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My Cheating Husband's Plea

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On my thirtieth birthday, at the insistence of my arch-nemesis, I cornered my husband and his mistress in a hotel.

RomanceEmotionUrbanTrue LoveMarriageSad love

Chapter 1

In the early morning, as the first rays of sunlight streamed through the curtains and into the room, I opened my eyes.

My husband was already gone, probably off to work. I quickly got up, freshened up, and went to the market to buy a lot of the vegetables my husband liked. I planned to make a hearty meal for him when he returned in the afternoon.

I got back home around ten o'clock. It was summer, and I was covered in sweat from the trip.

As soon as I sat down, I received a message on Whatsapp from my arch-nemesis, Lucy Bennett.

[Image.jpg Charlotte Baker, is this your outstanding and handsome husband?]

The picture showed a man embracing a woman from behind. The man was dressed casually, and the background oozed sophistication. I instantly turned pale, staring at the picture intently. After a while, I reluctantly enlarged the image.

It was undeniably the same outfit I had bought for him a few days ago. The color, style, everything was identical. Most importantly, I had placed it on his bedside table yesterday, just in case he couldn't find it.

[Where is this?]

I typed with trembling hands and sent it.

Lucy Bennett quickly called me.

"Charlotte, is this really your husband?" Lucy Bennett's voice was filled with malicious delight.

Suppressing my anger and trying to maintain a calm tone, I asked, "Where did you take this photo?"

"Oh, I knew he looked familiar when I saw him. I've seen him on your social media before." Lucy replied evasively.

Impatient, I asked, "Lucy Bennett, where was this taken?"

"Why are you so angry?" Lucy seemed annoyed with my impatience but continued, "Fine, I'll tell you since you're in such a sorry state. It was at my hotel, X Hotel. It was just a coincidence that I was filling in at the front desk today and happened to see..."

"East Guest Road? I'm coming right now. It might take me half an hour. Please keep an eye on them." I interrupted her, ignoring whether she agreed, and promptly hung up.

I grabbed my bag, changed into flip-flops, and headed out. Just as I reached the doorstep, I turned back. I washed my face, put on some makeup, and changed my clothes.

Ten minutes later, I was racing on my electric scooter towards East Guest Road.

I had been married to my husband, Andrew White, for eight years, and we'd been in a relationship for ten. We were college classmates and started dating in our sophomore year. We got married right after we graduated from our senior year. After graduation, he found a job at a trading company and worked his way up to a managerial position.

Three years into our marriage, Andrew White had a sudden stomach issue, and on his parents' advice, I quit my job to take care of him at home. He had jokingly said, "Darling, it's nice to have you at home, and I'll work harder to support you. That way, you won't have to toil so much."

So, since then, I became a full-time homemaker. Although Andrew White earned quite a bit, and both of our families were well-off, we didn't have any financial burdens. However, after we bought a house on loan the year we got married, we went through a period of financial constraint, which made me become more frugal. I started living a minimalist life, buying fewer clothes and unnecessary items, using only basic skincare products. I wore canvas sneakers or athletic shoes most of the time and carried a purse that cost a couple of hundred dollars. Even when Andrew White wanted to buy me a car for commuting, I refused. I argued that I didn't go out much, so it would be a waste.

My only significant expense was visiting various hospitals. Because, despite being married for so many years, I still hadn't become pregnant.

Five years had passed just like that.

Today was my thirtieth birthday, and it happened to fall on a weekend. We had planned to go to the movies and explore the area nearby. But yesterday, Andrew came home and said that he had to work late due to an important client visiting the company. He couldn't take the day off. Then he sweet-talked me and promised to come home immediately after work with a big cake. I could only reluctantly nod in agreement.

As I rode my electric scooter, thinking about the picture I had just seen and reflecting on our years together, tears flowed uncontrollably, ruining my makeup. It seemed that when things went wrong, even drinking cold water could cause a toothache. So, at this moment, it wasn't surprising that my electric scooter had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere.

I stared at the completely deflated front tire, feeling utterly discouraged.

Two years ago, Andrew White had bought a small villa with a little garden in the suburbs, aiming to fulfill my joy of gardening.

Everything was great except that it was quite far from the city center, about half an hour's ride on the electric scooter. And now, the scooter had broken down in the middle of nowhere. I took out my phone to try to hail a cab. Unfortunately, there was no response from any ride-sharing apps. I had no choice but to rely on passing cars.

It was around eleven in the morning, and the scorching sun was beating down on the earth. Even though I was wearing a sun hat, I was still drenched in sweat.

Dammit, not a single car passed by.

I waved my hand desperately. Suddenly, a car came into view. I perked up and waved my hand vigorously to flag it down. The car screeched to a halt with a "screech."

I only then realized that it was a police car. I felt a bit apprehensive because I had always been a law-abiding citizen. But thinking about my broken electric scooter and Andrew White at the hotel, I bit my lip, knowing I had no other choice but to get to X Hotel as soon as possible.

The window was rolled down to reveal a young, handsome face.

I was momentarily stunned, clenched my fists, and nervously said, "My electric scooter has broken down..."

The police officer driving the car next to him furrowed his brows and said, "Miss, when your electric scooter breaks down, you should call for repairs or ask friends and family for help."

I felt embarrassed and thought that maybe what I was doing wasn't right.

So, with a red face, I said, "I can't find anyone to help me, and I can't get a taxi. Can you please give me a ride to the city center?"

His eyebrows furrowed even more. "Miss, we have duties to attend to..."

Did he mean that I was obstructing their work?

I was starting to feel like retreating. But considering the scorching sun above and the fact that twenty minutes had already passed since I'd first tried to find help, I gritted my teeth and clung to the car window, "I have an urgent matter, and I can't wait. You're the police, you have a duty to help those in need."

"Oh, are you threatening us now?" The officer chuckled at my audacity.

Blushing and with a determined expression, I continued, "Please, just give me a ride. It won't delay your work. I truly have an urgent matter, very urgent. I'll pay for the ride."

"Are you..."

"Get in." The officer driving the car was about to say more but he was interrupted by the other, the young, handsome one.

I was overjoyed and quickly opened the back door, getting inside.

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