“You look real good baby”, Madeline answered for the fourth time. Rachel has been changing her makeup and her hairstyle just to make sure she is well-fit for the interview, “Are you sure?”
She asked again while adjusting her collars. Madeline came closer, placing her psalm on Rachel’s shoulders.
“More than sure. Now go and make me proud’’, They both hugged each other and Rachel hurriedly left the house so that she won't be late.
She waited for the bus at the bus terminal. It arrived after 10 minutes and she got in. Numerous thoughts ran through her mind.
She recalled how she made a fool out of herself in front of her soon-to-be boss. She just hopes he doesn't remember her face from yesterday,
“Oh God, please let him hit his head and lose his memories of yesterday’s incident”. She even tried to wear a face mask to cover her identity but she figured it was of no use. So she just prayed and hoped he would forget. When the bus stopped in front of the Company, she got down after using her credit card. “Finally”, She said to herself as she stood in front of the company debating whether to go in or not.
Leonardo Dante, the youngest millionaire in Los Angeles is seated in his office with his face mask on as usual. None of his workers has seen his real face and nobody knows why he always wears a face mask.
Rumors went around saying perhaps he is ugly or had a big scar on his mouth. However, nobody knows his real face and he does not seem to care about anything they say.
He rarely talks and he is neither friendly nor wicked, just in-between but there is something he hates- when you don't take your job seriously. Nobody comes late to the company because if you do, consider that as being fired.
Everything is well-organized and you don’t joke when it comes to words. This might probably be why Dante’s company is the most successful in Los Angeles. His company which deals with textile and fashion design is the most famous Company where many models work at. His family background is unknown. The only thing the media knows about him is his mother who visits the company once in a while. Although there are rumors that his father is alive but sick, no one has ever confirmed it. He just finished talking about his arranged marriage with her.
Weeks ago, his mother has been disturbing him about his father’s promise before he died and she insisted he fulfills it. He is not interested in marriage at the moment but he has to if he wants to see her happy.
She promised to send the girl's pictures and he agreed. He decides to take care of most of the people that came for the interview before she sent the pictures.
“You call this qualification?... I do not need that. I am pleased to inform you that you cannot work in this company”, he said to the 9th interviewee. Sighing, he looked at his phone as the pictures came in while the last participant entered. His eyes widened to see the picture sent to him is the face of the woman in front of him and it is also the abnormal lady from yesterday.
Rachel felt as though the ground should open up and swallow her. He signaled her to sit down before she sat. He stretched out his hands and she felt like burying her face in her palms as she hand over her credentials to him. She doesn't know whether he recognized her or not.
“Did you do any internship training?”He asked in his usual cold demeanor voice...
“Pardon?”Her expression looks puzzled.
“Do I need to repeat myself again?”, he asked, raising his eyebrows. She noticed he likes raising his brows.
“No... I did not” Se answered almost immediately. The question he asked her caught her off-guard as she was busy trying to hide her face
Then the door opened, and a man came in. Rachel’s eyes widened when she recognized the person immediately. He took a glance at her before focusing on her credentials again.
The door opened and a tall, handsome man came in. He was wearing a dark blue overall suit with black cover shoes that matched his outfit. His hair is well-shaved and he has a beard.
“Hey bro”, He said, stretching his hand out to shake Leo.
“I'm busy”, Leo said ignoring the
“Oh come on”, he forces Leo for a handshake. He turned to say hi to the lady sitting opposite Leo and was astonished to see Rachel.
“Rachel?!”, He exclaimed.
Rachel was shocked that he recognized her, if anything, Leo is more shocked.
“Oh don't tell me, you don't know me!?, He asked, putting a hand on his chest dramatically. Rachel furrows her brows as though she is trying to remember.
“Williams?!”She finally recalled his name and he smiled, while Leo stared at the