-=Ram's Point of View=-
Shouldn't I have given up by now? But that didn't happen, especially since I couldn't help but look for her every time I passed by, even though her pimp told me she probably went back to her province, wherever that was.
I was looking forward to seeing her again, and maybe she'd return to that place because she needed money again.
When I remembered that I was her first, I couldn't explain the warm feeling inside me, and I was really hoping to find her first, in case she needed money.
"She's mine," I thought to myself when I decided I wouldn't let any men touch her.
I woke up that morning, feeling a bit under the weather. Who would be exhausted if you tried searching almost every night in that same place?
It has been two weeks since the pimp I talked to told me that the woman I slept with probably returned to her home province.
"What was her name again? Jocelyn... right, her name is Jocelyn."
"Pull yourself together, Ram!" I chastised myself.
I forced myself out of bed to get ready to work. Even though I'm the boss, I rarely miss work unless it's for an important matter or maybe something to do with my dad, and in regards to the prostitute, it isn't that important that I have to miss going to work.
I was still staying at my dad's place, and I wanted to make sure that I could monitor his condition; he's the only family I have.
It was fortunate that his condition is getting better as the days go by, but I couldn't help but notice that there were times when he appeared to be in deep thought, and when I tried to ask him about it, he would just laugh at me and tell me that I was just thinking too much.
Just like today, I just came down from my room when I saw him looking outside.
There was a blank stare in his eyes, so I could tell that he wasn't looking at anything in particular.
"Good morning, dad," I said.
I noticed that he looked startled when he heard my voice, but a wide smile appeared on his lips when he looked at me.
"Good morning, son," he said, and then after that, we both went to the dining room, where our breakfast was already served.
"It seems you came home late again," I heard him say.
I was surprised when I heard that. I was pretty sure that he was already sleeping when I got home, but then again, I've been going home a lot lately, so he's bound to notice it.
"I've been busy with work," I said, without looking at him.
I didn't want him to know that a simple girl was affecting me so much; after all, I'm Romano Santiago, and it was normally ladies who had trouble attracting my attention!
"Make sure to watch over your health," he said, and after that, he remained silent as he ate his breakfast.
Looking at his face, I could tell something was really bothering him, so I decided to confront him regarding this.
"Yes, Ram?" He asked, smiling.
Even though he was smiling, I couldn't see any sparkle in his eyes.
"I need you to be honest with me; is there something bothering you?" I asked somberly.
When he heard my query, the smile on his lips vanished, and he avoided my gaze as if scared I might read the answer in his eyes.
"There's nothing wrong, just some thoughts I had, but nothing to worry about," he said, still avoiding my gaze.
I wanted to continue questioning him, but he said I had to leave for work, which was obviously his ploy to avoid the topic, making me even more worried about him.
I had no choice, but to go to my car and drive to my office.
While driving, I still couldn't shake that nagging feeling that there was really something going on with my dad, especially when I remembered how he tried to dodge answering my question.
I wanted to know what he was going through; maybe I can help him, I'm his son, for Pete's sake!
I promised myself I would force him to confess to me once I get home later, but for now, I needed to put that thought aside because I have to stay focused on work.
"Good morning, Sir Ram."
All the staff greeted me when they saw me in our building, and after acknowledging them, I went ahead and boarded my personal elevator going to the top floor of this building, where my office is.
Aside from my office, I also have a personal space there in case I need to work overnight and need to stay.
"Good morning, sir," Tricia greeted me when she saw me walking through the door.
She immediately briefed me with the schedule for today, and that includes my appointments today.
I have several meeting appointments for today, including a client meeting and a meeting with the head of the department.
"All right, got it; just send me the documents I need to sign before my meetings," I said.
After she had gone, I went to a much smaller room on the right side of the floor and turned on my computer to check for emails.
Tricia arrived a few minutes later with the documents I requested.
"Thank you, Tricia; you may leave," I said, but she didn't, so I raised my head and looked at her with a puzzled expression.
"Is there anything else?"
"The chairman of Castro Company called and asked to meet with you this afternoon," she explained.
When I heard what she said, I frowned; I knew the chairman she was referring to because he had tried numerous times to set up an appointment with me.
