Chapter 1
Do you really forget me?
Ow..have we known each other before Mr, Colton??" the girl asked the young man who surprised him a little. He couldn't answer right away, he just kept looking at her.
Do I know you before Mr, Colton??" he asked the young man again.
No..but now I'll show you who I am." The young man said emphatically. The girl felt nervous but she didn't want to lose to the man in front of her.
He wants to show that he is a fighter and that he is no longer the woman who obeys and is afraid of him.
Then do it, I don't even care Mr, Colton and don't forget that I'm here to do my job as your secretary." This bold response made the young man smile slightly. You mean my private secretary??" he asked the girl with a smile on her lips.
What's the difference mr, colton? as far as i know it's just the same.." He answered looking straight at the young man. The young man laughed a little at what he said.
You are still innocent Liana, don't you know that a personal secretary is different from a private secretary?" he asked, startling her.
What does that mean..
What do you mean by that??" asked the girl with a frown. confused by what the man in front of him said.
ou're my private secretary..and you will do everything I command." He said and walked closer to him.
Ha...Do you think I'll let you use me? Well you wish, Mr. Colton." The girl said loudly and gave a bad look.
Yes, he knows that he can do a lot, young man, but for him, fear will do him no good if he is angry.
You don't have a choice. I'm your boss and you're just my secretary so you need to do anything I command and behave yourself my secretary." he teased Sambit and walked a little closer to him. What are you planning theo?!"
You'll see Liana..just you wait." His manner was serious and emphatic while touching the girl's chin.
Is this the beginning of Liana's hellish life?
you're Fired No!! I'll resign!!"
You! how dare you to disrespect me! remember I'm the CEO of this company!" said the man in front of me.
"Owww You mean the perverted CEO!?" I asked with a grin.
I'm really pissed off at the old man Toh! You think who's the CEO, he can insult whoever he wants?!
Secretary Choi!! Get this woman out of front of me before I get hurt." He said, his face reddened perhaps from anger.
and who cares? yes he's my boss but who does he think he is to touch my butt?! such a pervert! He deserves my god damn slap!
His secretary immediately followed him. I grabbed him by the hand and tried to pull him out.
"Don't touch me! I can walk on my own!" I said annoyed and removed his hand from my arm.
He didn't do anything but let me go. Before I went out, I looked at the skinny old man again. I can still see the anger on his face and the mark of my hand can still be seen on his cheek.
No one will stay in this ugly company!" Kong said emphatically and grinned before leaving his office.
Who will stay in this company?! It's full of abnormal people, add the skinny guys who can't keep their lust to themselves! What a bullsh*t.
Tsk, I said don't touch me!" Now I yelled at the old man's female secretary. I violently removed his hand from me and looked at him evilly.
Hays.. Ms, Liana, Gell, Esperanza leave now before the guards take you out of here." He said shaking his head. I didn't immediately follow, I wrestled with him first. "Please don't be scandalous or else I'll call the guard." he warned.
It's another girl! You can guess who it is. Maybe it's one of the old man's women, that's why he followed that handsome man Yeahh I will! So stop grabbing me!" I said as I nodded. I violently shook my clothes in front of him to show that I was annoyed. Since there was nothing I could do in this place, I immediately walked out of the company with a thud.
Tsk! How many other companies have I joined?! Why is it that no one can make sense! Everything I've been in has flaws and anomalies.
When I got out, I heard the notification on my cellphone.
You got one message from your beshy jia Beshy jia: Hey Liana! where the hell are you?
Hey, it's just jia..I'm sure there's something annoying about it. When will he run out of stories?
[Me: I'm here in front of the KJ company.
Beshy jia: KJ company? LMAO what did you do before? Pang How many is that?
I don't know if I'll laugh or be annoyed at the girl's chat, Toh. It's like she's still laughing and teasing. Even me I can't remember or count which company I joined Me: tsk, shut up okay?
anyway why did you text me?
Jia and I rarely text and as well she is busy with her work and love life. What about Jowa? While here I look like a fool looking for a sensible company to join. Beshy jia: well I texted you because I want you to meet me and Carlo in the cafe Don't say no.
Me: Huh? Why would I go there?
[Beshy jia: tsk, just come! We're here already Me: hmm let me think first.
