It was Valentine’s Day and every student in the university where Zharm was attending was talking about it. It was irritating that everyone is talking about their respective relationships. She’s not interested in falling in love, anymore because of what happened to her parents.She knew that there really is no happy ending in real life.
So, instead of ruining her day listening to her classmate’s cheesy stories about their respective relationships, Zharm left the class and went to hang out on the bench under the tree while waiting for her next class.
Everything was quiet while she was sitting there, away from the annoying conversations of her classmates, until someone sat beside her.
"Scoot over," said by a familiar voice.
When she did not bother to move, Jared sat in the little space that was left and he tried to push her so that she can scoot over a little.
"What?" she asked Jared in an annoyed tone.
Jared was a Fine Arts student in that university that's why it's no surprise that she would see him inside the school's premises.
Jared was a close friend of her. Since the day his family moved to their barangay where they live, Zharm and Jared became friends. Because they were so close to each other, people assume that they are romantically involved with each other. Not even once did it bother them.
Jared had been the best friend Zharm could ever ask for. Every time she has a problem, Jared would be the one she would run to. He had been her refuge, her shoulder to cry on and her sunshine on her dark days. Jared is special to her but she doesn’t want to think differently about it. They are just friends but she’s not closing any doors about the possibility of them being together.
“What? I’m just asking you to scoot over,” he said, feigning ignorance but there is a sheepish smile on his lips.
“You could’ve sat on my left where it’s spacious,” she said, pointing to her left. “You sat where there’s a little space left and then you have the nerve to complain?!” she asked in a high tone. She knew that he’s just annoying her but really, this guy is getting to her nerves.
“Why are you so angry? Do you have a period today or something?”
“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. Jared just laughed at her.
“Why are you so angry? Maybe, no one asked you out on a date that’s why you’re angry,” he teased. She angrily looked at her. Why did he have to rub salt in the wound?!
“Why would I be mad if no one asked me out on a date. My happiness doesn’t depend on that,” she answered, pretending that everything’s fine, when the truth is, she’s jealous of everyone.
Jared just laughed at her like she was a joke to him. She felt really annoyed during that moment and it just gotten worse when a girl stood right of them.
She knew the girl. She’s her neighbor named Gail and she knows that Gail likes Jared. There had been countless times when she’d make a move with Jared, like what she’s doing now.
“Hi, Jared. Are you free tonight?” Gail smiled sweetly at Jared. Gail only had her eyes on Jared and she did not even bother to look at Zharm.
“Why do you ask?” Jared responded nonchalantly.
Zharm wanted to roll her eyes at him. It’s obvious why Gail’s asking him. Of course, Gail’s hoping to ask Jared to take her out on a date. Everybody has plans later, except her.
“I’m free tonight and if you’re also free, you can take me out on a date…” Gail smiled again. “…but only if you want to.”
"If he wants to?! You’re obviously hoping that he would," Zharm thought.
Zharm smirked and Gail finally looked at her and glared at her! She rolled her eyes at Gail then she stood up, feeling annoyed. She’s having a bad day already and now it has gotten worse. Why on earth do other people get asked out on a date but not her?! And as if the universe is mocking her, Gail really have to ask Jared out in front of Zharm.
“Thank you for the opportunity but I have to decline,” Jared said politely. Gail gasped in surprise. It’s as if she already expected that Jared would accept her offer.
“But why?”
“Because I can’t leave Zharm.” He looked at her first, then, his eyes darted back to Gail. Even Zharm was surprised by his answer.
“I can’t believe you turned down my offer, but whatever.” Gail glared at the both of them before leaving.
“Why did you turn her down?” she asked curiously.
She knows that Jared is also friends with her since they’re neighbors. She honestly thought that Jared would go with Gail. But to be clear, she doesn’t want him to go with Gail, she’s just surprised by his choice. It’s not that because Zharm is jealous of Gail but she just can’t stand seeing the two of them together. It’s irritating.
“Because you look like you need someone to talk today. You seem sad and annoyed at the same time, I thought I might keep you company.” Zharm looked at Jared.
Even if he annoys the hell out of her, she can’t deny the fact that he’s really sweet to her and she loves it when he acts like that. Even if it’s nonsense that she got mad just because she doesn’t have a date, she felt somehow relieved that there’s still someone who wants to be with her especially on Valentine’s day. He could’ve spent the day with another girl but he chose her. She felt her heart melted.
“But I’m fine on my own.”
“Really? So, you won’t mind if I change my mind and go out with Gail, instead?” he asked, studying her reaction suspiciously.
She shook her head as an answer and she tried so hard to act cool about it but she frowned when she suddenly pictured Jared laughing and having fun with Gail on their date. She can’t stand the thought. Jared laughed at her and she playfully punched him on his arm.
“You are so irritating! Don’t you have anyone to annoy aside from me?!” She glared at him. Jared draped his arm around her shoulders.
“Keep your cool. I was just messing with you.”
“That’s what you always do,” she annoyingly answered when she looked at him.
“I have to. You seem a little gloomy today and I thought, you might need some cheering up.”
“FYI, you did not cheer me up. If there’s anything you did, you made me angrier.” She forcefully removed his arm on her shoulders. Jared ended up laughing loudly.
“Fine. But maybe, this will.” He opened his bag and got a long rose out from it. He even tried to fix the petals that have been slightly ruined maybe because he tried to fit it in his bag. But to be honest, she did not expect him to give her something especially during this day. Nevertheless, something warm enveloped her heart and it made her face lit up in joy. Her heartbeat raced when he gave the rose to her and he flashed a charming smile that melted her hear.
“I hope this can make you happy. Happy Valentine’s Day, Zharm.” His gray eyes bored at her.
“Th—thank you,” she stuttered as she accepted the rose.
She doesn’t know why she felt uneasy in front of him. Maybe because she was taken aback by his sudden gentleness or maybe there’s an unnerving effect that she’s feeling, now that he intensely looked at her. How gorgeous those gray eyes could be!
“You’re welcome, Zharm.” He closed his bag and stood up. He was about to leave when he planted a kiss on her forehead, which made her heartbeat race even more. She could’ve pushed him away but for somereason, she loved how it felt. It was sweet and comforting at the same time. “I’ll fetch you after your class. I don’t want you to be alone today,” he added.
He did not wait for her response and just left. But as Zharm looked at him, she couldn’t help herself but smile. She realized why he did not wait for her answer. He knew her so well that he expected that Zharm would refuse to go with him just to annoy him. She chuckled at the thought. Then, she smelled the rose that he gave her. She smiled. It looks like she, too, can have a nice Valentine’s Day.