The Castro Company is just a small company that wants to ask our company for help, and I told Tricia to decline their request because I don't see how the company can profit from them.
"Haven't I told you before that we're not interested in working with that company?" I inquired.
"I informed Mr. Castro about it, but they insisted, and he said he would wait for you there for however long it takes," she explained.
After telling me that, she returned to her seat, leaving me frustrated. I hated it when I had already turned someone down, but they continued to bother me.
"Let him wait," I muttered cruelly, and then I started working on signing the documents.
After an hour of signing documents, I decided to stand up and stretch, which was just in time because Tricia had informed me about my first appointment for today.
I immediately drove to my first appointment, and we decided to meet at one of the five-star hotels in the area to discuss a business proposal.
Actually, there are several companies that are proposing for us to partner with them to open a first-class island resort, probably somewhere in Palawan.
I was really interested in it, considering that our line of businesses is mostly freight and shipping.
I didn't waste any time discussing his proposal because I had two more appointments that day.
The presentation took less than an hour, and after I said that we would study the proposal, I immediately left and headed to my next appointment.
When all of my meetings ended for the day around four o'clock in the afternoon, I returned to the office and caught up with Tricia, who was still busy working.
I was about to take a seat when my office door unexpectedly opened, and I was taken back when I saw who my visitor was.
"What are you doing here?" I asked emotionlessly.
I noticed the hurt that registered on her face, but I ignored it.
"Can we talk, please?" She asked, her voice hesitating when she saw the expression on my face.
"I didn't see the point in talking to you again, Janine; you've already made your decision, and nothing could be clearer than that," I explained.
"No, Ram, you haven't heard everything I wanted to say, so please..." she begged, but she was cut off when the door unexpectedly opened and Tricia's head appeared.
"Sorry for the interruption, sir, but Mr. Castro called again," she said.
For once, I was relieved to hear that name because it provided me with an excuse not to listen to whatever Janine had to say.
"I'm sorry, but I have a meeting and I need to leave," I said, and before she could respond, I grabbed my keys and left.
Strange, but Janine hasn't crossed my mind in the last two weeks, despite the fact that we just broke up; my mind is preoccupied with the woman I slept with.
"The Prostitute"
As much as I appreciated the alibi, I still resented the fact that I still needed to meet the chairman of Castro Company. However, perhaps meeting him in person is for the best; perhaps if I told him personally, they would finally give up and stop bothering me.
I arrived in the restaurant at around six o'clock, and like my secretary told me, the chairman actually waited for me to arrive.
I couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or sorry for the old man because the moment he saw me, he stood up and raised his hand, as if expecting a handshake.
"Thank you for..."
I didn't let him finish because I'd already made up my mind, so I raised my hand to silence him.
"I'm going to be straight to the point, Mr. Castro. I already made a decision, and the answer is..."
When my gaze moved to the entrance door, I felt as if I had been struck by lightning and abruptly stopped speaking.
I was surprised to see the woman who walked right through the door; she was very different from the first time I saw her that night.
I noticed the dress she was wearing, and I was pretty sure it was expensive, but honestly, whatever she wore, she never failed to amaze me.
"Mr. Santiago..."
I heard Mr. Santiago, but my main focus was on the gorgeous woman.
It perplexes me to see her here of all places because it's unlikely she can afford it, but my thought was interrupted when I noticed her arm clinging to an elderly man who was waiting for her.
My brow furrowed as I noticed her arm clinging to the older gentleman, and if I'm not mistaken, she's with Henry Cervantes, a well-known businessman not only in the Philippines but around the world, considered to be one of the richest men in the world.
"It's no wonder I didn't see her in that place," I mumbled.
I was surprised when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and then I realized that I was still with someone.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Santiago, but what were you saying?" He asked, his voice sorrowful, as if expecting rejection from me.
"My answer is yes; just send the contract to my office so I can have my lawyer check on it, and in case we want something changed, we will just contact you," I told him.
He looked so happy when he heard my answer, and he kept thanking me, but I ignored him because my attention was on the two people a few tables away from our table.
Seeing them together made me realize that the woman I was looking for might already be with someone else.
I can't help but lose hope because he is richer than me, but I will not give up, even if it means stealing her from someone like Henry Cervantes.
"I will get her by hook or by crook."