I was in Paolo's car.
"So the cold doctor struck again?" he asked with a sympathetic smile.
I just released a sad quiet laugh. I wiped my eyes with the tissue he handed me
"I’m sorry," I uttered after blowing my nose. I timidly transferred my eyes at him. He was smiling and he looked more handsome.
Paolo liked Lexi . He could feel how natural her reactions and actions were which made her lovelier inside and outside.
"Women still fall for his good-looks and his snobbish aura," he said as if to himself.
My brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"
He leaned on his seat. "Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere?" he asked while he looked at me.
I just shook my head. “I have to go actually. One of our branches has some problems . Besides you seem to have a meeting with him. Sorry for disturbing you.”
He smiled at me. “No worries.”
"Doc Paolo..."
"Just call me Paolo Lexi,” he grinned.
I smiled back, "Do you and Drake go back a long way ?"
"Yup. We were classmates in college then eventually went to the same medical school but he was more ambitious so he opened a clinic in the States where his parents are living.”
I looked at him intently. "But I am sure that doesn't mean that he is better than you."
He chuckled. "I have learned to accept it. Drake is the go-getter of our group and the womanizer.”
I raised a brow with what he said then he shook his head and released a grin.
"I take that last part back. I don’t want to be unfair to him. Women can't help falling for him. Your kind are like us men too. You like challenges. Drake is reserved and mysterious which is appealing for most of you I think. But don't worry, I am not jealous besides it’s not his fault. That is his nature." He added still with a smile.
I was really surprised. This doctor had good looks and obviously money but didn’t have confidence in himself.
"You are very attractive too, a good catch," I couldn’t help saying.
I colored after that. I didn’t want him to think that I was attracted to him. I didn’t want to be embarrassed again just like what happened at Drake’s office. But I was taken aback when he gently touched my hand which was on my lap.
"You don’t need to make me feel better but thanks. I will never be like Drake. I am okay with what I am and what I have,” he said sounding sincere.
I pouted. "Now I realized that you are way much better than him. Let’s stop talking about that condescending doctor anyway I am alright now,” I let out a light laugh.
"Wow! You do recover quickly don’t you?" he joked after he removed his hand on top of mine.
I laughed lightly though I was still hurting inside. "I have to forget about him. That friend of yours is an expert in breaking someone’s heart and ego. He said I am not his type. I guess he is right. I mean look at me. He is way out of my league. He is a well-known doctor after all, “ I uttered with a sigh. The truth hurt but it is what it is.
Paolo shifted from his seat to look at me closely.
"What do you mean that he is way out of your league? Did he say that to you?" he asked while frowning.
"Forget it. It's nothing." I sighed.
"No I can't forget what you said. There is nothing wrong with you Lexi. You are very lovely and you are not pretentious. If he couldn't see your good qualities, he better see an eye doctor or have his head examined."
I was speechless. This doctor was really something else. I didn’t feel giddy with what he said though I was gratified. I wished that he was Drake instead so I could transfer the desire I had to him. At least Paolo appreciated me.
He leaned a little forward. "Any man will want you to be his woman Lexi don't take what Drake said seriously. Maybe he said some things because he is still fighting his own demons. Just remember that you are more than good enough for anyone. Never try to change yourself for any man. If you want to change, do it for yourself," he advised.
My eyes narrowed when Paolo came in.
"Where did you go?" I asked while I had a brooding expression.
"Sorry if I am late. I had some important matters to deal with."
"What matters?" I questioned him and I sounded a little irritated.
"Nothing that concerns you Dr. Quintero, " he replied dryly.
My expression became grimmer. "So you know Alexandra?”
He raised one brow as he sat on the chair opposite my table. "Oh you mean Lexi?"
I nodded with a wooden face while he laughed quietly.
"Yup. I do know her. Now let's go on with the meeting."
I almost gritted my teeth. He was deliberately trying to avoid giving more detailed information. I had the sudden desire to drag him by the collar to make him talk more but of course I won't do that. I cursed inside my head.
After a few days I went to Ola's beauty salon and told them about what happened between me and Drake and how I met Paolo.
"Wow Lexi! I think that he likes you!!" Ivy commented excitedly.
"Well Dr. Paolo is heaven sent if I may say so! I just hope that you will forget that Dr. Drake!! You were so besotted with him that you even did things which you don't normally do for a man! It's just so sad that you had to wait for him to tell you on your face that he isn't interested in you before you stop doing such desperate moves!" Ola rolled eyes.
I nipped my lower lip as I remembered how Paolo treated me nicely and made me feel better after being down in the dumps because of Drake. I said yes to his invite to go with him to his friend's birthday which was tonight. I liked being in his company because I felt like an appreciated female when I was with him.
