Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I watched in awe as the two figures straddle each other moaning without noticing my even presence. There on the bed were my friend and boyfriend, thinking that I saw it wrong, I blinked my eyes several times. But it was as clear as the day.
“Anyone care to explain what the hell is going on here?” I screamed, bringing the two apart. Carter pushed Vivian away gently while Vivian stared at me unapologetically.
“It's exactly what It looks like dumbass” I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was too perplexed to utter anything.
“Again Vivian? What exactly did I do that you find joy in taking everything that belongs to me?" I asked when I finally found my voice
“Nothing dear, I just wanted you to know that you can't have it all. Why must you be damn lucky every time? You aren't even that pretty to begin with!” She snapped at me.
“Now if you would excuse us?” She said as she climbed him again.
“Carter?” I called hopefully, thinking he'd at least beg me and let us settle things.
“You heard the lady, out!,” he said and I ran. I ran as far as I could crying and wondering what exactly was wrong with me.
This wasn't the first time Vivian would do this, stupid me I didn't learn from the lesson and allow her to do exactly what she did two years back.
I calmed down a little after running and walking before deciding to go home. If I couldn't find happiness outside my house, I should at least find it with my parents.
Unknown to me, home held something far worse than I had just seen.
“I won't agree to this stupid setup of a marriage and that's final. I would not allow myself to be ridiculed and used as bait!” I said, holding my painful cheeks, I stomped my feet angrily, opened the door and ran out.
As I got out, the cold weather hit my face, great! All my life I have lived according to how my parents wanted it. Always giving in to their shit.
I have given up my passion just to massage their ego, why do I have to enter a loveless marriage because of my stupid brother?
All of this happened because mom always indulged his lazy ass. When he dropped out of school, she didn't do anything about it, when he started clubbing, she did nothing, when he started doing drugs, she said nothing. Both she and Dad allowed him to do all he wanted but they never did that with me.
Sometimes I wonder if I was really their child, maybe I'm not my parent's child after all. Now that he had absconded with brutal Diego Hunters money and drugs, let them deal with it themselves!
Why must I be the scapegoat? Everyone in Western America knows not to cross Diego's path. Now willingly carting away his drugs and money is on another level entirely.
I was fortunate to be out when he came over asking for his whereabouts. My parents were unable to produce the stupid lazy bum. The only option was to take away the only thing Dad had in his name. The house.
Instead, he hook-winked him and proposed that he take me instead. He used me as collateral till stupid Liam was found.
I would rather die than accept to be one of Diego's playthings. Aside from being a notorious big horn who's feared among all, he is a playboy. Women beg for his attention. Every week, the press presents to us his new lover and how they gallivant about the whole of California.
As I child, I have always envisaged a marriage full of love between my husband and me. I had always wanted to raise my children with care and love without being biased like mom always did with Liam and I. Won't allowing myself to be given to the beast be the end of the dream?
After walking for a while, I calmed down and thought about a possible way to sort things out. As much as I want to escape this ordeal, I must go about it with senses, why not go see him and promise to find Liam myself? Maybe he'll agree? Taking the first taxi I saw, I hopped in and instructed the driver to take me to Chillies Night Club.
It was the most popular in the area, so it wasn't difficult to find. I alighted from the car and made my way to the entrance. Two hefty-looking men were outside checking those who were entering. This isn't going to be easy as I thought seeing that they meant business.
“I'm here to see Diego”, the one on my left looked me up from end to toe, “go home, your mama is waiting,” he said without paying me any attention.
“Tell Diego his wife is here to see him”. This caught them off guard as surprise was evident on their face. Just then another man with a serpent tattooed arm came out and spoke to them in hushed tones.
“Go in”, he ordered and I followed the tattooed guy in. The first thing that hit my nose was the smell of alcohol and sweat once we entered. Music was blasting from the DJ’s end and strippers were doing their thing by the pole.
“Gross!” I thought. We took the back door beside the bar and we walked into a passage that led to an office. He opened the door for me and I walked in removing all timidity from my face.
“If it isn't my wife” he said smiling as I entered. This was it, Diego Hunter, the most brutal drug dealer in the whole of Western America. He had his sleeves rolled up and his mixture of skull and serpent tattoo was visible. His long fingers were on his keyboard typing and I wondered what those beautiful fingers could do besides typing. My mid part suddenly tightened and I turned red.
Fuck me! This is fucking brutal Diego!
“Cat got your tongue?”, He queried, removing his glasses. I regained my composure quickly and spoke.
“Well, I was thinking we could strike a deal, as it is I'm not interested in marrying you and I'm sure you have a long list of women waiting to worship you like a god”, I said
“So, here's the thing, I'll find Liam for you and I'll make sure he pays your money. But I need you to refuse my father's proposal. I'm not interested in marrying you”, I finished, maintaining eye contact with him.
Standing up from his chair without losing contact, he walked towards me, hovering his height over me. “What made you think you could come in here and strike a deal with me?” He asked.
“I won't be used as collateral until my brother is found, I'll find him for you”, I said again.
“I do not need your help, my boys would find him. Until then, you remain my collateral and I can do with you whatever I deem fit”, he stated authoritatively walking back to his seat, making me quiver.
“Miss Conner, enjoy the rest of your evening”, he said dismissively. Instantly, I felt angry and I decided to give him a piece of my mind, “Of course, what do I expect from a drug-dealing low life”. His countenance changed but he seemed to maintain his composure.
“Come show Miss Conner out” he spoke to the phone. The tattooed guy opened the door, motioning for me to get out. When Diego saw that I was unwilling to move, he signalled to the tattoo guy, he walked in and carried me like I meant nothing. He didn't stop until we were outside before he dropped me.
I scoffed angrily, smoothened my clothes and walked angrily into the nearest amusement park. I sat down, except for the sound of crickets that night, the whole area was quiet.
“Exactly what I needed”, I said to myself sitting on the swing chair and thinking about possible ways to get myself out of the mess. Suddenly I felt creepy and I could tell goosebumps were already on my skin.
I looked around frantically and knew danger was near, I don't know how but I suddenly felt it.
Six huge men suddenly came from the darkest part of the park and were in my view. They barricaded me, preventing me from seeing the dim light in the park.
“That must be Diego's newest bitch”, a voice said huskily and the six men paved the way for him.
He moved towards me and held my chin up accessing me.
There!, exactly why I never want to have anything to do with the Mafias. They are a crazy set of people who do not care about wasting people's lives.
Now, I'm going to die for someone who doesn't care about me. Today was the first close contact I had with him.
“You are mistaken”, I said, gaining all of their attention. “I'm not stupid Diego's bitch. I am Diana and I won't put up with this.. this nonsense of yours”. I said with fear evident in my voice.
Standing up gingerly, I made to run. But before I could even count a few steps I was pulled back by a heavy hand and I landed on my butt.
Damn, that hurts, I thought as water filled my eyes. I won't break, I won't cry, I bit my lips to prevent me from crying.
“Now, ain't you a pretty thing?” the man with the husky voice said. “You think you can leave this place unscathed?” He laughed heartily.
“Your sweet Diego would see you and wished he never crossed paths with me when I am through with you” he told me as a matter of fact.
“Guys!” He said and that was the last thing I heard.