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“David, could you please drive a little bit faster?” I asked for the millionth time since we left the airport.

I was sure David was irritated with my constant push for him to drive faster but he showed no hint of it. He had always been good at hiding his emotions.

“Young mistress, I can assure you that I am driving as responsibly fast as I am allowed to

He replied with the same answer he had given me every time I asked the same question and his tone held no grudge; he was just understanding.

I had asked him if Dad was at home and knew I was coming but he kept avoiding the question or just ignoring it. His silence was doing little to nothing to pacify me.

It was like experiencing life through the eyes of 12-year-old me all over again when mom had left us after her long struggle with cancer.

I had been in school, eager for the torturous day to come to an end so I could go home and sit by mom’s side and read her favourite book from my bookshelf to her, only I didn’t need to wait till school was over that particular day.

I was called to the principal’s office, and I went there while worrying about what I could have done to be called in since people only got called there when they did something against the school rules.

When I arrived at Principal Heather’s office, I was surprised to find David seated across the principal with the same pale expression he had now and the principal grim and pitiful expression was enough to tell me that something was wrong.

“You called for me, Principal Heathers,” I asked in a cautious tone while flickering my nervous gaze between her and David, who looked like he was seconds from bursting into tears.

“Yes, Miss Reyes. I did send for you” The smile on her face had faltered “You are to go home with Mr David. Your father has requested you come home immediately so go and pack your things”

“What’s wrong, David?” I asked with curious and innocent eyes “Is everything okay? Why do I have to go home when school isn’t over?”

Dad had never had any reason to pick me up or send someone to so this was the first time. He never allowed mom either and said education was never to be toyed with.

“Your dad is waiting. Go pack up and meet me up front. Hurry up” He urged instead of answering my question. He wouldn’t meet my gaze as though I would see some hidden secrets in his eyes.

From the way David was acting, I knew something must have happened and deep down, I suspected that it had to do with Mom but it was a truth that I was not willing to digest at that moment.

I pushed down the horrible thoughts and left the office, not wanting to waste any more time. My classmates had been startled when I flung the door open, not paying attention to them or the history teacher who had jumped at my intrusion.

I dashed to my seat, dumped my items in the bag and ran out of the class at the same speed that I had entered.

When we got home, the air surrounding my home had been too solemn and it smelt like how I imagined those creepy houses that were used in haunted movies would, an exaggeration on my part.

Mom had been laying on the bed where she had been for the last two weeks but this time, it seemed as though she was unable to open her eyes even as I approached her.

Dad was sitting on her left side while holding her hand and saying something to her. I knew I saw tears stream down his face but he wiped them and sat straight as soon as I walked into the room, heading straight for his open arms.

“Daddy” I whispered, eyeing my mom “What’s wrong with Mummy? Is she okay?” Dad sat down with me in his lap while holding me tightly.

I was whispering because I thought she was asleep so I didn’t want to disturb her. She was always sleeping these days as though it was a hassle for her to keep her eyes open.

“Your mother is going to sleep for a long time now so we have to be here with her so she isn’t afraid to rest” He explained and all I could do was look at him as though he was crazy because why would we have to be here for mom to sleep?

She slept alone just fine, even when Dad had to go on his business trips that lasted weeks and sometimes months.

I wanted to ask but Dad looked like he was going to cry if he had to say anymore and it confused me more that his eyes were brimming with tears when Mom just wanted to sleep.

“My love” Dad whispered as he leaned closer to her bed “Kayla is here, you can sleep now. I promise I will always be here to care for and protect her like you wanted to do”

I looked at Mom and everything about how she lay gave me chills. We sat there and watched her fall asleep slowly just as Dad said she would. Her breathing got slower, she couldn’t talk or open her eyes but the doctors said she was aware that we were present.

“Go on, princess. Tell your mom about your day,” Dad had urged. I scrambled off his lap and climbed the bed so I could hold Mom’s hand and tell her about my day until the line went silent.

“Young mistress, we’ve arrived.” I looked around to see that we had indeed entered my dad’s estate, and David had parked the car right at the entrance.

I pushed open the door when I registered his words and dashed into the large house that was quiet unlike what I had left three months ago.

As I ran, I could not help but hate how big the house was and I used to love it. The time it took me to get to the east wing where Dad’s bedroom was located was far too long. Had the hallways always been this long?

I stopped when I saw all the staff hanging outside my dad’s bedroom door as they all tried to crane their neck into the room to hear or see whatever was going on.

“What are you doing?” I jumped as David’s voice came from behind me and I wasn’t the only one who was startled.

The staff were wide-eyed as they turned to see me standing there before they scrambled away from the door.

“Young miss, go on inside” David urged.

It was as though my legs had become too heavy for my body as I approached the door. The hallway was too silent as fear and panic consumed me.

“Go in” David spoke again “Don’t stall any longer”

David came up and pushed the door open and I could not stop the horrified gasp that escaped my mouth as I took in the sight before me.

Dad’s bedroom had been transformed into a hospital room with different monitors and pipes attached to my dad.

I didn’t want to believe that the strong, healthy man who raised me to be the person I am today was the same man who was all skin and bones as he lay on the bed, looking lifeless.

How had he changed so much that he was almost unrecognizable in just three months? I felt a chill travel down my spine at how lifeless he looked.

I turned to the doctor and nurse who had been staring at me since I entered. How long had this been going on? Why had no one told me that he was sick?

“What’s wrong with my father? Why does he look that way? How long?” I asked with a broken voice.

My body trembled and I felt my legs threaten to give out.

“He has been battling brain cancer for over four years now” The doctor answered. “At first, we managed it by getting rid of the tumors with surgery as they appeared but there is a huge one that can’t be operated on and it’s growing rapidly.”

My head began to spin “Wait, he had surgery? So, you mean those business trips that took months weren’t business trips?”

The doctor nodded. “Your father didn’t want you to know. He said you would be distressed”

Distressed was a mild way to put it. Mom had died of brain cancer as well.

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