"Here comes the day I was waiting for.. My first job interview at WAVES club" I whisper to myself.
As I live with my Mom Natalie she adopted me since I lost my parents in an accident. She takes good care of me. As now, I decided to be independent on my own and I found a great job, I love working at night. I just hope I will get that job.
I own a car instead I was a little nervous, I hired a taxi. After getting inside the car, I told the driver the club's location. Reaching my destination, I stepped outside the car and walk inside the huge opened gate in front of me.
I stand in the front of the building which is black, with WAVES written in silver in the large space on the building. The building is made up with black glasses which make it look more classy.
I start to make my steps toward the building. I saw the bodyguard in front of the door. "Excuse me, could you please tell me where should I go for the interview." I ask him kindly.
He nodded "follow me, please" he said.
I follow him as he takes me to the elevator in the corner of the corridor, I can see many staffs running everywhere!
As we reach the 3rd floor, I continue to follow the bodyguard which guided me to an office with black glasses and with a big door. He knocked the door as I hear a "come in."
"Mr Giroud, a lady is here for interview" the bodyguard said.
"Let her in" the men said from inside the office.
Am already nervous I just hope everything goes well. The bodyguard opens the door wider for me and let me walk inside. When I stepped inside I can see a handsome man sitting behind the desk looks at his laptop screen.
He stands up as he noticed I am standing in front of him. "Good morning, please take a seat" he said with a light smile.
He has dark blue eyes, he is wearing a black suit with a light blue button shirt.
I take a seat in front of him and hand him my CV documents. "So, you're here for being my personal assistant." He said.
"Yes" I nodded.
"Good, well it is your first job? He asks raising his brows.
"Yes." I said, being nervous.
"Okay, you've just finish up with university." He said while reading the documents.
"Don't you have any ambition Miss.. Dornan?" He asks coldly.
"Yeah of course I do have..but as I've just finish up with my studies and I don't think am ready for starting my dream job.. That's why am here." I said confusedly.
"Okay Miss Dornan you've got the job, and you can't leave this job for 3 months from now, and we have some rules that we follow at this office" he said coldly.
I just nodded my head.
"Let me explain you some of our works." He said.
"Okay" I stated as I give him all my attention.
"So, I run a club over here which is located on the first floor, and on the second floor it's the office for my 2nd club in California. The 3rd floor office have my own office, and your if ever someone has to meet me they will have to take permission from you first then they will be sent to my office" he explains.
"Okay sir" I nodded my head in acceptance.
"Well do you want me to teach you some rules today or tomorrow?" He asked.
"You can teach me everything today" I said kindly.
He stands up and walk beside the desk, I stand up he brings his hand forward , I also bring my hand forward and shake his hand. "Welcome to WAVES club Miss Dornan." He said with a smirk.
"Thank you sir" I said.
"Come I'll show you your office." He said and I follow him.
Well my office is just beside his office as it has a black glass in between, so, we'll be able to see each other.
"Whenever I will have any meetings you will have to accompany me." He claims.
"Yes sir" I said while analysing the office, it's quite spacious. There's a desk with a computer, in the side of the office there's a couch, and on the other side there is a shelf with plenty of books and files.
"I have one more office which is located up at the dance floor and you can never go over there without my orders." He said strictly.
"Okay" I nod.
As he showed me the whole building, which is fascinating. After the tour, we reach on the first floor.
"I hope you will be comfortable with this job, and you will follow all the rules over here." He said with a serious tone.
"Sure sir and as far as I can I will follow all your rules." I said with a smile.
"Good, before leaving give me your phone number I will message you your first task for tomorrow and your duty will start as from 9 p.m and the club opens at 10 p.m." he said coldly.
"Okay sir" I give him my phone number. Why the hell he needs this! He could tell me my first task today!
"Hmm.. Miss Dornan I forget to tell you about your transport. I will send a driver to take you." He said expressionlessly.
