Coran pov
The file was carefully placed in my hand and I waved my hand at him to disperse him. Joe bowed and was about to leave when he suddenly bowed.
“ Don't forget the meeting tonight,” he reminded me and matched away from my front. I watched his receding back before I finally settled to open the file.
The front page contained all her personal information which included her age and who her parents were. I shunned the irrelevant information off and was about to open to the next page when my eye caught an interesting information.
“She stays with her aunt?” I mumbled in a low voice and as if that wasn't enough, her supposed aunt is a chronic bet addict.
A knowing smile crept its way to my lips, without further ado, I closed the file and entered the room.
“ What are you still doing there?” I questioned Lucia, who was still acting coyish on the bed.
She instantly stood up and dressed herself up then made her way to the entrance, where I stood and patiently waited for her to leave.
She walked towards me while swaying her hips seductively “ Will I be serving you anytime soon?” She paused and asked, deliberately maintaining eye contact with me.
Without paying any attention to her sneaky moves, I entered the room and closed the door behind me, shutting her off outside.
Just as I was about to start planning my next move, a message alarm from my phone brought me out of my thoughts.
“ We have 15 minutes for us to start moving,” the message from Joe read.
I sighed and took a quick shower before proceeding to the closet to get suitable clothing for the meeting.
I stepped inside the closet with dripping wet hair. With a casual lift of my hand, I picked up a hair towel from the stand where it was kept.
I was wiping my hair and at the same time, checking out the most comfortable clothes for the long night.
My eye caught a leather pant sitting at the end of the hanger and without further ado, I knew that was the best cloth to wear. I paired it up with a pair of leather jacket and black gloves which makes me give off an unfriendly and frightening aura.
I hurried out of the closet after checking myself out and I proceeded downstairs to meet Joe. Just like I expected, the squads that I will be going with are already waiting for me and all I had to do was signal to them then we would move.
“ Let's go,” I finally voiced out after checking all the men out and they all looked satisfactory to me.
We all entered the assigned vehicles and zoomed off
“ You should have been lenient with them sir,” Joe's voice rang out from behind me and the statement he uttered made me burst out the pending anger within me.
“ Why the hell are you telling me this? Those pussy dared to disrespect me, I regret not shooting him more than I did.”
Joe kept quiet and didn't bother to calm me down. I already predicted that things weren't going to go easy and thankfully, I managed to sneak in a pistol which I hid in the discrete corner of my pants.
Being in the enemy territory isn't something that I will be very careless with and just like I predicted, they misbehaved which angered me and I ended up shooting the right hand man.
“ I hope you know the implications of what you just did?” Joe said in a warning tone
“ Who cares?”
I angrily removed the glove from my hand and threw it on the floor before entering the car.
“ Are we going back to the Villa or you have somewhere else in mind?” The driver asked.
I was about to answer when a thought flashed in my head and a wicked grin spread across my lips. I picked up my phone and searched across my file for a particular document and…
“ Here it is,”
“ Let's go to the casino,” I said.
“ Casino?” Both Joe and the driver exclaimed while giving me a strange stare.
“ Go to BOGIES Casino,” I added meaningfully. Joe instantly grasped what I was meaning to do at that instant
“ But… But sir, I heard that the place is for low lives, would you like to check other places out?”
I was beginning to get infuriated at the way he was going against my words, “ follow my god-damned instructions else I will blow your head off.”
My statement instantly shut him up and I also relaxed back to my seat afterwards.
The rest of the ride was silent and we eventually got to the place. Joe and I alighted while the driver zoomed to the parking space to wait for us.
“ Lead the way,” I said to him and he followed suit.
We entered the rough and rowdy looking place, screams were coming from different corners and at the same time, some were arguing at the corner. I didn't waste my time dwelling on them so I faced Joe.
“ Find out if she is here and check her table out for me,” I instructed as I made my way to a nearby chair.
Joe left my side and returned some minutes later.
“ What is the news?”
“ She is here,” he burst out and an unknown joy flowed in my heart.
I stood up elegantly and said, “ lead me to her table,”
Joe led me to a dark corner where some people were playing cards, he whispered to my ear and pointed his finger at her.
She was a woman in her late 40s but I couldn't see her face well because she was crowded by some men.
I moved closer to them only to realize that she was owing them after placing a losing bet which she can't afford. I smiled because things seemed to be going my way tonight.
“ Leave her alone,” I rang out coldly and all the thugs hovering above her instantly paused.
“ Will you bail her out?” The man who seemed like their leader said. I told Joe to attend to them and he instantly did as he was instructed. Within minutes, everything was sorted out and I left the space with the woman.
We got outside and I was able to see her face clearly but truth be told, she bore no single resemblance with that stripper. What is her name again? Yes, Ava
“ Why did you help me? What do you want?” She spoke for the first time while fondling the hem of her dress with nervousness.
“ Good that you asked, I want just one thing from you. And I will even give you more money,” I proposed.
She instantly looked up upon hearing that money was involved, her gaze was full of questioning and I instantly went down to business.
“ I want that stripper.”