The next words Robert heard seemed to come much later. Light streamed in a window with frilly curtains. Robert felt warm and safe and snuggled up to the large, soft, feminine body that held him close. "Oh, is my sleepy baby awake?" Robert felt a hand between his legs. "Oh, I think so," the voice chuckled. Such a good boy, always ready to make Mommy happy."
Robert naturally did not wonder where he was or how he got here. He was with Mommy Ruth and he was happy that he had made his Mommy happy.
"I believe Bobby is ready to make Mommy happy again. Would you like to do that, Bobby?"
"Yes, Mommy."
"Does Mommy's baby want to make Mommy really, REALLY happy?"
"Oh yes, Mommy. How?"
Ruth smiled. "You know how Mommy likes you to kiss her boom-booms." Where had he dredged up that infantilism for her breasts, she wondered.
"Yes, Mommy. I like top kiss your boom-booms."
"I know you do, darling. Well you can kiss Mommy other places to make Mommy feel good, Sweetie," she smiled adding a little mystery to her voice.
"Where, Mommy?" Ruth's answer was to push his head down to her waist. "In your belly button, Mommy?" Robert giggled.
"Yes, start there, Baby. Mommy likes that. Oh, yes! Just like that." Ruth was glad that her navel was getting reamed by the long hard tongue of a healthy young man, even if he thought he was a child. It was making her wet again.
"Mommy likes that a lot, Bobby. Now a little lower." She gently pushed again.
"Mommy, you have hair down there!"
"Yes, Baby, I do. That's Mommy's 'pussy.' Do you like it?"
"Oh, yes. I like it Mommy, but it tickles my nose."
"Just push it aside and keep kissing Mommy. Yes, Oh God Yes!" Ruth gasped.
"You smell funny, Mommy."
"Yes, Sweetie. That's my special 'Mommy scent' because I'm really enjoying the way you kiss her down there. Do you like my Mommy scent?"
"Uh huh. ... Oh, Mommy, you taste good!"
Ruth was in heaven. With little prompting Robert was licking the wetness from her pussy lips, then moving, teasing and playing with her. His bitch girlfriend had apparently trained him to muff munch. Her loss. Ruth could feel an orgasm approach and his tongue hadn't even touched ... "Yes BABYYYYYY!"
Ruth screamed in ecstasy as the climax hit her. Hard. She always came hard when she was well eaten, but she seldom squirted as she just felt. This boy was amazing, a natural submissive, eager to please. He has just tongued her to a shattering climax, lapped up her juices, and kept going. She could hardly believe her luck. A naïve and soon-to-be-rich, baby-faced stud had walked into her office and practically asked her to enslave him. She almost laughed aloud watching his knees grow week as he stared at her in her mini-smock and well-displayed breasts. She made sure he saw a lot more of those puppies. He was so ashamed of getting an erection as she shot him the beaver while they talked, that he paid no attention to her subtle induction. How easily she slipped him into a light trance and pulled down his pants. Bingo! His cock was already dribbling precum. No man had ever been able to resist her once she got her hand on his prick.
Oh, the boy had put up a fight -- cute but ineffectual efforts that she soothed away with her hand on his sex. And when she made him come, he went under deep. She had no trouble taking the sex-dazed young man home with her for a night of mind-bending sex. In fact, she could not resist having him escort her, his arm around her waist like a young lover in the thrall of a mature woman -- as he was, but in ways passersby could not suspect. Conditioning him had been even easier than she expected. Because of his amazingly quick recovery, he was soon horny again after each bout and ready to be fucked into another trance, deeper each time. And this perfect treasure with his head between her legs was HERS. The possibilities were astounding.
She touched his chin to look into his alert but uncomprehending eyes. Robert was startled, but quickly saw that Mommy had screamed with pleasure, not pain. Pleasure he had given her. He waited happily as Mommy panted several minutes before she could speak.
"Such a good baby," she sighed, still a little out of breath from the strong climax. "You make Mommy Ruth very happy, Bobby. I'm going to keep you for my baby. Do you like that?"