Elona’s POV
I was relieved by the time that I got home yesterday. I couldn’t believe that Mr. Crane had said all of those things. As I sat in my classroom with Crislynn in the next row, daydreaming as she waited for the lesson to start. I can’t help but think that she is putting up a happy front because that essay was something new for her to allow someone else to see. Mr. Crane hid it well too when he read her essay.
“Good morning class, please settle down!” Miss Johnson said. She was a beautiful teacher, with light blonde hair and light blue eyes. She had a sweet personality, but she had a stern side to her too. We loved her. Sometimes the guys can be a bit too much, but Miss Johnson is always there to keep them in check.
Once the class had settled down, we sat eagerly waiting for the day to begin. I was nervous about my essay because I wrote it out of my crush and desire for someone that is forbidden. “As you all know, the essay that you have written has to be submitted today. If you haven’t completed that essay yet, you have plenty of time in class. This essay is part of the competition, and it counts towards your grade. When you win the competition, it will be in a local magazine in a column that is catered for creative writing essays and that will also help you into getting into selected colleges.” she announced.
I sucked in a breath as I had hoped that my essay would be good and now, I felt as if it wouldn’t be. “Now is the time to work on your essays, edit and make them better,” She smiled and walked over to her desk, “Please hand it to me after class,” she called out over her shoulder and then she took a seat behind her desk.
I grabbed my backpack that was on the floor beside my desk. I took all of my books out, looking for my creative writing book where my essay had been written. “Shit,” I said under my breath. I couldn’t have left it at home because I didn’t take anything out of my backpack when I got home yesterday, which means…it can only be at Crislynn’s house. Shit.
I looked at Crislynn who was watching me and mouthed, “What is it?” I just shook my head and faced the front again.
Once the class was dismissed and I kept myself busy with other creative writing, which sucked because I was worried about that essay. I was relieved. I stood up and packed all of my books which I had left on my desk when I looked for my essay. “Is everything okay? You seem panicked,” Crislynn asked as she stood beside me as I zipped my backpack closed.
I turned to face her as the other students left the classroom. “I might have forgotten my essay at your house and I’m panicking because it has to be in today,” I let out a breath.
“Why don’t you speak to Miss Johnson? Hopefully, she will give you until tomorrow.” she smiled at me apologetically. I nodded.
“I will do that, thanks,” I smiled, but deep down I was still worried.
“I have to go to SNT. I’m so excited yet nervous and this is the start of my career next year,” she beamed excitedly. “I won’t be able to walk back home with you.”
“It’s okay, I will be fine,” I smiled “Good luck, I’m dying to hear all about it.”
“I will call you once I get back home,” she smiled.
“Sure. Let me talk to Miss Johnson, see you later,” I said as I moved past her. SNT is where Crislynn had always wanted to do journalism. The full name is Starlight News Tribune.
I stopped in front of Miss Johnson’s desk, and she looked up at me with a smile with the stack of essays in her hand. But before I could say anything, Crislynn handed in her essay and then she left.
“I forgot my essay at home, and I wanted to know if I can hand it in tomorrow, please?” I asked.
“Of course, you can. The essays will be assessed tomorrow, so you have until tomorrow to hand it in,” she replied.
I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much, Miss Johnson, enjoy your day,” I smiled.
She returned the smile, “You too, Enola,” I was so relieved that I had time, but now the only issue that I have is that Crislynn isn’t at home for me to get it.
When I finally got home, I searched my bedroom one last time in case it was in my house. I searched the entire place. I heard the front door open, “Hey kiddo. How was your day?” My dad asked as I was searching in the lounge. I was kneeling on the floor and stood up as my father approached me. He was wearing his black suit with a white shirt; his black tie was loosened at the top. His one light brown curl hung over his forehead. His laptop bag in his hand.
He placed a kiss on my forehead and walked towards the kitchen. “It was okay,” I replied, as I continued to look around in the lounge.
“What are you looking for?” he asked.
“My essay, but I think I left that book at Crislynn’s. I will call her,” I said.
“I need to get a few emails out and then we can have some takeaway,” I stopped by the kitchen as he smiled at me.
“Sure,” I replied with a smile and then I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone, and I typed a message for Crislynn.
Me: May I come over?
Crane: Forgot something?
Shit. I sent the text to Mr. Crane by accident. I saved Mr. Crane as Crane in my contacts. Of course, I would press the wrong contact as Crislynn is below him.
Me: Yes. Sorry, Mr. Crane, but I thought that I had texted Crislynn.
Crane: I have your essay with me. If that is what you are looking for, I would like to hear your explanation of what you wrote.
Shit. shit. shit. My heart was about to leap out of my chest, this was not happening. I paced my bedroom as I replied.
Me: My Creative writing essay? It’s for a competition.
Crane: The part where you wrote about me exploring your body, how you do not imagine me with another woman in bed.
Crane: The part that you would like to find out…I didn’t expect that from you, Enola.
Shit! Think about something, make up something, Enola.
Me: Mr. Crane, I am not talking about you, I am talking about someone else.
Crane: Who is someone else? Last time I checked, I have a letter C tattooed on my arm. That was in your essay.
Fuck! I am screwed.
Me: Mr. Crane, I can explain…It’s not what you think.
Crane: Oh, it is exactly what I think it is. I am coming over to you so that you can explain to me. I will let you know how I explore, because my ways of exploring are more than what you can ever imagine.
Me: Mr. Crane, my dad is home. I wasn’t serious about it!
Crane: That didn’t stop you from writing inappropriate things about me. You wouldn’t want Crislynn to find out either.
Me: My dad is home. I’m sorry.
There was no reply from him, and I paced as I bit my thumb nail out of nervousness.
My phone chimed and I opened the chat. He sent me a selfie of himself, he was so fucking hot. I could see that he was in a suit. It was as if he was looking at my soul through the selfie.
Crane: Consider it tutoring of the body then. I am walking out of my house now.
Me: There is no need to come over.
Crane: You don’t seem so innocent and sweet in your essay compared to in person.
Me: Please, Mr. Crane.
Crane: I love the way that you are begging me. Perhaps you need something in that filthy little mouth of yours.
Did he really just say that? Oh my gosh!
Me: It's only an essay. My dad is home, so I cannot allow you to come over.
Crane: As I have said, consider it as tutoring. I will give you my knowledge of how I do things. Hopefully, it will help you win the competition.
I clutched the phone against my chest. He will be here any minute because he lives down the street.
Crane: Open the door. I’m outside.
I stood frozen in place. A second later, my phone rings in my hand and his picture pops up. I placed my phone on my bed as if it burned me. As the ringing stopped, the doorbell rang.
“Shit,” I muttered under my breath as I hurried out of my bedroom and as I walked down the stairs my dad was already by the front door.
There stood Mr. Crane, he looked over my dad’s shoulder at me and he smirked.
“Here she is,” my dad turned to look at me as he heard me.
“Hi, Enola.”