Melanie Shaine isn't just an average normal girl. She attends the most prestigous music and arts school in the nation, M...
Chapter One
Chapter One
*Two Years Ago*
“Five, six, seven, eight.” Our teacher counted to the beat of the music, snapping her fingers. I went through the dance moves to the song, letting my mind go and letting my body move freely to the music.
This was no ordinary class. This was Miran Art Academy, the number one Arts Academy in the US and located in the capital city of North Carolina. It was tough to get into but it was a journey I didn’t regret especially when I was enrolled with my best friend, Jason.
He was my competitor but my best friend in the world. We did everything together from eating ice cream at Goodberry like normal teenagers to performing showcases on stage in front of hundreds of people but the showcase we were working on today was the most important.
“Ladies and gentlemen! You can’t do this if you don’t put your whole effort into it. All of you in here are each other’s competitors. Don’t let friendship stand in the way of reaching for this opportunity. MG Entertainment Company will be here during the showcase to pick one person to debut.” Ms. Kyler kept going on with her lectures.
“Hey, want to grab some ice cream afterwards?” Jason whispered, appearing next to me. His body heat was overpowering my own, making me even sweatier than I already was.
“You’re so hot, go away,” I hissed, stepping away from him.
“Glad to know you think that way of me,” he grinned. I rolled my eyes scoffing but I couldn’t hold in that smile. He was such a player sometimes. There were no girls in Miran Art Academy who didn’t like Jason at one point or another. I had to admit, I fell into that category but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.
“Don’t we need to practice for the showcase?” I raised my eyebrow. Usually he was the one who insisted practicing while I pestered him about ice cream.
“That can wait. It’s tonight at seven. That gives us plenty of time,” he smiled. “Are you not ready?” he asked when he saw my unease.
“Aren’t you nervous?” I whispered.
“Naw, I got my lucky charm right here,” he smiled, showing me the bracelet I made for him a year ago. I took a professional class during the summer and made him a real bracelet and not those crappy kinds you make with beads and yarn.
“Jason Whitlock and Melanie Shaine if you like to continue talking during class, maybe you like to show us the steps to this song again,” Ms. Kyler said, walking towards us with her high heels. She was very young, around twenty and most guys had somewhat of a crush on her but she was strict and stern. Crossing her arms as she approached us, Jason took my hand and smiled.
“Of course, Ms. Kyler,” he flashed his best smile that had all the girls swooning at the Academy. Ms. Kyler didn’t seem amused but smirked at his behavior.
“Five, six, seven, eight.”
I felt the beat once again and tried dancing harder this time, putting my energy and focus into the song. Jason danced behind me and grabbed my waist with one hand and another extended upwards with my hand in his. He spun me around and the music ended with us in each other’s arms.
His face was only one inch away from my own and his breathe fell heavily on me. The whole class clapped politely but I knew all the girls were secretly jealous. Ms. Kyler only nodded her head and smiled, as she expected it from her best students.
“As you two must know, you will be rivals in this showcase. For now, the competition between you two is tied. Let’s try to make it so that one of you will stand out from the other. Show me that and you will succeed,” she advised and dismissed class.
“Hey, you did pretty well back there,” Jason smiled catching up to me after the final bell rang.
“Thanks but what’s your tactic here comrade?” I narrowed my eyes trying to guess what he wants. He didn’t shower me with praises often so when it came, it usually took me away by surprise.
“Go to Goodberry with me,” he grinned, taking my hand and twirling me around. I punched him playfully.
“I have to practice for the showcase. This is a huge deal! MG Entertainment is like the biggest entertainment company in America!” I exclaimed, trying to emphasize how important it was if I hadn’t already.
“I know,” he shrugged. “But we’re good enough.”
“Which means the real competition is between us,” I reminded him and he frowned.
“You’ll get it Mellie,” he assured me.
“Yeah, if you die or get run over by a truck before the showcase,” I rolled my eyes.
“You heard Ms. Kyler. She basically said the competition between us is tied,” Jason shrugged, elbowing me with that stupid grin of his.
“With you on the upper hand,” I scoffed. “I have recording to do.” I tried to think of any excuse I could find but it was true, I had to work on my vocals too since the MG Entertainment wanted a dancer and singer.
“One ice cream won't hurt you Mellie,” Jason pestered. His offer was too good to pass up on.
“I hate you Ace,” I groaned finally giving in. He gave me a devilish smile and grabbed my hand.
The ice cream was amazing as always and it was nice to just relax with Jason eating ice cream while sitting on a fountain. The fountain was smacked in front of Goodberry which was only a stand itself. The employees had the privilege of staying inside the air conditioned cubicle while customers enjoyed the hot sun and the fountain.
“After tonight, everything might change,” Jason sighed, eating his spoonful of his chunky chocolate delight. It was his favorite flavor while mine was strawberry drizzle.
“I know,” I whispered, hating to face the facts. All the teachers were counting on one of us to win but no one knew who. We finished our ice cream in silence and watched as the sky began to set.
“Do you remember this fountain?” he asked, chuckling. “The very first time?”
I could I ever forget that day? It was the day Jason and I had met. We were about two years old and we were both walking around the fountain and knocked the other out when we ran into each other. Since then, we were inseparable. “The first day we met,” I smiled at the fond memory.
“Let’s just try to make this moment memorable,” Jason smiled and suddenly he was closer to me. The dangerous little space between us made my heart beat rapidly. Slowly he began to close the space between us and he gave me a small peck on the lips. Our cold lips collided for a brief second and I felt myself get disappointed.
“Ace, what did you do?” I said startled but I felt myself blush. This was not how friends were supposed to act but then why did my heart pound and my cheeks blush?
“Just a good luck kiss,” he grinned and got up. He offered me a hand and I hesitantly took it. It was just a good luck kiss.Get a hold of yourself Mellie. “Come on, we’ll be late,” he said quickly and we ran as fast as our legs could take us. The whole time all I felt were the imprint he had left on my lips and how my hand fit perfectly together in his.