My Bully My Lover
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Chapter 3
I was discharged two days later, my mum didn't listen to my plea to stay at home.
She insisted that I had spent enough time away from school and needed to go the next day.
I spent the night praying for a miracle to happen but it seemed like the almighty had muted my voice.
I walked slowly than usual to school, my mum warned me not to pass the short cut ever again and dropped me by the bus stop.
I sighted Tiffany and her best friend Stacey standing by the gate.
The kept giggling at a something on her phone, as I got closer I found out that it was a video of Damien and Tiffany making out. Ewwww!
I quietly passed by them and went straight to class.
Damien wasn't at the door waiting for me as usual which was a big relief.
The class was oddly silent but I liked it that way, I took my seat and brought out a book to read.
I looked up on hearing footsteps and came eye to eye with Damien and a cute boy.
He had Hazel hair with the emrald eyes, his eyes met mine and he flashed me a smile.
The girls started murmuring and flashing him seductive looks.
Our eyes didn't leave each other and I felt like I was in a staring competition.
"Settle down people!" Damien yelled and the class became quiet again, I broke the eye contact with the boy and went back to reading my book.
"This is Freddie, he transferred from Merry land high school. Treat him well" Damien said and turned to leave.
" Where's Tammy?" He asked and I shivered in fear, the book I was holding nearly fell from my hand and I could no longer sit comfortably on the chair.
"I don't think she's here yet" Ronnie replied and I sighed in relief.
Damien nodded and left our class for his.
I stared at my life saver and she flashed me a smile.
"I could see that you didn't want to talk to him" she mouthed.
Freddie took a seat next to me to the disappointment if the other girls.
I saw a hint of a anger flash through Miley's eyes but she quickly replaced it with a smile.
"Hey" Freddie said and I turned to look at him, he looked even cuter up close.
" H-hi" I replied almost in a whisper.
"I'm Freddie, but you already know that. What's your name?" He asked with an akward smile, it seemed like he was nervous to talk to ME!
"I'm Tamara" I replied returning the warm smile he gave me.
"Are you the Tammy that he was looking for?" Freddie asked referring to Damien, " no, that's a different Tammy" I quickly denied and he nodded.
" Could you give me a tour of the school later?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah why not" I mumbled.
Tiffany walked into the class with Stacey and they bothe shot me glares on seeing Freddie with me.
Stacey walked over in the most seductive way she could and leaned over the desk.
"Hey, I'm Stacey. Wanna leave this freak and hang with me?" She asked in a really annoying voice.
" Could you please leave? I don't talk to animals" He fired loud enough for the whole class to hear.
The class burst into laughter and Stacey's face turned red, she left our seat in shame while I tried hard not to laugh.
The word that Freddie disgraced Stacey soon went round and in no time she was the talk of the school.
During lunch, I gave Freddie a tour of the school but I didn't show him Damien's beating spot as I wasn't ready to see it myself.
We had lunch together and I could feel Tiffany's glares boring holes in my skin as we ate our food.
"So, are you in a relationship?" Freddie asked causing me to choke on my food. He passed me a cup of water which I gulped down quickly.
"W-w-why do you ask?" I asked dropping the cup, "no special reason, I just want to know" he said and I smiled.
" I d...... " " She does" someone chipped in and I looked up to see Damien standing behind me.
He sat next to me and took a bite from my food.
I suddenly lost my appetite, the food felt sour in my mouth and I dropped the spoon running out of the cafeteria.
I ran to the restroom and locked myself in a cubicle.
I really do not want to see him today, why did he have to show up? He is normally at the school field practicing soccer around this time so why did he come to the cafeteria? I massaged my head and sighed.
I stood up and just as I was about to open the cubicle, someone dumped a bucket of water on me from the second cubicle.
I was drenched from head to toe, I didn't need a prophet to know that it was Tiffany and Stacey.
I heard their annoying laughter as they awaited me to come out.
I texted Miley to bring me a pair of spare clothes that I keep in my locker in case of an emergency like this and sat back on the toilet seat.
Miley came and handed the clothes to me which I wore in a jiffy.
I walked out of the cubicle and let my wet hair down.
Tiffany rolled her eyes and left, her main aim was for me to walk around the school wet and now she has failed.
I walked back to class with Miley and everyone kept looking at me.
They stared at my long deep brown hair in amazement as it bounced sideways.
Freddie was the most amazed as he couldn't keep his eyes off me, Damien walked into the class and dragged Tiffany out not after looking at me like I was a ghost that came back to life.