Today was a strange day, very strange indeed.
Miyu sat in front of an infant with a fedora, thinking to herself. How did she get in this situation again?
Well, let's rewind.
4 hours earlier
"Kyo-chan! here's your lunch, and don't forget to make friends okay? Oh, and also, here's something for Tetsuya-chan!" Miyu said as she handed him a little bag of cookies. "Be safe okay? I love you! Mua~!" Miyu picked up Hibari and smacked a large kiss on his forehead. Hibari flattened his lips, and nodded, a small, almost inaudible 'love you too' came out of his mouth. Normally, no one would hear this, but who is Miyu? She is the ultimate Hibari Kyoya detector. Instantly, her hair antenna straightened, "eh? eh? what's this? Did Kyo-chan just say love me back?" Tears immediately started to form in Miyu's eyes. *sob* Hibari stared at his mother with an emotionless face. This was his mother...he sweat dropped to himself, and got onto the car that his mother prepared for him. Miyu was too concerned about recording this date and making it a national holiday to notice Hibari had left. By the time she got over the fact that, no she didn't record Hibari saying that, (but it'll forever be in her heart), it had already been an hour.
Miyu calmly looked at her watch, 9:30am, work started at 10, and it took her 30 mins to get to work. But Miyu was still in her home clothes, instead of work clothes.
".....I'll just skip work." Miyu decided with no hesitation, she got out her phone and dialed a number, "I'm not coming to work today." and hung up.
Meanwhile, at the company, a poor secretary was crying to herself, as she tried to answer all the phone calls that were meant for a certain someone, "Miss mIYU WHERE ARE YOU?! *SOBBING* PLEASE COME BACKK!!"
Now that Miyu was free for the day, she sat on the ground thinking to herself what she should do. Suddenly, a thought popped into her head, "ah, there's a new cafe open near the company..."
Miyu sat on the floor, thinking about it, drool coming out of her mouth, 'ah....cake...'
Her eyes glowed with excitement. Getting herself ready in 5 minutes, she flipped her hair as she stepped out the door.
10 minutes later, she was standing in front of the cafe, called 'why don't you have a cup of coffee?' with a poker face, Miyu walked in, her cold and distant aura scaring away those who come near her. But in reality, Miyu was just so excited that she subconsciously started to tighten her lips, making her seem like she was in a bad mood.
Quickly, she walked up to the counter, the waitress's smile froze, "H-how may I help you?"
Miyu's eyes flashed, lifting up an elegant finger, she pointed to the menu, "From here, I want it all."
Miyu frowned, 'GIVE ME MY CAKEEEEEE!!!!' her displeasure visibly showed from the dark aura surrounding her, the waitress almost cried.
satisfied, Miyu walked to her seat and sat down, only to notice a baby standing in front of her, he had black hair, and two weirdly curly curls on both sides of his face, and was wearing a suit and fedora. There was a...lizard...? on his fedora?
'ah. Moe.' A giant arrow with the words moe hit straight through Miyu's heart, she quickly and fiercely slapped herself in the face, the baby just looked at her. Miyu smiled gently, "Can I help you?"
"Ciao, I am Reborn, the world's greatest Hitman!" He raised his small hand and pulled down on his fedora. A strange light flickered across his onyx eyes.
"ohohoho, is that so?" Miyu laughed gently, interally, she was sobbing, 'how can someone be so cute? he's almost as cute as her kyo-chan!!!!'
"My name is Hibari Miyu, what can I do for you?" she asked, as she took a bit out of the tiramisu in front of her.
"I'm too short to reach the counter, I want a expresso."
she almost laughed. Almost. "of course!" she called over the waiter, and ordered an expresso for him.
"Thank you," Reborn noticed Miyu staring at leon, and introduced him to her. "This is leon."
"He's very cute," Miyu paused, "Reborn-kun, are you here by yourself? it's very dangerous to be alone here? where are your parents?" a string of questions came out of her mouth as her mother instincts took over.
"I don't have parents."
Miyu froze, instantly, a 10,000 word story of a tragic backstory unfolded inside her head, "I see," she look at him with a motherly aura and sorrow
Reborn- "......."
"why don't you come to my house? I have a son and maybe you two can play together?"
"No thanks. I have somewhere to go."
"I see..."
The rest of the evening was quick, as soon as reborn finished his coffee, he left. Miyu waved him goodbye and continued eating her 38 plates of desserts in front of her. So far, she had gotten through 15 already in the span of 10 minutes. (Later, on a famous video platform, a video of a beautiful woman eating 38 plates of desserts in 20 minutes would be all over the world)
Miyu sighed, she missed kyo-chan already. She quickly paid and left, meh, she'll just spend the rest of the day shopping for Kyo-chan. Thinking of that, a brightly burning fire rose in Miyu's eyes, yes! Onwards! To the mall!!!
Reborn stared at Miyu as she left the cafe. A small and playful smile tug on his lips. This was an interesting woman. He noticed that she instantly put herself in a position of defense when he walked up to her. Also, that silver gleam in her purse...Reborn smiled, it's going to get interesting in Namimori...
A/N - I was just wondering do you guys think that I should get to when the anime starts now? meaning new characters, and new relationships? let me know~