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Chapter 4

Jason Pov

I was grateful to her, seriously but I hated nosy people. Why can't she just mind her business? I was the one in pain not her and I don't need anyone's pity!

I was happy when she told me Vince was out of danger. I so much wanted to see him. I walked to the ICU and saw my son lying down with a bandage on his head. He only have injury on his head.

A cut, deep enough to touch his brain. So the doctor said and the chances were low but he made it out alive.

What I didn't expect was that he was going to wake up and claim another woman as his mother! Why her? He had never seen her before. Vince had never called anyone his mother right from the moment he was born.

He had never asked nor call anyone by that title… not even Rachel, my ex-fiance. If he should call anyone that, it should be Rachel!

That's one of the reasons I was adamant that he should be discharged immediately! I quickly called Doctor Bennett over to check on him. If he could be discharged and he told me the exact thing that busy mouth said.

When the nosy doctor came for the discharge, which was after I had to send someone to call her with a threat. She told me things I already know and I rudely cut her off.

As if that wasn't enough, she even advised me to take care of myself. What a busy body, I snarled at her. I watched her shrugged get shoulders nonchalantly as she left the ward.

As soon as we got home, I received a phone call from my grandpa.

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I am good. Nothing big." I lied to him, although I knew I would be caught.

I heard his sigh from the other end. "I have seen your doctor's report. You aren't fooling me."

I knew that he must have known about everything. He had his fingers on almost every string in the country and pulling them was just as easy as riding a bike for him.

"I'll be fine. My main concern is Vince." I said, closing my eyes tightly.

"It wasn't your fault, Jason."

"I should have seen the damn deer!" I bawled, losing my edge.

"But you didn't and you both survived. He needs you just as much as you need him and I need the both of you equally as much." He said, his voice sounding stiff.

As much as that makes sense, I still feel guilty.

Then he added,"Does any of that make sense?"

"Yes, sir." I simply answered.

"Good. Now pull yourself together."

After he cut the call, I felt the excruciating pain from my arm and it hurt badly but not as bad as the dull pain in my chest when I had seen Vince unconscious during the crash.

I feared the worst back then and I still do.

I walked over to check on the sleeping child and I felt grateful for having been blessed with such a wonderful kid. I would give anything without a moment’s hesitation to see my son happy.

At that, my mind went to that happy face at the hospital. The lady that talks non-stop. Why would my son refer to her as his mother? That was the first time we were seeing the doctor.

I just hope my son recovers faster.


I was about to go back to my room, when I heard my son's voice. I stopped in my tracks.

"Mummy! Mummy!! Mummy!!!" He kept muttering.

I was confused.

What the hell was happening? Why would my son call a strange woman his mother?

Seeing as he was battling to sleep, I drew closer to him to cuddle him. After a torturous fifteen minutes of patting, he managed to fall asleep.

But I couldn't just leave him alone. So I lay beside him, my thoughts running deep.

What if he continues asking for that woman?

What if he never snaps from it? What am I going to do? I was contemplating when I also fell asleep.


The next day, I woke up with bags around my eyes. Vince had woken up every five minutes calling out that damn doctor all night long!

I managed to sleep during the early hours of this morning after Vince fell asleep. And that was fucking ten minutes ago!

I definitely won't let this go on.

I got out of the bed and stared at my son's pale face. His face was not just looking pale and sickly but he was also burning up throughout the night.

Feeling panicked, I called the doctor over and he was administered some drugs.

Sighing at last night's event, I walked out of the room so I could take a shower and freshen up. Getting to the bathroom, I stared at the various bruises on my body.

I was feeling pains all over. Maybe it's because of last night's stress. I groaned at the excruciating pain that rushed down my spine. I closed my eyes to hold down the pain.

I just want my son to be fine. My injuries were nothing compared to his own.

I quickly washed up so I could prepare the files I wanted to send to the office. I will stay with Vince to see if he would be alright before going to the office later.

Just as I came out of the bathroom, I heard a piercing cry and my heart dampened that instant.

Vince was awake and calling for that damn woman again! What's so special about her?

His screams were becoming louder and I quickly put on my clothes even when the pains were tearing through my body.

Making my way towards his room, my mind was running in circle. I wonder what spell that doctor had cast on my son!

When I got to Vince's room, I saw him throwing things around. His room was in a mess and I don't know where my anger rose from.

"Vince Clarksville!" I bellowed in anger, my body filled with pain yet it was shaking in anger.

Vince looked at me with eyes filled with fear yet defiant. It was like he was ready to go against the world just for that woman. Just when I thought he was silent, I heard another round of crashes.

"Where is my mummy! I want my mummy!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

I was having a strong migraine.

I know my son very well. Vince won't stop until he has gotten what he wanted. But didn't that doctor say he would be alright after waking up?

"What a trash!" I muttered under my breath.

Taking a stride towards Vince, I suppressed my anger as I tried to calm him," Stop all this, Tiger. I will take you to meet your… to meet her. Can you please stop?"

I saw his stubborn eyes looking at me to be sure I was telling the truth. I reassured him with a nod and a smile even when I felt like destroying everything around me.

Why the hell was that woman in our lives?

"Get him prepared and also tell the driver to get ready to take us to the hospital," I instructed the butler.

"Yes, Young Master"

In less than thirty minutes, I was at the hospital with Vince whose eyes were darting around. He was looking for his so-called mother. I watched him calmly and followed his roaming eyes.

Not long, I saw her…getting off work, I guess. I was going to have a serious talk with her!

“Momma!” I heard Vince booming in a singsong voice.

Sighing deeply, I watched him running towards the stranger who had become his mother overnight. Was there anything I could do to stop it?

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