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Chapter 11 Waiting for You to Beg Me

"Juelz, take me away. Anywhere will do. Please, save my child..."

Dorothy held Juelz's arm tightly, as if her life depended on it. She muttered those words repeatedly with tears in her eyes.


It must be Credence's child! Juelz thought.

His gaze shifted to Dorothy's abdomen, pausing at her fair and flawless skin. He was stunned momentarily before extending his arms and picked her up from the operating table. Carrying her in his arms, he comforted her in a hoarse voice, "Don't cry, Dory. I'll take you out of this place right now."


Dorothy nodded weakly and gradually closed her eyes to rest.

She had exhausted her energy from all the struggling earlier and had no more strength to utter another word. 

Knowing that Juelz was by her side made her feel secure.

She knew that no matter what happened to her, she could always rely on him.

However, she could not reciprocate his feelings for her.


"F*ck off! Anyone who stands in my way shall die!"

Several men charged toward Juelz, trying to block his way out. Juelz easily knocked them over and headed toward the door.

Seeing that things were not going well, Rosalie cried out anxiously, "Juelz, you can't! You can't take Dorothy away... She is Mrs. Scott now. Credence will come looking for you, just you wait!" 

Juelz turned around and gave Rosalie a contemptuous smile. He did not bother to talk to such a duplicitous woman.

Rosalie grew anxious when she saw that Juelz was determined to take Dorothy away. She hurriedly ran toward the door and blocked their way, only to be sent flying to the corridor by Juelz. She fell hard onto the marble slab. It hurt so much that she almost shed a tear. Then, she started sobbing, "Stop making any more mistakes, Dorothy! Credence said that as long as you get rid of the child and cut ties with Juelz, he will forgive you this time! Please must think about it carefully..."

"What the f*ck are you talking about? There's nothing between Dory and me. If you keep talking rubbish, I will kill you right here and now!"

Juelz's bad temper could only be restrained in front of Dorothy. As for others, they were not much different from a pile of garbage in his eyes.

Juelz's threat managed to keep Rosalie's mouth shut. At this moment, Credence stepped out of the elevator. At the sight of him, Rosalie's eyes widened in surprise. She then said pitifully, "Credence, Juelz Sherman insists on taking Dorothy away."

After studying Credence for years, Rosalie knew his character very well. Therefore, she revealed nothing in excess.

That was probably the reason why Credence did not notice her putting up a show over the years.

Or perhaps, he was so high and mighty that he disdained anyone's scheming.

Credence walked over with a cold face. When he saw Dorothy nestling in Juelz's arm, and their hands were entwined together, a hint of fury flashed across his face.

"It's been four years, and you still can't remember that she is my wife."

"Credence, it's been four years, do you even f*cking know that you are Dory's husband? If I have not arrived in time, she would have died on the operating table!"

Without even looking at Dorothy, Credence walked toward Rosalie and gently pulled her up from the ground. Watching this scene, Juelz's anger spiked. Despite still holding Dorothy in his arms, he rushed to Credence and wanted to beat him up.


Dorothy called out softly, instantly soothing Juelz's anger. She slowly opened her eyes, her gaze fell on Credence.

"Credence, are you disappointed that I didn't give my kidney to Rosalie?"

A weak smile appeared on her pale face.

Credence came closer to Dorothy and looked straight into her eyes. He curled his lips and said indifferently, "Do you think he can protect you? In less than three days, I bet you'll come begging for me to take away your kidney. I'll be waiting for you!"

His cold-blooded words were like a bucket of melted snow in the winter, splashing Dorothy from head to toe.

She dug her fingers into her palm. Tears of sadness framed her eyes.

However, Credence did not hesitate to turn around and leave, followed closely by Rosalie. A fleeting expression of victory crossed her face.  

Juelz's fierce scoldings could be heard, but Dorothy turned a deaf ear to it.

Credence's last sentence kept ringing in her ears.

There was a searing pain at the center of her chest, and it spread instantaneously throughout her body.

She realized that she was not in love with a human, but a demon!

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