Anastasia POV
I was so conscious of my surrounding when I came to school the next day,I don't know why Caleb stood up for me,should I call it a good thing or a bad thing because i am glancing around me from time to time to see if Vincent wanted to sneak up on me and bully me because of what happened yesterday.
Thank goodness he didn't get into trouble with Mr Samuel or I would be to blame even though I did nothing wrong ,am sure I will be the one who is at fault, that's how bully's pin the punishments teachers give them on you.
I wonder what they gain from bullying ,highschool is a time where we are supposed to have fun and make friends but some ingrates don't want to appreciate it.
I always dreamed of making a lot of friends when I got into highschool but what I met was just bullying and calling of names.
I sighted Vincent from afar and he saw me. I sighed in relief when I saw Mr Samuel walk out from one of the classes into the hallway.I hastened my steps since my classroom was just in front of me.
Vincent was staring at me but I scurried to class and I exhaled. I am finally safe from his bullying this morning,I didn't need anything ruining it.
My head was held down as I didn't want anyone staring at me or notice my presence as I walked in and sat beside Sarah .
"Hey babe," she called happily.
I wonder where she gets all her energy from.
"Hey, " I said as I checked my seat for him or anything else before I sat down .
I arranged my books and made sure everything was in order, so I went to my locker .
"Well ain't you gloomy today...did you run into Vincent on your way here?" Sarah asked .
"Yea...but l saw him in time to save and Mr Samuel was there he couldn't do anything" I replied.
I was glad to see him ,it's like he knows when I am in trouble and comes to help me.
I wish I could open up to him and tell him I was being bullied but I didn't want to risk getting on Vincent's bad side,I just have to wait it out till he graduates. It's just a matter of time and patience.
"Oh that was really a nice save," Sarah commented.
That was indeed a nice save.
"Yeah," I said as the school bell rang and I settled into my seat properly.
Shortly after Mrs Stella our English teacher walked into the classroom and we greeted her and class commenced.
She scribbled something on the white board and told us we were going to have a test. The class wasn't pleased by the surprise test ,some said they were not ready.
"You should be ready for whatever life throws at you....if you won't take the test feel free to leave the class,but just so you know there will be no makeup test for this,"Mr Stella threatened and the whole class started murmuring.
"Settle down please and get ready for your test. Any one caught cheating will be punished severely, " Mrs Stella threatened again.
No one likes a surprise test but one needs to be ready for every situation and test life throws at you.
I was more than prepared for the test because I practically read every weekend and night.
The test started and I concentrated on my work. After about 20 minutes when I was done with my test I glanced over to Sarah to see her biting her pen.I think she's having a hard time with the test but what's so hard in English, it's something we use everyday.
I was tempted to help her when I saw a cold sweat run down her face,but I couldn't because that might get me into trouble, I just aced my test sheet and went over it again ,I sat still until the bell rang indicating that the class was over and we all stood up and submitted our test.
The rest of our classes ended in a jiffy and the lunch break bell rang, I finally heaved a sigh of relief I was so tired.
I looked over to where Sarah sat and she was no longer there ,she went over to Anthony's seat.
I guess I shouldn't be a third wheel so I am eating alone today ,I can't just bother them. I took my books and lunch and went to my secret hideout in hope of finding Caleb. I wanted to thank him properly for standing up yesterday but I didn't want him doing that again.
Luckily on my way there I didn't run into Vincent but I saw Dennis glaring at me.I don't know how I offended them when they caused the problem.
When I got to my secret hideout Caleb wasn't there.
Where could he be?
I sat down on the bench there and proceeded to eat,after eating lunch I went back to class.
I haven't ran into Caleb in the hallway before so I wonder if he really is a student here.
As school ended Sarah informed me she wasn't going straight home but she had some plans with Anthony,which means I would have to go home alone today.
My heart was beating loudly in my chest as I walked down the hall to the school gate .
"Anna!" I heard an unfamiliar voice shout from behind and I pretended I didn't hear it and hastened my steps.I didn't want to know who it was but I know that anyone that calls me after school just wants to bully me and I wasn't having it.
"Anna!" I heard again but I walked faster . Besides, I am not the only one called Anna in fact my name is Anastasia not Anna.
I made it out of the school gate in time and practically ran back home. When I got home I went straight to the toy room to freshen up and read .
I wonder who was calling my name,it was a female voice ,should I have turned and checked..nope turning around would mean that I heard it and still ran away .
Besides, how am I so sure I was the one they were calling?
I shook the thought off my head and went into the bathroom to take a much needed shower.
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