*Pari Pov*
The next day I woke up as early as possible and prepared breakfast and some lunch. When the maid completed her duty, I left my home to reach the office early.
On my way, I saw the coffee shop from where my boss actually drinks his coffee as told by Rani. I went inside and ordered two coffees as the taste of Mr.Stone and Maam.
After being held, I carefully placed them in the front box in my vehicle and started to go towards Stone corporations.
I went inside greeting the receptionist who to my surprise, smiled and greeted me back. I waited a few minutes for the elevator to reach down and walked inside.
The doors were in the process of closing when someone stopped them by keeping their foot between the doors and rushed inside.
In that chaos, one coffee cup fell down from my hand, which to my wonderful luck belongs to my boss. Definitely note the sarcasm here.
I immediately bend down to lift the cup and shouted “Can’t you see where you are going to mister? Why do you need to rush like that? I know our boss is strict as said by everyone, but can’t you look properly before.”
“Sorry? ” he said like a question. I just stayed kneeling and looking at the fallen cup.
“Sorry? Please say that sorry to my boss. He will shoot you first, and then he will kill me. You are going to make my first impression worst. You are such an idiot. ” I said with so much frustration.
Maybe I have over reacted because the next minute I was dragged to my feet and was being pushed against the wall of the elevator.
And then the most unexpected thing happened. I gazed at the handsome face and magnificent eyes. However, after a second I realized that the eyes are showing anger.
Suddenly, the doors opened and I released myself from him and rushed outside and saw that it is the third floor. Who pressed the third floor? I thought, frowning.
Who cares now I had to get away from here and make some coffee for Mr.Stone? However, I want to look into those eyes once again so I turned around and to my loss, the doors are already closed.
I actually happen to develop a crush on a stranger. You are completely mad Pari.
I shook my head and went toward the canteen kitchen. I begged the staff there to allow me to get a coffee. Finally, they allowed me and I immediately made it and went again towards the elevator.
I couldn’t help but feel his eyes on this space, and I am tapping my foot praying that it reaches my floor as fast as it can.
I looked straight at my watch and saw that I still have a few minutes, and I am not late. I reached my floor and I immediately jumped out from the lift and went near Mrs.Simran’s cabin and knocked on it.
After hearing her reply I entered and gave her coffee. She looked at the other different cup and asked me “What’s that cup? It is quite different from the shop’s one.”
“Yeah, Maam. Actually, the one that I brought for sir has fallen down so I made one in our canteen, and they have only this type of cups. So... ” I replied nervously.
“It’s just your first day, Ms.Pari. You should have been more careful. Anyway. Take care.” she said, shaking her head.
I nodded and left her office, and everyone greeted me and looked at the cup in question. I went to my desk and placed the cup on the table.
“Hey, good morning! What is that cup by the way? ” Rani asked me.
I sighed and let her know everything that happened today morning. After hearing everything she asked me only one question “Is he gorgeous?”
I shook my head and replied “More than you can possibly know. I can’t even express.”
“Lucky girl. Oh, by the way, our boss is already in the cabin. Go and give him Coffee and all the best dear. ” She said.
“I really need that, don’t I? ” I asked her.
She nodded and continued to carry out her work. What I don’t understand is why they are here so early when there is still time for the actual office hours.
I took a long, deep breath again and knocked at his door while holding his coffee. I heard a faint reply ‘come in’.
I went inside and saw that he turned towards the wall, and I can only look at his back.
“Good morning Sir! I am your new P.A.” I said without stuttering.
“What is the full form of P.A? ” he asked me still not turning around.
“Personal Assistant sir. ” I couldn’t help but feel like I am standing at a military base camp.
“Do you know what P.A’s job is? ” he asked.
“Of course, Sir. ” I replied.
“Then why did you come to my office this late? ” he asked, making me frown.
“But sir, I was told to come at this time yesterday. ” I replied, frowning.
“That’s because I didn’t come to the office yesterday. Tomorrow onwards you will have to come at 8 am itself before me. Understood? ” he ordered.
“Yes, Sir! ” I replied, definitely military training.
“And one more thing, it’s Mr.Stone to you.” He said finally turning around.
My eyes immediately widened by looking at him. He is the same person with whom that incident happened today morning.
Did I go crazy for my Boss? Leave that aside and think about that I actually called him an idiot.
Oh, God! Can you do me a small favor? Open the ground under me so that I can bury myself.
“Yes, Mr.Stone. ” I replied gulping.
He nodded and I slowly placed his coffee in front of him. He looked at it and then at me.
“I will forgive you for giving me different coffee as a first mistake and also final. ” He said.
I suddenly want to claw his face even though it being a gorgeous one, because he is saying as if it is my mistake. He is the one who did the mistake.
