Malena POV
I reached Perez Pvt Limited and reached the reception.
Luxury was the only word that came in my mind after looking everywhere. The CEO has invested thousands of dollars in the reception only, so what about the whole company?
The receptionist looked at me boringly as she was used to people staring the reception like this.
I cleared my throat in embarrassment and told her about my interview.
She nodded and typed something in her computer, she raised her head and replied "Mr Perez will take your interview in half an hour. So you have to wait. You have to reach on 48th floor" she told me pointing to the elevator.
I headed in the elevator and reached the 48th floor. There were many other women waiting for their turn to give the interview.
I sat next to a woman who was typing something in her laptop. I could see the professionalism in their body language.
Everyone were looking serious and their outfits screamed the names of the famous brands. And here look at me. Simple and pennyless. I saw a woman came with a list in her hand.
She announced a name and told that woman to go inside the room.
After five minutes she came outside with a sad and dissapointed face. She left without even giving us a look. If she is rejected than I can't say what will happen to me. But I'm not going to give up until I don't give it a try.
After some turns my turn came and I'm fucking nervous. Oh my god.... Did I just cursed? That is so not me!
The lady cleared her throat and I straightened myself and walked up to the door.
I knocked on the door and the lady told me to enter directly.
When I entered my eyes went straight to the painting hung on the wall. It was a beautiful night view. The stars shining brightly giving company to the moon. Looks like moon isn't alone but the truth only moon knows, that how far the stars are.
Just like my life, it appears to be perfect but only I know how far that 'perfect' is in my life.
I saw the walls painted in white, and spotless,a knock on the table dragged my attention and I turned to find my nightmare sitting on the chair, wearing a three piece.
The very familiar dark chocolate brown eyes, dirty blond hairs. His eyes were on me and mine on his.
He took off his coat lazily and I saw the white shirt can't hide his muscles, it was like the muscles are gonna rip his shirt.
He came near me and whispered "you okay?"
That was the time I came out of my world. I nodded and stepped back.
No freaking way, that he can remember me. Can he?
"So, come have a seat" he said.
As expected he doesn't remember me. Disappointment surrounded me.
I took a seat and he came back to his seat. I looked at his table surrounded by files. He must be a very busy man.
"So Ms Wells, why you want to work here?" he asked,I looked at him and his eyes not moving from me.
"Um... Bec... Because" I stuttered again. His stare was killing me inside. I was never this nervous. "Because I have to pay my rent" I blurted. Sh!t I answered without even thinking.
He frowned and then chuckled. Okay, this was unexpected.
I love the way he chuckles. No wait.... No I'm not attracted to him.
"You're honest Ms Wells" he said. He stood up and took a seat next to mine.
"So I saw in your resume that you worked in Anderson. Why did you resign?" he asked.
"I was not comfortable working there" I said nervously not wanting to give details.
He nodded and I was thankful he didn't asked me the reason.
"So tell me something about you" he said.
"Huh?" Is this an interview?
"What do you like or what do you like to do in your free time?"
Is this twenty questions?
"Um... I don't have anything particular to like and I barely get any free time" I said, clueless.
He nodded. "You can go Malena" this is the first time he said my name and my heart just skipped a beat.
I stood and left.
Christian POV
Is there a single woman who will not try to seduce me and give this interview seriously?
As Lia called another name I was knowing that again I have to deal with a woman who'll just try to seduce me and show me what she got.
As I heard the door knock my eyes went to the door and there comes a woman who can be the reason of my death.
She was standing in front of me after so many years. But what caught her attention was the painting not me. I have to remove this painting.
She was so lost in the painting that I had to knock on my table to grab her attention. I'm absolutely taking that painting off the wall.
She turned to me and I saw the shock in her eyes. Now she was lost in me, now this is what I like. I took off my coat and saw her ogling at me. This is so satisfying that she is so affected by my presence.
I bent and whispered "you okay?"
She realized where she was and pretended not to know me. I was dissapointed to know that. I thought she'll hug me or something and will be happy to see me but what she did was opposite to it.
Fine if she wants to pretend then let her.
We both sat and I asked her some question. But what grabbed my attention was the reason why she left Anderson but I thought not to ask because she was uncomfortable in this topic.
I was shocked to know that she didn't have any free time.
Then I just told her to leave. I watched her leaving the room and my eyes just went to her a*s. As a guy, come on it was natural. But damn, she has a great figure.
In school I never noticed it because she always wore sweatshirt and pants but now she is a full grown up female and have curves at the right places.
But I guess what's she got inside that top of her. Whoa.... where are my thoughts going?
But thinking about this only, made me turn on.
I called Lia and told her to hire her.