"Just make me beautiful tonight Ola. I want to be a perfect match to Dr. Paolo. I realized a lot of things after we talked. This time I want to change for myself and not for any male. And from now on, I would act and talk appropriately in social gatherings. Anyway I am a manager. Respect is gained not asked."
Both of them squealed in unison.
"I like that Dr. Paolo a lot! He changed you! I just love this! Introduce him to us very soon!" Ivy said giddily.
I just smiled. Paolo was hot looking too but I couldn't dictate my heart. However bad Drake had treated me, I still liked him a lot. But I promised myself that I would control my lustful thoughts about him. I would not force myself to him. I won't expect anything from him anymore to prevent myself from more pain.
(At the party)
"Baby I think you’re drinking too much,” Rhian told Drake.
Rhian’s family was closed to Drake’s. Since they were young, he had considered her to be his younger sister. She was 24 and he was already 32 now. Lately, Drake noticed that the woman had been acting differently. He didn’t want to think that she would want to have a romantic relationship with him. She had become possessive which he didn’t like at all. He even reprimanded her for kissing him in front of Lexi last time but she just smiled and shrugged shoulders. He told her he didn’t want any repeat of it.
"I'm fine Rhian. Why not go to Hazel? I think you know the other ladies with her so why not have a chat with them?" he suggested.
Hazel was Rocco's younger sister. It was Rocco who was celebrating his birthday. They were batchmates but Rocco didn’t pursue being a doctor. He ventured into medical supplies business instead.
Rhian pouted then left sulkily. Drake shook his head but felt relieved. He then saw Rocco with Jay walking towards him.
"Yo wazzup Drakey!!" Jay did a fist pump with him.
“We are honoured to have you Dr. Elusive! Thank you for making time to come to my party!” Rocco joked.
Drake chuckled as he greeted him a happy birthday.
“You have become almost unreachable now Drakey! A very successful, rich as f*ck and hot as hell doctor!” Jay teased.
“F*ck off Jay!” he said with a wide grin.
The other two laughed as he got a bottle of beer on the counter behind them.
"Hey guys!! Look who's coming!" Rocco announced.
"Oh dang! Who’s that with him?” It was Jay who asked.
With furrowed brows, Drake turned his head to where they were looking.
"Did you just curse Drakey?" asked Jay who looked puzzled as he threw him a glance.
"Excuse me! I'll go get some food," he told the two and walked away.
He felt he needed to go somewhere. He didn’t like seeing Lexi arriving with Paolo. She looked very pretty. Paolo’s left hand was on her back.
I pasted a sweet smile on my face as Paolo escorted me. The party was held in Rocco’s garden although some guests were inside the house. Paolo said we would come inside later since the food was in the garden. There were a lot of tables and chairs outside. His friends greeted us. I didn’t expect that they were cool like him. I was really having fun chatting with them though they were eight years older than me. The four of them including the short-tempered Drake were classmates. An eight-year gap between me and that prickly doctor was actually nice.
Lexi stop it! Have you forgotten that you are not his kind of woman?- I reminded myself.
I did try my best to not be affected when he acted as if he hadn’t seen me and Paolo when we arrived. I felt like we had the plague when he immediately left when their friends waved at us.
I might have an odd expression on my face with my thoughts because all of a sudden Paolo whispered in my ear, "Are you okay?”
I just nodded and gave him a small smile.
"Wow dude! As we all can see, some doctors are actually sweet and thoughtful unlike the other one who is so grumpy!" Jay joked as he and Rocco did a fist pump.
Paolo and I just shook our heads. He chuckled while I smiled broader.
“Could you tell me where the powder room is?" I suddenly asked Rocco.
"Sure! Just go straight then you’ll see a corridor on the left, the powder room is there.”
"Thanks. Please excuse me guys. I won’t be a minute.” I rose from my seat.
"Would you like me to go with you?" asked Paolo.
Everyone teased us and they were all smiles as their eyes were on us.
Grinning, I said before going," Thank you but you don’t have to. I won’t be long."
The inside of the house was empty. I hurriedly walked to the direction Rocco told me. I almost screamed when someone grabbed my left arm.
"D-Drake? What are you doing?” I asked in a shrill voice when he started to drag me with him .
He ignored my question. We were walking to the direction of the stairs.
"Where are you taking me?"
I couldn’t do much but to just ascend the stairs since I was afraid I would fall in my high heels if I fidgeted too much.
"Drake let me go!” I demanded.
At the middle of the stairs, he stopped moving to turn to me for a second. His face was grim.
"SHUT UP!" he ordered through gritted teeth before he began to pull me up the stairs with him once again.
He opened the door which was located right after the last step. He dragged me inside.
"Wait!?" I complained. My eyes widened when I saw that we were in a bedroom. "Why are we here?"
He didn’t answer instead, he pulled me by the nape then kissed me on the mouth.