I will tease you. I know that even if I don't agree, he will tease and tease me. He is the type who will not stop you until you agree to what he wants to do.
Beshy jia: gaga! you have no mind so don't think right!
Why..I'm stupid?!tsk..admittedly I was stupid before But not now Noh! I'm too stupid to be stupid anymore.
Me: ok I'm coming! prepare your face for me jia! I'll slap you left and right.
[Beshy jia: lol, whatever! let's say bye, our food is here! We will wait for you so hurry Me: yeahhh. Bye see you there.
When I sent that, I just held my breath. I looked again in front of the manyakis' company. I can't help but feel annoyed when I remember what that villager did to me. Tsk, but the problem now is.. what's my plan now? I don't know what to do anymore! maybe there's no job for me anymore..
Annoying gosh Liana did you do that?!" Anas and jia laughed.
What's the problem? he deserved it though" I had no appetite and played with the glass I was holding.
I know but damn! you slap and kick his balls?! that's hurt you know?" Sambit laughed and so did Carlo who could barely swallow what he was eating.
Tsk, do you look like I care? And who does he think he is to touch me? He's very clingy!" Kong Sambit was angry.
I remembered the old Yun holding my ass! damn it if I could really kill I would definitely do that first. What did he think of me as a low class woman that he can insult? Yeah, yeah I get it but what's your plan now?" Carlo asked. I slightly looked at him even me I don't know what's my plan.. and it's making me go crazy. plan??..I..I think I won't really have a job." I said with a snort and pretended to cry How can you get a job if all your bosses are always fighting or trampling on you." Jia said shaking her head as I sat next to her.
"What am I going to do?! It's not my fault that they get trampled!" I said." and besides, they want that! I'm thankful for them that I didn't cut their mouths." I said and Carlo choked. Jia immediately handed him water.
Mygosh beshy! Watch your words." Jia was shocked. He knows how to be shy.
W-woah.. you really change liana." said carlo who was still coughing a bit. Don't feel sorry for our happiness." he said while covering the lower part of his body What the heck?..
Oh come on babe it's small so don't be proud." said jia with a smirk and teasing. what?.."carlo said as if he couldn't believe it. He couldn't accept what jia said What? I'm just stating the truth babe." she said again, which was suddenly taken seriously by carlo.
"Stop spouting nonesense. Maybe I'll make you swallow it when you find out." when carlo said that, I almost choked. Did they forget I was here?!
What the fvck Carlo!" Jia blushed. Because of annoyance and I couldn't hear what they were talking about, I just slapped their forehead. At first they were angry but when I looked at them they immediately stopped.
What hurts? Do you want one more?" I asked with my hand outstretched it's hurt!" jia's angry behavior is like a child and rubs his forehead
It's because you're wearing a sweater."
Tsk, Anyway, the question is, will there be a job?" he asked with annoyance in his voice.
Is there even more?...
Ah... Nothing? Oh wait...
What??" Jia asked in surprise. I stopped because I remembered that I applied to a company but they didn't call me I remember that I applied to a company but they haven't called me yet." I said and leaned back in the chair. I'm tired of waiting.
I wish I could call you because if not, no one will really accept you at your age." He said with a smile.
The hell I'm only 24 years old?! so I know if someone will be close to me. I'm not old yet.
"Wow ah, hey I'm still young so shut up" I said and pointed the glass at him.
Asus let's see how long you'll wait." he continued teasing me. Because of the annoyance, I watched him.
"Oh, by the way, we won't be together for long because we'll both be watching a movie," he said, which annoyed me.
Do you really need to say that in front of me?! I want to make it look like I'm single You know what since you became my third wheel." Sambit irritated. They just laughed at what I said.
They dare laughing at me?! I'm sure they pity me. not our fault Liana, if you just answered Alex confession Edi I hope you won't be jealous now" Jia said.
I was quiet suddenly. I remembered again the day of Alex's confession to me. yes I reject him because I don't want him to get hurt especially that I'm not sure about my feelings towards him. I thought he was joking at that time but when I saw his face I saw the sincerity.
Right now I can say that he's in my friendzone. And yeah .. he's kind, sweet, pogi, rich But.. he's not ready to enter into a relationship and I don't want to commit yet.
