Chapter 4 – Alexandra Yang (1)
In Lee Mansion Hotel, after dinner, the kids started to take a bath and change their clothes. Tim and Thomas are both startled. Boss, now I understand. The kids just need someone who will show them motherly affection. See, Auntie Alex has a great impact to them. They just meet them today and yet, they are following her orders. Said Thomas. Tim has no reaction but thinking about what his assistant has just said.
When the kids was asleep, Tim decided to go outside for a drink. Nicole saw her. Hi Mr. Huang, I am Nicole Lee, CEO of the Lee Mansion Hotel. Hello, Tim said coldly. Glad to see you here excitedly exclaimed by Nicole. Tim has no reaction, just on his usual cold face. Can I join you? Asked Nicole. Tim replied, No. Nicole, was shocked with what she just heard but did not show it. Maybe, Mr. Huang you need company, I can just… without finishing her sentence. Ms. Lee, you can find your own place or I can leave. He said this without looking at her. O..Okay.. As you said. Nicole turn around and left.
Its been a while since his brother and sister-in-law passed away in a plane crash. Juliana is just 8 months. Now she is 4 years old. His parents are pestering him to get married to a stranger. What if the woman doesn’t like kids. He cannot sacrifice the happiness of his nephews and niece. But he wanted to have someone in his side. Someone who will complete him. And this, Alex seems okay. She likes children and the kids also like her. But, he doesn’t know anything about her.
In the morning, Tim woke up early to prepare for the last meeting for the day before the conference ends. They will about to check out in the afternoon. He called Thomas to keep their things and wait the kids to wake up. He headed to the conference room of the hotel. He was greeted by his managers. He just wear his normal and cold face. The meeting ended at 12 noon. He called Thomas to check on the kids. Boss, the kids woke up at 10am, they already had their breakfast. I also fixed all your belongings. I already told the kids that we are about to check out at 4pm today. They asked me if you already find alex. Narrated by Thomas. Okay. Short reply by Tim.
If only this kids are well behave he can just leave them to a nanny. All of the nannies he hired stayed only for less than a month the longer was 1 month and 1 week. All of them cannot stand on the naughtiness of this kids. Until he gave up. Wherever he goes, he normally bring them. Except for trip abroad for 2 days or longer. If its within the country he normally bring them. He cannot leave them to his parents as they cannot keep up with the energy and stress caused by this kids. He is thankful with Thomas, although he doesn’t have kids on his own he have patience to stay with these children. Maybe its time to try to convince Alex to come with them.
Thomas, look for Alex and tell her I would like to meet her. Instructed by Tim. Yes, boss! Excitedly exclaimed by Thomas. My boss can have a little bit rest and I can enjoy also my day when we are on trip.