"But you don't need to worry about that I have my car I can come on my own." I stated.
"No... I can't take the risk you are my PA, and I'm the boss, so, you're here over my responsibility, and for an alone girl, it can be cruel to travel alone at night!" He said with a smirk.
"Do you mean I'm a weak girl, sir?" I stated coldly.
"No I didn't mean that" he said seriously.
"I take your leave now." I claim while making my way toward the door.
"Goodbye Miss Dornan" he shouted from the back.
"Goodbye Mr Giroud" I turn around and smile at him, and he gave me a blank impression. He is so weird! But he is handsome! Mr Arrogant!
I stand outside the building and wait for a taxi, but no taxi can be seen. I could come in my car but whenever I'm nervous I can't drive. That's why I preferred to come in a taxi.
I keep waitingwhen suddenly a car stop in front of me and the window slide down, then I saw Mr Giroud on the driver's seat.
"Get in, I'll drop you." He said.
"No sir! You don't need to bother." I stated.
"Just get inside the car Miss Dornan" he said with greeted teeth.
I quietly open the door and get inside. I buckle my seat belt.
He starts the engine. While driving, he keeps on stealing glances from me. His eyes are so beautiful just like the deep blue ocean. I can't do anything but stare at him.
"If you're done staring me Miss Dornan! I think we have reach your place." He said with a playful smirk.
"Oh, sorry sir." I said while blushing. "Oh! did you find out? that this is my house!" I shouted, I have not told him the location.
"I'm your boss Angelina!" He makes a smirk. What? So if he is my boss that doesn't mean he should know everything about me!
"By the way, I know I'm a handsome man but remember I'm your boss, Miss Dornan." He said, raising his brows with a playful reaction.
"Yes sir, sorry" I stated as I close the door.
"You don't need to be sorry." He said. I was standing in front of the window with my head bent down, so, I could meet his level.
"Sir, if possible you can just call me Angelina." I stated. I hate it when people get too formal with me.
"Okay, if you insist" he said while starting the engine.
I keep a smile on my face.
"See you tomorrow at 9 p.m Angelina." He said as he start driving.
I make my way inside the house, Mom Natalie is not at home. I take a quick shower, and I went back to my room, I take some rest.
After one hour of laying on the bed I realise it's already 6 p.m. I went to the kitchen and decided to cook some pasta for dinner.
"Baby how was your day." Mom asked me while taking off her coat.
"Really nice, finally I got the job at WAVES club and my duty will start as from tomorrow." I stated while chopping the vegetables.
"That's a good news." She said with a smile.
"Let me help you to prepare dinner" she stated. "It's almost done! By the way how was your day?" I questioned her. "Nice! Just there were some meetings." She utter.
The dinner is ready. We both have our dinner.
"I'm going in my bedroom I'm exhausted" Mom said while she is making her way towards her room.
"Okay, good night" I stated and I go to my bedroom. I hate this everytime I need to be alone, no one to talk, no friends! Boring life..
I lay down on the bed, I hear a message notification on my phone, I open it and read it.
Tomorrow be ready at 8:50 p.m, someone will be at your place to pick you and when you'll be at the office bring a cup coffee for me.
Okay sir
I reply him as my phone vibrates one more time after sending him the message.
By the way you don't need to say 'SIR' in messages. Just Steaves..
Okay Steaves
By the way it was nice meeting you..
It was really nice knowing him, I hope he will not be an arrogant boss. Yes, he might be arrogant, but he is not that bad!
Another message!
REALLY, people always regret after meeting me..
Why he means that? He is a nice guy. "What I'm gonna reply him! I can't ignore his messages either!
Everyone are not the same, some peoples have different personalities!
Well...we'll see later
What the heck! Really, 'we'll see later!' BEAST! Goodnight to you too Steaves! I hate your attitudes already, I don't know for how long I will have to work with you. My arrogant boss!