, I walk to the class in which I was supposed to stay for two hours. Two hours, you ask? Because, the stupid teacher said that I spoke up to him that's why. But luckily, he planned to give Ali two hours of detention as well.
Although, he didn't seem very sad about it when I entered the class. Instead the dumbass was looking at me with a smug smile, resting his head on his hand while his elbow was in contact with the desk. I decided to ignore his smirk and sit far away from him as possible.
The whole class was empty of course except for us three. The teacher had just entered, giving me an angry look. I am emphasizing the word "me" for a reason. It seems this teacher loved to make enemies like me. Don't worry, you're asking for it!
I shot both of the men a disgusted glare and slammed my bag on the desk as hard as I could, showing them that I was mad. "Watch it, Malik." The teacher warned. "So sorry if that disturbed you, Mr. Johnson." I apologised, my voice dripping with sarcasm. He glared at me and I just gave him an innocent look as if I meant no harm.
Hell no, teacher! I mean harm and that too very dangerously!!
Folding my arms, I sat down on the chair, sulking. Worst day ever! And now, I am surrounded with the people whom I hate most at school. Believe it or not, Mr. Johnson hated me for god knows why. I guess it was because, in grade 8, he was my science teacher and I LOVED to disturb his class whenever I had the chance.
Mr. Johnson got up and walked out of the room, not before warning both of us to behave or else our detention would be doubled and as usual, he actually meant me.
Gee, I really enjoyed his attention.
That was sarcasm, by the way.
After he walked out, it felt as if Ali would open his mouth right abou_ "Enjoying, huh?" And I was right. The pest did start talking to me. "Totally, I am having soo much fun here." I replied, annoyed. He laughed. "Me too. Probably because I finally got you in detention." He said. I rolled my eyes and fake smiled at him, making it obvious that I was not in the mood.
"Why are you so grumpy? Relax and enjoy life." He told me, leaning back on his chair. It felt as if he would fall any moment now. Guess he was right. I was feeling quite cranky since morning. Normally, I would try to make a fool out of him.
I took a deep breath. "Umm, detention is not a thing to enjoy exactly." I reminded him. He shrugged. "I love it." He told me. I rolled my eyes. Suddenly, I remembered what he did to me in the morning.
"I really really despise you, Ali Hassan." I stated, getting angry all over again. He was a bit startled by my sudden change of behavior. Well, Mister! Don't think I don't keep grudges. I will probably remember this for life.
As if on cue, a sneeze left my mouth. And another. I had suddenly started to feel cold.
"What happened, Anisa? Why did you get so angry all of a sudden?" He asked, smirking. "So, you do know my name." I mumbled under my breath. And he seemed to have heard it. "Of course, I have been by your side for years." He said. I rolled my eyes.
Another sneeze made it's way.
"Yeah by my side, bullying me." I said, wiping my nose with a napkin. Allah! I guess I have catched a cold. "What happened? You seem to be sneezing a lot." He asked, worried. He was really worried? What?! This was new!
"I have been having these sneezes since you practically poured a bucket of freezing water over me, brat!" I said, after sneezing. Then, coughing started. Ali Hassan! This cold can get serious! How did you NOT think that I would be so sick before playing that stupid prank on me?!
He looked a little guilty which looked weird on him, since I had never seen that look on his face. He opened his backpack and took out a pill. He also pulled his water bottle from the side of his bag and handed both of them to me.
"Here. Have some Panadol. You might feel much better." He told me. I gladly accepted it. Maybe he was guilty...
The next day at school...
My whole perspective of Ali changed overnight. Maybe he wasn't such a brat after all. I mean he does bully me but, not anything serious. Pouring water over me was a first. He usually just tries to trip me, but I already have experience. I don't fall.
The day seemed to go by quickly. I was barely on time today, so I didn't get to face Ali in the morning. I mean it's not like I was disappointed or anything. I just didn't hate him after the good deed he did yesterday. I took my tray of food and sat down on a free table. I didn't have friends but it was more fun that way.
No need for anyone to know about me more than needed to.
Yeah I am pretty rich and all but I don't like taking help from my money. Of course, people would try to be friends with me when they get to know that I am rich. I like to keep to myself. Not opening up to anyone was my way of life. If anyone had to know about my family, it would be my future husband.
And besides, if anyone knew the truth about my family, people would start getting scared from me. They probably won't have the guts to come near me. Thinking, that I was like my father. But, no. I am far from my father. He is the total opposite of me.
Reserved, quiet, serious all of the time and patient. Though, when you test his limits, the outcome would be something terrifying. And I am not even exaggerating. Father is capable of anything, which is why I never dare to disobey him. Mom had already made a mistake of disobeying him, which cost her more than anything she had ever imagined.
Huh! And he said he loved her.
Just then, I felt slimy ketchup and mustard dripping from my head. I realized what had happened and snapped back to reality. Ali was in front of me, an empty plate in his hand which had ketchup and mustard all over it. He was laughing and so was everyone else.
My eyes widened in anger. All that changing of perspective about him in the morning, I take it all back. I stood up in anger. "I swear, Ali Hassan!!" I shouted at him. "You'll pay!!" I growled before giving him a hard slap across the face to which everyone got quiet.
With a final glare at him, I walked out of the cafeteria saying. "This wasn't a joke to me. I'll make sure you pay, big time." A smirk also plastered on my face. He was shocked at my sudden explosion.
Maybe I had overreacted. Maybe I shouldn't have slapped him so hard. How did I loose my cool so easily today? I never explode, that thing was for sure. I feel a bit guilty now. But my actions proved it. I really was my father's daughter.
I really was like him. Ya Allah, I am sorry. I guess I should apologize to him after school. I shouldn't have hurt him physically. But then I remembered all those times he had tripped me on purpose. Guess that he deserved it.
I hope so.