chapter 1
I chose not to leave my room for a week because of what I found out. I'm no longer surprised by the ability of my powers, I'm more surprised about half of my being.
I was almost afraid of myself when I remembered again the treachery I had committed, I had killed my own kind for a wolf. I killed a vampire to save a wolf.
I didn't understand myself anymore when I saw the wolf man's body splattered because of the vampire woman. I felt all my blood boil in my body and everything flared up with anger when I saw the wolf hurt. No one can ever hurt him.
I almost cursed myself at the last word that came out of my mind.
I admit to myself that there is a big part of my personality that can't bear to see the wolf I saw hurt.
I am not dumb, I am not a stupid and ignorant princess. I know the wolf I saw, I know him with my eyes, fangs, heart and soul. The man with the muscular body that messed up my system was the man meant for me.
But a very big question, why is he a wolf? why let a princess like me experience a complicated situation like this?
I've been asking all week, I've been doing nothing but asking why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
no matter how many times I try to forget, no matter how many times I try to stamp in my mind that we can never be together, I can't dictate every part of my being, more than my heart.
He's mine and I am his. but even if we try to emphasize our feelings for each other, I know that our different worlds will only separate us.
I dreamed of having and experiencing love like my queen mother and king father. I admired their love and longed for it since I was young. But it seems very unlikely to happen.
Why among the many vampire princes in this world was one wolf assigned to me? why am I a princess that everyone looks up to given a partner who is the mortal that our race hates?
Better, our paths never cross again.
I couldn't stop combing my long hair as I stared blankly at my reflection in the mirror. I am very thankful that my brothers and sisters believed in me that I had an illness and needed a few weeks of rest.
I stopped combing when I saw my brother Caleb smiling in the mirror reflection.
"What are you doing here?" I was devastated when he gave me a red rose.
"Is this how a prince visiting a sick princess should be greeted?" I didn't accept the rose he was handing and I continued combing my hair.
"You're sick, Lily. Why don't you just rest?" I could no longer flinch when Caleb picked me up and put me down on the bed.
"I'm still combing my hair! You're such a care-taker, Caleb!" He just grinned at me before he quickly picked up the comb and got on the bed.
"I'm going to comb your hair, dear princess.." I let him do what he wanted and he started to comb my hair.
"The dear princess is not sick, is she? Has her majesty fought with you again?" Caleb softly whispered to me while combing my hair. I was just exhausted when someone suddenly weighed down my lap, I saw the smiling faces of Evan and Finn here. They are already lying on my bed while making my lap a pillow.
"What are you three doing in my room?" I don't know how hard I've been.
"Visiting one of the best vampires in Parsua Sartorias" Finn answered quickly. He took my hand and put it on his head.
"Touch my hair Lily, we missed you. Did your majesty fight with you again?" I just held my breath.
I started stroking Evan and Finn's hair like a child. The four of us are always like this and it looks like I haven't seen them for a week and they are restless. Caleb stayed behind me while combing my long hair.
who would have thought that the princes of Sartorias were this kind of tender?
"I reminded you of the embargo monsters that were just born, they are like this in their hen." Finn and Evan winced at the same time I said.
the embargo is a monstrous monster imprisoned beneath our palace.
"What the fuck?" Caleb said laughing. Evan got up and slowly held my long hair and smelled it gently.
"You smell like a flower Lily.." I didn't answer him. and because Finn heard what he said Finn also touched my hair and smelled it.
"Why don't you just straighten me up? Do you want to kiss me?" I couldn't stop grinning at what I said. They are still my sweet and loving little brothers.
I quickly changed my position, I immediately kissed Caleb on his right cheek, I kissed Finn on his forehead and I kissed Evan on the side of his lips.
"I am fine, Dastan didn't fight me. I just feel really bad." I lied to the three of them who both blushed at what I did.
"Why don't you sleep with me? You three seem to be sick.." they didn't answer me but they started lying on my bed. I first leaned on the headboard of the bed and lightly patted my lap.
"Come here brothers.." they followed what I said. I started stroking their hair again.
We have been without parents for a long time, several hundred years ago our father was killed. while our mother chose to be imprisoned and mourned alone in a powerful room that no one could open. Only we eight siblings support each other.
"I don't like your aura Lily, there's something wrong with you..." Caleb said fatly. I'll just smile, they will know of course. They are my brothers, they know me.
"Is it about those marriage proposals? You want me to talk to your majesty Lily?" Evan asked me worriedly.
"He shouldn't have forced you.." Finn said emphatically.
"No, it's okay. Dastan doesn't force me, when I say that I don't like the prince he introduces, he doesn't force me anymore." I explained to them.
"Don't get married Lily, just be with us. you can marry one of us, isn't that right?" I laughed at what Caleb said.
"I'll marry you Lily.." Evan said quickly.
"Me too.." Finn said quickly.
"That's incest, you know there is no such thing in our family." I said laughing.
"But I don't want you to be with another Prince, Lily. The one you marry will bite you." here I completely laughed at what Caleb said.
"Caleb! Ofcourse, biting each other is part of vampire life. What do you think we're going to do? Stare at each other?" Caleb just sneered at me.
"No one deserves our Lily Esmeralda, even I will reject the princes that Dastan introduces you to." I raised my eyebrows at what Evan said.
"Don't tell me you're spying on them Evan?" I asked him.
"I was just threatening a bit.." I winced at what Evan said. i'm not sure about that 'somewhat'
"Just don't get married Lily.." Finn said again. If any other vampires saw these three, they would probably be full of news to all of Parsua. These three princes are very different when we are outside my room.
"I don't know if I'll ever get married.." I was stunned by what I said and when I looked at my three brothers, they just stared at me.
"Have you found your mate Lily?" I just stared at Evan's serious question to me.
"What? How? My mate?" I almost stuttered to answer him.
"Have you found him? What kingdom is he in?" Caleb asked me quickly.
"No, I haven't found him yet." I answered emphatically. Caleb and Finn easily believed me but Evan was still staring at me as if he didn't believe my answer. I immediately pinched his nose which made him frown.
"Lily!" I just laughed at him. And again I continued stroking their hair.
"Now sleep, maybe you will even get me married first. and as soon as that happens, don't forget me even though the three of you already love each other, understand? I will definitely pull the hair of your girls. I will be the evil sister in law." the three handsome princes grinned at me at the same time.
"Why would I? you're my first love Lily." Caleb winked at me.
"You are my standards.." Evan said sparingly.
"When they fights you Lily, I'll kick them out of the palace." I just shook my head at Finn's words.
"Keep your promise brothers. I can't forget, now sleep.." I kissed them one by one on their foreheads. The smile almost widened when they closed their eyes.
"Do you want to bite first before going to bed?" when I said this, my brothers' eyes turned red at the same time.
I wasn't surprised when I saw myself lying in bed. Evan and Caleb were currently parting my long hair, while I could feel Finn's teeth on my cunt.
Caleb and Evan kissed my neck at the same time, even Finn on my wrist before they bit their fangs into me. Fangs of my little brothers...
They spoke in my mind at the same time.
'I love you Sister..'