Eva’s mouth fell open as she pointed at Alex. “You!”
“Shit.” Alex muttered under her breath as he helped her up.
“Woah. You look so much like the guy I saw last night.” Eva scoffed.
“From the bar? He doesn't look like the hot loser who was crying over his ex.” Ginny shook her head.
“That was Edward. I met him again yesterday. I'm telling you about some other guy I met. He's shy but drop dead gorgeous.” Eva rambled on and Alex quickly picked up the sunglasses.
He had to act quick. Time was not on his side. He grabbed her arm gently. “Ma'am, I believe we should hurry up. I don't want to upset your father and I just got this job.”
“Oh pardon me then.” She said with a smile. She turns to her friends and they go through a ritual of hugs and kisses.
“Love you, girl. See ya tomorrow. Her friends beamed a smile at her.
“Sure.” Eva winked at them.
Alex held the door open and she went in. He shut the door and went to sit in the driver's seat.
“Bye, driver.” Ginny waved at him.
He gave a silent wave and drove the car.
While driving, he made sure to take the longest route possible but not the road leading to Eva’s home.
Eva looked at his reflection in the rear view mirror. “So, driver, isn't it time you took off your sunglasses?”
“Something got in my eye.” He said, turning the car right.
“But I saw both your eyes a few minutes ago and they looked fine to me.” She scoffed and leaned forward.
“You could get hurt, ma'am. Please take your seat.” he said as humbly as he could.
“Ugh! You sound just like dad. Always bossing me around.” Eva slumped back into her seat and frowned.
Alex looked at her reflection in the mirror and she had brought out her phone. He heaved a sigh of relief and kept on driving.
And when she didn't notice, he slowed down the car at the drive through.
“I have to make a stop here, ma'am. Can I get you anything?” He asked.
“Oh finally. Something to eat. I'll have a turkey burger.” She said not looking from her phone.
When Alex drove the car ahead, she tapped on his shoulder. “Here's my card.”
“I can pay for both our meals, ma'am.” He replied.
“Nah. I'm your employer. You can't have more money than I do. Here, buy us food.” She stretched her hand to him and he took off his seatbelt to take it.
Her nonchalant and rude behavior irked him. “Stupid brat.” He muttered under his breath.
“Mate!” His wolf jumped happily.
“Oh please.” He made a mental eye roll and turned to the waiter, ready to take his order.
“We'll have two large turkey burgers and soda on the side.” Alex whipped out his own credit card and the attendant's eyes went round.
“Right away, sir.” He rushed in and within a few minutes, arrived with their order.
“Thanks.” Alex beamed him a smile. He even gave the young man a nice tip before driving off.
“Yay, food!” Eve said aloud, reaching out in the passenger seat to grab the bag.
Her sweet floral scent was caught in Alex’s nose and he clenched the steering as tightly as he could.
“Mate!” He could feel his wolf clawing at him from the inside.
“Behave!” He warned his wolf via telepathy.
“I've got it. Thanks, driver.” Eva took a seat and unwrapped the burger. She grabbed a bite and closed her eyes to relish the taste. Alex watched her from the mirror, not taking his eyes off her. Well, not until she stared back and he looked away, shocked.
“Wanna have a bite?” She asked.
“I'll eat that later.” He smiled and kept on driving.
Eva looked out the window. “Aren't we home yet? What's with the long trip? Are we going to Niagara falls?”
Alex chuckled. “I took the long route home because of traffic.”
“I didn't hear of any traffic.” Eva grabbed her soda can and stuck a straw in it.
“Oh by the way, you card, ma'am.” He passed her the card.
“Oh “ Eva reached out for it. “Are you sure you used it? I haven't been debited.”
“Reception’s pretty terrible.” Alex looked at her through the mirror again.
Why isn't she asleep yet? He wondered.
“Okay.” Eva put the card in her purse, stifling a yawn.
“Yes!” Alex made a small victory punch as she was slowly slipping into her seat.
“Woah!” Eva sat up immediately. “I almost fell asleep.”
