A month after Bry and I talked in my office, I haven’t heard anything from him since then.
My phone is now quiet. I am not really fan of text and call, which is very weird because I’m into gadgets especially cellphones. I always change phone twice a year. I save a lot of money when we started carrying Sapphire because I get to have new phones every quarter for free from our new release given by the manufacturer.
But no matter how I tried to deny it, I really miss receiving text message from him especially his “good morning” and “goodnight” messages. Even if he only wanted to annoy me most of the time.
I am not actually surprised that Bry did what I told him to do. What do I expect? He always follow what I want.
I know that I should be happy because Bry is doing what I want him to do, but I must admit that it sadden my heart.
We will be having a Media launch next week. And because of that me and Liz decided to go to our favorite boutique to buy clothes that we will wear for the said event.
As owners of course we need to look presentable, we are the ones representing our products. And for sure this launch will be featured in Magazines, Newspapers, TV, other media and social media platforms.
When we arrived at the boutique, we were immediately greeted by our favorite designer Ms. Leila. She is a known designer not only in the Philippines but also around the globe. She has dressed many famous personalities. With her credibility, those who ask for her design are not just ordinary people.
We are very bless because Ms. Leila is a family’s good friend that why we are very privileged to have the opportunity to wear her creations.
"As expected Ms. Leila you are superb. Its so beautiful! I can't wait to wear this." I told her after I saw the gown that she specially made for me for the said media launch.
"Me too. I can't wait to see you two wearing my creation. I always wanted you guys to be my models, I really do hope that you agree to be my model. I’m sure you two will be a big hit.” Ms. Leila said.
When we were in college, Ms. Leila always persuade us to be her model. The thing is that we are both not confident to do it. We prefer to be an entrepreneur than a model.
“If our business will fail, we may considered your model offer. But as you can see our business is running smoothly. Even if we want to, it is quite impossible because we nee to focus on Sapphire.” I explained to her in a sweet voice.
I saw her pouted her lips. “Hmpf! I was the one who gave you an offer first!”
We chuckled. "Don't worry Ms. Leila when we are able to adjust our schedule for Sapphire, maybe we can try a few model job for you.” Liz said.
We saw her eyes twinkle from what he heard from. We just shook our head.
Liz and I left the boutique of Ms. Leila. We both decided to have dinner first before going home.
My best friend and I were busy eating and chatting when a man approached us.
We looked at the man at the same time. In fairness he is handsome but wait I think I already saw him. I just can’t remember where I saw him. I looked at Liz and from her reaction she seemed to know him too.
"Hi Ms. Ramirez and Ms. Rivera right?" The guy said
We both nodded.
"I'm Gian Fabian, the owner of AAT Magazine and Bryan's best buddy." He introduce himself.
I remember that Bryan introduced him to us on his birthday, because it was easy for us to get space in their magazine for ads especially for tech reviews.
"Yes I remember you Mr. Fabian, nice seeing you here." Liz said.
He smirked. "Don't be too formal Liz, just call me Gian."
Handsome but too cocky.
"Okay" Liz said smiling at the cocky guy.
Wait! Look at how these two look at each other... hmmm I smell somethings fishy with these two, especially in that guy Gian. It is so obvious the way he flirted with Liz. Did he know that Liz and Bryan were already done? Is that why he is making a move with my best friend now?
"By the way Gian" I butt in.
"Have you receive our invitation for next week's media launch?"
Since its a media launch of course Gian is one of those we invited for Press Release. Actually writers and AE are the ones we invited but since Gian is a common friend we have also invited him.
"Yes. Expect me to be there." he winked at LIZ? OMG!
I know that he has hots for my best friend. But he didn’t even think of what Bry will say if he make a move to Liz?!
After we left the restaurant, I immediately talk to my best friend.
“Hey sis you have some explaining to do!”
“What do you mean?” She ask innocently.
I look at her intently. “Don’t play innocent with me. What is that wink of that cocky guy Gian? Explain it to me!”
“I don’t know. I am not the who one gave a wink.” She said in a sarcastic tone.
I rolled my eyes. If Bry will know about this-“ I wasn’t able to finish because Liz cut me off.
“We already broke up remember?” She said to remind me.
I suddenly felt guilty when I saw sadness in her eyes.
“Omg! I forgot sis. Sorry.” I said then lower my head.
“Don’t be like that sis. Its okay. I understand.” She said while giving me a forced smile.
Even if my best friend doesn't say it, I know she still can't move on from Bry. Haist ... why did that man think of perverted think, they would still be okay now if it wasn’t for his perverted needs.
‘We will also still be okay now’. Said the other part of my brain.
Oh no ALex what were you thinking? So what if you are not okay with him?! Erase erase. Don't ever think about that again? You knew that your best friend is in love with that guy!
Gian texted me that he had talked to Liz earlier. He said he saw her in a restaurant so he thought of going to them and started our plan.
I immediately picked up my cellphone to catch up.
"Hello Gian how was your talked with them earlier?"
‘Great. I already made the first move. Alex invited me to attend there media launch next week.’
I frowned. Wait why Alex? Don't tell me Alex like him? From what I know, Alex likes Korean. "Why did Alex invite you?" I asked.
It looked like our plan is not good. Instead of Liz, Alex might be the one who fall for him. Among the 3 playboy, Gian is the most loved by girls. He actually did not do any effort to get a girl because girls are the one who is making the first move.
He chuckled ‘Yes dude. What are we going to do now? It looks like Alex is the one falling for my charm instead of Liz?’ The he laugh so hard.
I was stunned. Hell! I will not allowed that!
"Hey Gian what we have agreed on is that you will build friendship with Liz to help her to move on and you will help me to make a move with Alex!” I angrily said to Gian.
Why didn't I think that Alex might like him? What did I do? I am still not allowed to approach her.
‘Relax dude. Alex is not my type FOR NOW. But we also can't say she's beautiful, sexy-‘
I didn’t let him finish talking. "Dude back off. If you want us to still be friends.”
I can no longer really control myself. Its so frustrating because I feel like I can't do anything. Alex won't let me approach her while Gian and even other guys were free to approach and even make a move on her.
He laughed so hard that made me more pissed. ‘Chill dud! I need to cut this call, I have a meeting now.’
He ended the call.
I am not thinking if I made the right decision.
As I thought about it, I suddenly remembered my aunt's offer to me. I immediately picked up my phone to call her.
"Hello tita! I've decided. I will take your offer."
I only have one thing on my mind right now. I can't lose Alex.