Here I am gripping bouquet of flowers and cluching arm of my Brother Wilber very tightly
Due to Anexity
We are walking into aisle church everlasting and elegantly decorated beautifully with white lilies and light pink tulips looking like heaven
And I saw him that devil my soon to be husband
He is looking so breadth taking wearing crisp blue wrinkles free armani suit his dark black hair is styled back perfectly
His strong jaw is cleanly shaved
He is soo handsome and beautiful
But I know the reality of this arrogant jerk for World he is So beautiful of course he is
Multi billionaire anyone dream man but he is devil in disguise
His eyes stoped at me and my heart skipped a beat his gaze makes me nervous as hell
My legs are shaking completely
I looked up at him I saw an unknown emotion in his eyes for me but soon he brushed that emotion away with his usual cold face
I stand there in beside him
Priest started reciting hymns of marriage
But mind my is too tired to understand anything I mean I have gone through enough
Priest started
Aaron Knight and Eternity Granger , have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?"
"Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"
"Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?"
"i do " Aaron answered and my breathing stops
priest looked at me , I didnt say anything ,i want to refuse but a grip in my arm jerked me i looked at Aaron he is already glaring at me
"I.......I do" i said
Do you Aaron Knight take the, Eternity Granger to be wedded wife , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance
"I do" Aaron said and my heart skipped a beat.
Priest repeat same to me
At first thought to say no but soon I realized my maternal grandma house her last memory I have
My parents are divorced now they have their own family
So I only live with my maternal grandmother and grandfather
My grandma is no more but my grandpa is still alive and loves me a lot,
I have to to this for their house,which is made from their savings they worked hard for, even it have my childhood memories with them
My grandma last memory I have to
Closing my eyes blocking every other thought I say
"I do"
Now I may pronounced you husband and wife congratulations " priest announced happily
"Now you may kiss the bride" Priest said and here I my heart started beating like gong kiss to him noo I don't want
His expression is also very angry , he also didn't want to kiss me, I can feel his fierce angered eyes over me but to many peoples are there
He leaned forward and I closed my eyes due to anxiety
I feel his lips brushed into mine like feather like it felt like so divine I don't know why, but it pleases my heart so much
He pulled apart from me
People started coming towards us to congratulate us
I thanked them but Aaron is standing like rock
A handsome rock ugh shut up inner voice shut up stupid inner voice he is a Devil
Well, after some time I realized he is not beside me I looked around to find him but he is nowhere to be seen
"Hey sissy " Fhil Allway who introduced himself Aaron's childhood best friend comes to me with beautiful cheerful smile
He calls me sissy because he consider me as his sister he always wanted a sister
"O hii fhil did you see Aaron anywhere I didn't find him " I said to him
"Yeah actually he have to go for business purpose " Fhil said awkwardly to me scratching his neck
"Um it's okay I can understand " I said to fhil
Well what can I expect from Aaron he hates me soo much
" But he tell me to take you to Knight's mansion "fhil said to me cheerfully.
" Yeah let's go " I said
After exchanging hugs and goodbyes from everyone I go towards outside from church I saw I was stunned by seeing an
Rolls-Royce Phantom. ... Car
"Ready to go to your house
sissy " Fhil said to me
After that we sat in that amazing car
"Um fhil where is Aaron's parents I didn't saw them in weeding" I asked to fhil wondering
Fhil smile sadly at me and said "They died at when Aaron was 11 years old he loves his parents so much "
This makes me feel sad for Aaron
"So sissy what is your favorite food" Fhil asked me cheerfully
"I love cheese pizza, it's so yummy " I said smiling
"What same here I think we are brother sister from another parents " He said with wide smile to me
"Yeah " I also said to him with widest smile
Fhil. Is a really amazing guy he is childhood best friend of Aaron that is because their fathers are business partners, even fhil tells me very hilarious stories about Aaron's childhood, Fhil have amazing sense of humor I am soo happy finally I have an amazing brother and friend here.
So, my beautiful readers finally marriage of our Aaron and Eternity happen how is this chapter guys please tell me by comments.