Andrea Stacey Lewis POV
The classes are about to end, of course im so guarded because of my brother. I’m supposed to enjoy school but destiny is a bitch! My brother is my classmates almost all of our subjects with her friends too except the goodness class of my god-father.
“I’ll go to the mall after this Dwight.” I said with finality so that he wouldn’t bother to ask me a questions anymore. He nodded his head so I thought I can peacefully go to the mall alone but yeah my twin brother is a fucking bitch!
“Bring your bodyguards Stacey.” He said with finality too.
“No way! They’re boring.” I hissed then rolled my eyes on him. The 3 eggnogs, my nickname to his friends but they’re actually 4 eggnogs to me if i included my Brother. Kenderson, Kendler and Stephen looked at me.
“Then, I’ll join you period.” Ughhh! Why cant he just let me leave alone? What am I a baby?! I just wanted to be alone.
“No its okay Dwight! I’m with Evie.” I lied. If he can used our cousin’s name for lying then I can too. Gosh! Sorry for using your name evie.
“Try again next time sister! Evie is busy today, that’s what her brother evan said.” Fuck it Evan why are you communicating with Dwight? There’s a lot of days to get busy but why today Evie?! Why today that I used your name for lying.
I kept quiet and thought of other possible excuses. I secretly smiled when I thought of something that will annoy him.
“Fine! Accompany me then, but I don’t want to hear you complain later. Alright?” I smirked. You want to come with me? Then face the consequences later.
“Whatever Stacey. Hey men, do you want to join?” He said while looking at this friends.
“I’m in!” Kendler answered then he winked at me. Yuck! Did he think he’s handsome while doing that? He’s creeping me out.
“Oh geez please! Really people?” I stood up in my seat and faced them.
“Ms. Lewis do you have a problem?” Our teacher asked. I ignored her and rolled my eyes at the four of them before walking out of our class.
“Leaving in the middle of class? GO TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE NOW!” My teacher shouted when I just passed by her. “Ms. Lewis!” She shouted again so I went back and faced her.
“Go alone! Stop shouting.” I rolled my eyes before walking out again. Gosh! I hate her. She’s making my head boil because of anger. I walked to the rooftop because my friends were there. They always skipped their classes unlike me, im much more lazy than them tho but I cant blame them, they hate that teacher too so much!
“Wow! Fancy seeing you here andrea!” I smirked on jheslyne before sitting beside her. I opened some snacks in front of me and placed my head on her shoulder.
“When will you introduce us to your cousin, Stacey?” Aedriel asked. She’s talking about my other cousin, Evie’s older brother named Evan.
“He’s in negros, stop dreaming aedriel. He likes the Farm, plantation and the animals in their big land there not girls.” I said referring to my cousin, Khean Evan Castaneda Lewis the brother of Khetleen Evie Castaneda Lewis. My dearest cousins!
“We have a rest house in Bacolod.” She answered. She giggled and looked at me with her hopeful eyes. She actually saw my cousin even thru a photo but not in person.
“What does your cousin look like that makes aedriel acting like that?” PJ asked while busy typing something on her phone. Aedriel stood up in her seat and unbelievably looked at PJ who’s still busy with her phone.
“Girl what the fudge? You’re missing a real hottie if you don’t know him!” And with that, Aedriel got PJ’s attention.
“Now I’m curious.” I rolled my eyes while watching them, I can’t relate with their topic because im so done with my cousin’s face. Well evan is really handsome, He’s a Lewis after all.
“He has green eyes then sparkling abs! He is Evie’s older brother, the girl with the blond hair with a green eyes too remember?” I got up from my seat and walked away. For sure their conversation about my cousin will last till 3 hours until they’re satisfied so I need to get out of here before they ask me many questions about them.
“Stacey here you are! I thought you already went somewhere without us. Let’s go!” my twin dragged me to the parking lot while his friends are just following us from behind. When we reached my brother’s car. I immediately sat in the front seat.
“Where to?” Dwight asked when he turned on the car’s engine. But he immediately withdrew his question when he was the one who decided where we were going. “Mall of Asia!” he shouted so I just let him.
He started driving, while on the trip I just distracted myself so I won’t get bored, I looked at the views outside as well as vehicles on the road. Dwight’s friends are in their respective cars. I can even saw their expensive car behind my brother’s, no doubt they’re literally rich as fuck.
When we arrived at our destination, my twin brother asked me again where we were going. His friends are already here so I just let them follow me. As we walked, many people looked at us. Is that really how they can attract people? They are like actors being watched on television, every moves they make is being watched. If it was just me, I would have been pissed but my twin brother and his friends are fame whore so I won’t be surprised that they’re happy with the attention they get from the people.
I ignored them and just distracted myself in amusement at the size and beauty of this mall. There’s also many stores inside this mall. From local brands to luxuries. I immediately have a store that I want to go to but I restrained myself first because I might spent and waste a lots of Money.
“This mall is pretty, but you look prettier than this mall Stacey.” Kendler said out of nowhere. I rolled my eyes again this is like the hundred times I rolled my eyes just for the four of them. My brother is no exception.
“Your grossing her out cousin, stop that!” Kenderson shouted. Dwight and Stephen laugh while Kendler just rolled his eyes on his cousin.
“KendCey? StaceSon? Choose the name of our love team Stacey.” And now its kenderson. Like really? What’s up with them? Are they really trying to flirt with me? I don’t know what’s up with them but I feel like they’re challenging each other for something.
“Stop flirting with me, stop being so dramatic and don’t make a ship name! That’s so disgusting when my name doesn’t deserve to be next to yours.” I answered and walked away, I even heard them laughing. What a bunch of psychos. I just stopped walking when I saw a children’s playground.
“OMG! The most amazing creatures ever!” I whispered to myself. I approached the group of children playing. “WAAH! Chubby cheeks kiddos!” I smiled and approached them. They’re now looking at me. “How are you my dear?” the kids smiled at me. It feels like someone’s touched my heart because of their innocent smiles. “You guys are so cute! What’s your name?” I asked them again. I’m smiling like an idiot here, I’m so whipped with them uwu.
“Here’s the other side of my sister, everyone!” I turned around and saw them, I didn’t noticed that they already followed me. I frowned at my brother so he rolled his eyes on me so I looked at his friends Kendler and Stephen who’s now busy looking at the bunch of models through the big screen of the Victoria’s secret store.
“Why are you staring at them?” Kenderson asked but I just ignored and didn’t pay attention to him. “You like kids?” he asked again so I rolled my eyes to shut him before I turned my attention back to the children. While keeping myself busy with the children I suddenly feel like someone’s staring at me. I feel so uneasy so I looked again at the 4 stupid eggnogs behind me.
“Stop staring at me!” I shouted at kenderson. He’s the one who’s staring at me. He just smiled at me and nodded. Even though he was no longer looking at me, the smile still lingered on his lips.
They’re such a weirdos! They’re also ruining my moments with the fluffy cutie kiddos