Oh, you're quiet all of a sudden." Carlo smiled foolishly Hays stop teasing me! Can you both? And besides I'm sure Alex has a girlfriend now." I said smiling.
Well if he already has a girlfriend..Edi I'm happy for him. He deserves someone who will love him though. It's not like I hurt him once.
Oww so are you jealous??" Jia asked which surprised me.
No I'm not! And why would I?" I asked with a frown. I have nothing to be jealous of Nothing, I'm just asking, maybe you're right but remember Alex is such a busy person." Jia said. "he always does his best for his hard work and he surely wants to reach what his goal is." he added. .
It is true that Alex is a very busy person. I also heard that he spends a lot of time working abroad, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has a girlfriend in his hometown, because many people will chase after him. Well, where is Alex in the United States, because that's where He was still recovering from his lameness and Aunt Emelda decided that he should study and work there first. That was also the time that before they left, he was able to confess to me.
Yup he is, but drop that topic and you're going to leave, right?" when I changed the topic. They just looked at me as if doubting when I changed the subject. "what?? I'm just asking ok? liana, are you rushing us? It's 20 minutes before the movie starts, so chill," Jia said.
It's not that I'm rushing them, I just don't like what they're talking about.
Oh, by the way, what's the name of the company you applied to?" Carlo asked. I thought for a moment.
What exactly is that.. with so many applications I can't remember which company's I applied for.
Umh .. T...wait let me think... I know that.." I was thinking.
What? You forget? Don't you?" Jia asked with raised eyebrows.
No! As far as I know... T is the first letter of that company." I said unsure oh you mean Toyota?" when Carlo said that, I looked at him badly.
Dumbass! Do you think I can forget when the company's name is like that?" I said annoyed I'm sorry I realized. So what exactly is that?" he asked now feeling ashamed. far as I remember it's called T...TSC Corporation?" I answered, still unsure?.. that's familiar.."
Yeahh, that company is familiar..I think I heard that before" They both behaved.
Really? Where?" I asked a little excited.
Well, I don't remember but I think I watched and heard that on the news and on the radio." Jia said and Carlo agreed. oww it looks like the company I applied to is still famous..
Hey! what the heck?!"
Jia! don't pull me!" I look at Kay jia who is annoyed Don't be naughty, my gosh, we rarely go to this place." he said to me, still holding my hands. Well, he just pulled me into the bar.
I don't like this place and I don't like the smell of alcohol even more, but even if I don't want to come, can I do anything about the girl? I don't need to scare me just to come. Yeah yeah I get! Now let me go!" irritated Kong Anas. He let go of my hand and continued walking.
We were looking for her good boyfriend Carlo. As we were walking, I didn't like what I was seeing. Who would be happy in such a place if the people here are almost eating their faces and then the others dance like that? crazy Add the men who look at me like you thought you just saw a girl.
Don't get me wrong, this isn't the first time I've been to a bar but I really don't like the smell of alcohol and I don't like seeing this kind of people.
Hey babee!" Jia called out to Carlo. We walked to where he was sitting and immediately sat next to him.
You look so sexy babe." said Carlo Kay jia and he kissed her on the lips. I almost coughed because of how cute they both were.
Here we go again..they always forget that I'm also here Mygosh! Liana is here oh! You should be ashamed." Carlo reprimanded with red cheeks. Geez, it's like it's still exciting I don't long as I'm just telling the truth." Carlo said. Jia slapped him on the arm because of annoyance.
That's right, fight and hit your poor boyfriend. I'll be even happier.
Tsk, what's wrong with what I said? There's probably nothing wrong with that, right?" Carlo suddenly asked me as I looked at him listlessly.
Hey, don't ask me Carlo." I replied annoyed Why not? Let's be honest here my babe is always sexy." he said to my surprise. If this is all they were going to talk about, I would not have come. I don't want to be the third wheel.
Tch, you two are really flirting! You are so corny." I said irritated. They looked at me a little evilly.
The music is loud but these two have better hearing Gosh, you're jealous." Carlo said while holding Jia's waist. I get really irritated when I see them like that. Don't they know that they look like leeches that cannot be separated from each other?
Me? Jesus, it's happier without Jowa!" I said at the same time. They just laughed at what I said.
To Be Continued...