Monday morning, Eric is down in the mouth to his life. Later on, his mother will be burry in the cemetery. Present time, he has tried to ask the moon and sun; his mother’s eye will be open, yet his adored mother keeps on sleeping to her eyes. Present moment, he is eating his heart out to. In spite of this, Alvin and Sunshine are placing their confidant to be in the sun.
As the eventide has disappeared in the sky. Now, they are now burying the dead body of Mezlan. To this, Eric knocks on the wood to enter inside the coffin, yet Sunshine keeps on pulling on him. Indeed, she makes him to shot to her shoulder.
On the other hand, Jericho is going to the old house; to see his son who is inside the cage. Unfortunately, his son has gone already inside the cage. To this, he is getting up an arm to his wife. Moving forward, he has sighted in the mirror, yet he couldn’t see the person who has saved to his son. In a flash, he has sent his message via twitter. It says,
Hello my son,
Where are you now?
You know, I do really miss on you.
If you have a time, you can go back to the Tresco island.
After he has sent this message. Now, he makes up his mind to go back to the mirror under the counter room. Unfortunately, his mirror has gone under the drawer. To this, he can’t pin point to his wife, since his wife had already taken his vacation in the Wells city 3 months ago. After a couple of minutes, he comes out from the secret room, yet he couldn’t see anything.
In the evening, Eric does not take his sleep on the bed. What he has crossed to his mind, the presence of his mother. After a couple of minutes, he has heard a voice outside the house. In just a minute, he goes out to the outside, however he did not find his adored mother. As he has turned his head to the left side. Out of the blue, he has seen a lot blood on the floor. To this, he is shaking like a leaf to his life.
On the other hand, Syrah is bouncing off the walls to visit her sweetheart in the apartment. Sadly, her sweetheart has already gone. To this, she makes her life down in the earth. Any minute now, she has called him over the phone, yet her sweetheart’s phone is still ringing. Moving forward, she has sent a message over the phone.
Dear sweetheart,
I would like to let you know, I am already pregnant.
You know, I am down in the mouth as I’ve known, you had already left in the town.
Please, be back in the town. Otherwise, I’ll take a suicide sometime.
After she has sent this message to him. At this time, she is asking the moon; to see her heavenly sweetheart even in just a minute.
At this night, Eric has dreamt,
“Shyrah is already in the Tresco island who waits on his presence. Moving forward, she will take a suicide if, Eric will not go there.”
In a flash, Eric wakes up directly. Now, he makes his mind to go the Tresco island, yet the rain is still falling on the ground. So, he takes his time; to talk his mother in the air.
After a few minutes, Eric is going to the Tresco island; to meet his sparkle sweetheart. At the same time, Glory is already here; to find the guy whom she has dreamt earlier, since Alvin (her sweetheart) had already left in the town within 5 years. After a couple of minutes, she couldn’t pull it down to her life. Moving up, she makes up her mind to leave this island. But there is a shining star which has centered to her.
At this time, Eric is already in the Tresco island. Here, he has seen using his bright eyes to the woman who makes bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to approach her. Present moment, he losses my train of thought to his sweetheart.
Beside the island, there is a rocky stone. Now, Shyrah sits this rocky stone while she is looking to the shin
ng star. In just a few minutes, the cool wind has passed over her. To this, her skin looks into freeze. As she has turned to the right side. Eyes on the stalks, the guy is at the back of her. Now, he says
Hello my angel,
You know, I’m getting warm earlier.
When I’ve beside you. Amazingly, my heart keeps on beating on you due to the coldness of your presence.
Glory replies him,
By the way, I’m here to wait to the guy in my dreams. Probably, you are the reason why I am sitting in this rocky stone.
I would not wait until the sun may fall on the ground. Now, you are the king of my heart.
Eric replies him,
Oh sureness!
You are now also my queen’s heart.
As the sunup has back to the square to fall on the ground. Both of them have left this island gladly even the billions of stars can’t pay on their feelings.
Late in the morning, Alvin has seen the message of his father. To this, he is getting up an arm to him. Moving forward, he has opened his Instagram, yet he sees the post of his confidant together with his darling woman. To this, he is getting green with envy
It’s already 10:00 o clock in the evening. Now, he sends his message to her. It states,
“Hello Glory, my sweetheart
I am gladly to inform you, I have already come back in the town.
Later, I will meet you in the Tresco island. “
At the same time, Eric makes up his mind to submit his wedding proposal to this woman in the Tresco island.
Now, Glory reads the message from Alvin, her first sweetheart. To this, she is having a chicken and eggs situation. After a couple of minutes, she makes up his mind to meet this guy, since Eric had met her last night.
In the Tresco island, Alvin is already waiting to his darling. As he has gone to the rocky stone. Glady, Glory stays beside the small tree. In a flash, he says,
It’s been ten years, we did not meet each other. Now, I am lighting at the end of the tunnel to give my wedding proposal on you.
Will you accept it?
Glory says,
Sureness, I’ll accept it for you.
Alvin further says,
You know, I am over the phone today.
Just look at the stars and moon are the witness on my proposal.
At this moment, Eric keeps on beating his heart, as he has arrived to this island. He knocks his heart to go home, yet he wants to wait his sweetheart inside this island. As he is closely in the rocky stone. Unfortunately, his friend and Glory are embracing closely. To this, his heart breaks suddenly to the stone. Moving forward, he faces the music on them.
Hey, what is this Glory?
Why did you do this one to me?
Glory says,
I am so sorry, my first sweetheart has already given his wedding proposal on me.
To this, Eric cries out to his eyes. Moving forward, he says to his finest friend.
Have you slipped your mind back?
You know, I was the one who had saved inside the cage before.
At the end, you have stitched my heart.
To his message, Alvin cries out to his eyes, yet he would need to prove his heart even if, his finest confidant will get hot under the collar on him.
As Eric leaves in the island. Both of them have made up to their mind; to go back in the town. Going forward, the guy will meet his sweetheart in the church for their wedding ceremony after a couple of days.
Will Eric stop to find his real forthcoming sweetheart?