“Thank you so much, Mr.Stone. ” I said and didn’t hide the sarcasm.
His eyes suddenly darkened and said, “You may leave now. I will give you a call after a few minutes.”
I nodded and left his cabin and went directly to my desk by ignoring all five pairs of eyes on me with curiosity.
“What happened? ” Rani asked.
“The guy I talked to you about is our Boss. ” I replied in a whisper.
“Really? You even called him an idiot right. Did he fire you? ” she asked me worried.
“No, he didn’t. He just didn’t even bring that encounter between us. Do you think he has short-term memory loss? ” I asked her.
She laughed lightly and shook her head. “We will talk in the lunch break. ” she said.
I nodded and browsed through the system for some more information.
Finally, I got a call from him, so I entered his cabin again of course after knocking on it.
“Yes, Mr.Stone? ” I asked, emphasizing his name.
He narrowed his eyes and gave me a cordless phone and said, “The clients will call on this phone, and you are required to attend them. Note them all properly and report me.”
I nodded, taking it. He continued saying, “You have to attend all the meetings along with me, and pen down all the minutes that happen in such meetings.”
“Every day, you have to set up a schedule for me and inform me of the entire day's events. Understood? ” he finally asked.
“Yes, Mr.Stone. Is that all? ” I asked him.
“One more thing if you disrespect me or show any attitude or make any mistake again, you will be fired in a blink. ” he said with determination in each word.
I nodded and left his office not before seeing the empty coffee cup in the dustbin. So he drank it.
“Is everything's fine? ” Rani asked.
“Yes, everything is perfect. Except that I got an answer. ” I replied, smiling.
“About what? ” she asked, confused.
“That Mr.Stone doesn’t have short-term memory loss.” I said chuckling along with her.
I searched some more about the company and gathered about it as much as I can. This will help me a hand in the future for any meetings.
I even browsed on all client companies and gathered the information. I am quite proud of myself because I didn’t tremble in front of him.
Nonetheless, the sad thing is I have to overcome the crush I had this morning, so depressing because it has to live for only a few hours.
At lunch, we all sat at the same table, and I filled them with today’s morning events. In the final, they were just laughing about that.
“Even though you don’t know he is our boss or not you scolded him. So Hip! Hip! Hurray! ” Rashi said.
“Thank you! Thank you! I am unable to bear this great honor. ” I said, bowing.
I am delighted that I became close to all these three girls. It would have been hell for me without them.
In the evening, there was just one call confirming tomorrow’s meeting. I immediately briefed him about that. He just nodded and continued doing his work.
He is indeed an idiot. I rolled my eyes and searched for the client with whom tomorrow’s meeting is going to be held.
I am very excited about tomorrow’s meeting because it is going to be my first experience.
When it was time to leave, I knocked at his door and entered.
“Mr.Stone it is now time for the end of office hours. Shall I take my leave?”
“Yes! However, only for today. Tomorrow onwards you will have to stay here until I leave. Understood? ” he asked.
“Of course, Mr.Stone. ” I said and left his cabin.
After a few minutes, I left to go to my house and take a long bath.
I slept that day with his eyes coming frequently in my mind. Damn! Those eyes.
*Mr.Stone Pov*
I still can’t believe that she shouted at me and I didn’t say anything to her. I immediately wanted to fire her. However, why not torture her for a few days, and she will leave by herself.
She called me an Idiot! How can she? However, the coffee was very good. I don’t know where she brought that from.
I wish to drink that every day. A knock brought me out of my thoughts.
“Come in. ” I said.
“So little brother, how was your day? ” I heard my sister asked while sitting on the chair.
“Not bad? ” I replied like a question.
“Hmm, I will ask again properly. How was your day by getting shouted at? ” she asked teasing me.
“How do you know about that? ” I asked her shocked.
“Come on. You know how I can. ” she gloated.
“She told someone about that? ” I asked her.
“Yes, but before she knew that the man is her boss. So Idiot! Answer me. ” she said
“Di, please forget about that. ” I said, narrowing my eyes.
“Well anyway at least, you cleared her doubt about your short-term memory loss. ” She said grinning.
“What? ” I asked her with outrage.
“Yeah, at first when you didn’t talk about it, she thought you had that disease. After that, she found that you don’t have it.”
I just shook my head in slight surprise.
“How was the coffee? It smelled very good for me. ” She asked.
“It is quite nice actually. Nevertheless, she is walking on a thinner line than other P.A’s. ” I said.
“Give her a chance. Anyway, what about the engagement? ” she asked, changing the topic.
“The date is said for the next month. ” I replied.
“Good. I will take my leave. My husband must be waiting for me. ” she said, leaving the cabin.
After Di left I thought of that girl, actually what is her name?