“You almost fell asleep, ma'am. I think you should get some rest. Maybe school was stressful?”
Eva shook her head. “No. I didn't do anything at school today. I was in the game lounge with my friends. Why do I feel sleepy all of a sudden?”
“You should get some sleep, ma'am. When we arrive I'll let you know.” he gave her a reassuring smile.
“Sure.” Eva leans back to sleep but her phone rings.
Alex looked at her, and muttered. “Who's the asshole calling?”
Eva swiped right and put the cal the call on speaker, answering in a drowsy voice. “Daaaaaaddddd.”
“Thank God you picked up, Eva. Where are you? The driver has been looking all over for you!” Her dad said in a worried voice.
Eva chuckled. “Driver? He's right here. He's taking me home. Aren't you, Mr … what's your name again?”
“Eva, that's your driver! Get out if the car right now!” Her father yelled.
“Fuck!” Alex cursed.
Sleep eluded Eva as she began to scream for help. “Help!”
Alex threw the hair and glasses away as he drove the car with one hand. “Put on your seatbelt and shut your mouth! One more peep out of you and that's it!”
“Why are you doing this?” Eva begins to sob.
“The answers don't matter to you.” He begins to speed up.
“Well, you can die with your goddamn answers!” Eva lunged forward and grabbed the steering.
“Let go of it!” Alex screamed at her.
“No!” Eva yelled back.
The car made a loud screeching sound before it tumbled over and summersalted on the empty road.
“Ugh! This kid!” Alex punched the door open and it flew a few feet away from him.
He crawled out of the car and went over to look at it. The backseat was empty. Eva was on the run and from the trail of blood she left, she was hurt.
“Eva!” He called her name as he went to to find her.
Meanwhile, Eva sobbed as she ran for safety. Where ever safety was. “God, please. I can't die like this. Not before my 18th birthday. I'm sorry for yelling at dad. I'll be a good girl and study like he wanted me to but please, I just can't die!”
She stopped dead in her tracks when Alex suddenly appeared in front of her. “Eva, stop!”
“Get away from me, you monster! I knew it was you from the bar. So what? You saved me from those perverts last night so you can have your way with me? Is that right?” she screamed at him.
“Eva, you're hurt. Let me look at that.” Alex approached her gently.
Eva blinked twice. Her vision blurred and she also lost her footing.
“Eva, you hit your head. Let me see. I won't hurt you. I promise.” Alex said as he slowly took her hands.
He was even surprised at his own actions. Never had he, Xavier the notorious, ever in his lifetime of crime and bloodthirst, ever act nice to any of his victims.
“Mate!” His wolf cried.
“Let go of me!” Eva pushed his hand away from hers and turned the other way to run.
“Goodness gracious. Why are humans this stubborn!” He put his hand to his hips, watching her run helplessly.
“Go catch her!” His wolf yelled.
Alex clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Poor thing. She can't even run straight.”
He took off his gloves, taking slow strides towards her as she ran.
“Get away from me!” Eva screamed.
“Eva, come on.” Alex didn't have to run before he reached for her, pulling her towards his chest.
“Leave me alone.” Eva said weakly. Tears slipped from her eyes as her vision began to fail her.
“Shh. You'll be fine.” Alex put hair away from her face and where a bloody cut was on her head.
“Leave me.” Eva tried to wriggle free.
“Lights out, Eva.” Alex struck a light hit to her nape and she passed out. Then he threw her over his shoulder.
He looked at the mess they made from the crash and heaved a sigh. “Jesus. What a day.”
He took out his phone with his left hand and dialed a number. The dial tone clicked and he answered. “Mario, are you familiar with Hedge forest?”
“Yeah. Do you need more meat?” Mario asked.
“Nah. I need a cleaner. I made a mess on this job and I need the crime scene wiped. This one is a handful.” He said.
“Sure thing, boss,” Mario replied, “It's the billionaire's kid, isn't it?”
Alex's eyes grew dark. “Yep. One more peep out of her and I won't fulfill my promise of keeping her alive.”