Julius’ POV
Julissa was the only person in this world I really gave a damn about. I knew all about how Ashton would bully her which is why I tried to be around her as much as possible.
She had always been beautiful, but now, she was something else. Drop dead gorgeous, sexy, hot, none of those words could describe it.
Back in school, I saw the way she looked at Ashton when he’d walk by and I knew she had a crush on him, though I didn’t understand it.
I was in love with her, ever since we were kids, I had wanted her to be mine. I was there for her through everything. However, five years ago on her birthday, she left without saying why. Ashton must’ve done something pretty bad for her to refuse to tell me.
When I went to try and talk to her about it the next morning, she was gone. I had hoped she would’ve kept in contact with me, but she didn’t. Today was the first time I’d seen her in years.
Old feelings came back the moment I looked in her eyes and I knew that I was still a sucker for her.
Damn, I needed to get laid. When Julissa hugged me, I had to withhold a groan from the feel of her soft tits against my chest.
When Ashton left, I sat down on the bed next to Julissa and rubbed the soft skin of her thigh.
“Do you want to spend the night like old times and watch movies?” She smiled at me.
“Of course.” I told her with a smile of my own.
She squealed before hopping up to turn on the television and pick a DVD to watch. When she went back on the bed, she nearly threw herself on top of me and cuddled in my arms. Her hair smelled so good, and her tits were popping out the top of her tank top, making me hard. I had to will my cock to behave.
After awhile we had shifted to where I was spooning her, and her big ass was pressed against my cock. I rubbed up and down the curve of her waist to her hip, enjoying the shape of her curves. She was so damn hot. She always drove me crazy.
I felt myself get hard behind her and I prayed she wouldn’t notice. Thankfully, she seemed to be too into the movie to notice. I didn’t even know what we were watching, I was too distracted by her body.
After awhile, I could hear soft snores coming from her and I was able to reposition us to where she was laying on her side and I had some space between us.
I looked at her neck and noticed hickies that weren’t there earlier, and I knew it had to be Ashton. Just what is he playing at?
I leaned down and licked her neck before placing my own kisses on her, I just wanted to taste her skin for once.
My hand rubbed on her flat stomach, and I had to stop myself from moving lower into her panties to feel her pussy. I wanted to touch her so bad. I wanted to fuck her like crazy.
This woman was going to be the death of me.
Julissa’s POV
I woke up in Julius’ arms. He had fallen asleep also and he looked passed out. I stared at him and noticed that he grew up to be remarkably handsome. I smiled at my best friend, at least he had always been there for me.
When I moved, he stirred in the bed next to me before falling back asleep.
I got up and tiptoed out of the room. I wanted to go to the kitchen to hunt down some food.
It was sometime in the middle of the night, so I wasn’t expecting anyone in there at all.
I opened the fridge and bent down to reach for some fruit on the bottom shelf.
“Fuck me.” I heard from behind me. I stood up and whipped around to find a wolf I didn’t recognize looking at me.
“Excuse me?’ I asked.
“Uh, nothing. I was just looking for a snack, didn’t expect anyone in here.” He said with a chuckle.
“Oh, I was doing the same.” I smiled.
“What’s your name? I hadn’t seen you before.” He asked.
“I’m Julissa, and you are?”
“I’m Finn.” He smiled.
He was a little tall, with blonde hair and brown eyes, he looked like what I’d imagine a boy next door to look like.
We decided to share some fruit and chat for a few minutes. I found out he just moved to Oregon from Louisiana a couple of months ago, so he was new to our pack.
I started to get sleepy, so I excused myself and ran back up the stairs. As I was watching my feet I ran into a brick wall.
I heard a deep chuckle before I felt the tingles from his touch. Ashton grabbed my waist and pulled me against his body.
He moved my hair to the side and started kissing on my neck again, making me shiver. When I came to my senses, I shoved him away.
“You can’t resist me forever, Julissa.” He taunted.
“Watch me.” I said as I ran away from him and back to my room. I closed the door and stood there to catch my breath.
My plan was to make him want me and then to break his heart, however, being mates has thrown my plan off and I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d been doing a terrible job of making him want me, I’ve been pushing him away every chance I got. I needed to rectify that tomorrow. I just hoped that I would be able to survive at the end of this.