The Queen Bee shouted the last word she say. The noise become louder unlike before. She feels pity on her self because she can't fight on those bullies. She didn't experience to be bullied before even when she's studying. A cold water was poured on her head that make her school uniform wet. The Queen Bee was the first who poured the cold water then her minion friends do the same, now she's totally wet.
She's heart begin to pound fast at that moment that cause her to loss strength. Before she fall unconscious, she heard a voice who called her name.
"Baby Lyn!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Axiel finish his meeting with Mr. Yu with a good outcome. They signed a contract. Now he's signing papers on his table but suddenly he's phone ring. It's Mark, the right hand of Lance and also his men.
"Hello Master!" a worried voice answer the phone.
"What's the matter Mark?" he directly ask. He have a lot of papers to sign. He's totally busy.
"Lady Lyn is bullied Master!" Mark answered his question direct.
Mark and his team was on the University. Keeping Lyn safe without the knowledge of his baby.
"How?" he ask again with a furrowed forehead. What's happening in this moment? Is his baby hurt?
"The Queen Bee of your school bullied and make fun of her, Master." that bitch again. She feel like she's the queen on my own university huh?
"Let the scene be save and gave me when I arrived there!" he commanded with a cold voice.
"Yes mas-" he cut what Mark going to tell by hanging up the phone. He must be rude but no one cares.
"Erika, settle my remaining meeting if I didn't come this afternoon okay." he command and explain to his second secretary after leaving his office.
"Yes Master" Erika answer with a smile. Maybe an urgent situation occur so her Master need to catch it up. Upon hearing Erika's answer he immediately rush on the elevator.
No one dares to mess up with him because he's holding a large companies organization, the largest companies organization in the whole world. He's very famous on the business industry that have a lot of shares on those companies that is member of that organization.
Lance is waiting on the parking lot of the company upon hearing the bad news about his Lady Lyn. Surely Master Axiel will go and see what happened. Then he's right. His Master Axiel is rushing to his side. He open the door for his master and drove off to the university. This will be a big trouble.
They arrived on his university make their way to the cafeteria, where the scene is happening with bodyguards, as always. Upon entering the entrance of the cafeteria, a loud noise welcome them. In the middle of the room, theirs a group of girls pouring juices and waters to a girl and that was Lady Lyn.
Lance can sense how the air become cold and it's because of his Master who is now out of control. The monster is uncontrollable when his love is bullied even hurt.
"Baby Lyn!" Axiel shouted before Lyn fall in the ground. Her head hit the floor before Axiel can able to catch her. All of the students, staff, and others that is in the cafeteria frightened because of the person who was near Lyn.
The famous business man that came from the Black Organization is here. It is a big trouble that needs a big punishment, life will sacrifice to calm the beast, blood needs to flow on his hands, brutal killings has be done but all of that will be avoided if his medicine will wake up as soon as possible and beg him to let them go and let it pass.
Axiel carry Lyn to his hand carefully, afraid to hurt her like a luxurious stone that need a lot of care. He kiss her forehead and hug her, not minding her wetness.
"Ready the car now!" he shouted that make them jumped on fear. The beast is totally out of control. Mark and his troup immediately hurried to prepare the cars when Lance signalled him.
"No one will leave this cafeteria even in my university until I can say so! Lance handle it!" he commanded full of authority on his voice.
Lance nodded. Axiel leave the cafeteria and make his way to his car. Mark is now incharge to let them arrived in the nearest hospital alive, as fast as they could.
Mark immediately open the door of the passengers seat for his master. Knowing that he will drive it because his Master is holding their Lady Lyn. With a lot of careness, he sit on the passengers seat with his baby on his hand.
In just a minute, they arrived on the nearest hospital near the university. They immediately assist Axiel inside the hospital and to the room of his baby. Doctors do some examination and test. Not wasting a second of time to rest, they give her suppliments to support her weak heart that beats so fast, as fast as chitah.
They notice the wound on her head that make them trembled and panicked. The patient need a lot of efforts to let her stable. When the nurses and doctors are rushing and not wasting their time to cure Lyn, Axiel is so much worried for Lyn. He walk back and forth outside the door of the monitoring room where his baby has going on examination.
'How could this hard test or challenge of life was on her side always, being abuse and hurt by others that make her life miserable now and even before?'
'How that innocent and simple girl needs to face and have this on her entire life? Is she is going to suffer on her entire life?'
- - - - - - - - - - -
A boy that on his young age is crying while having a video call to a girl, same as his age. Having a big problem on him, letting the girl on his phone, who is staring at him and not having an idea who he is in her life.
"Please babe, remember me!" the little boy say while crying. Not minding what look he have or what appearance he have while talking or just say he is begging for his little girlfriend to remember him.
The little girl can't react any emotions because she just discharge on the hospital and worstly having an amnesia. A tragic accident happened to his girl while he is outside the country.
"Just this once babe, can you please say a single word or even just say that you miss me or you love me, just a word babe please!" the little boy begged on her. His baby didn't say any word when he is calling her to a video call. Her mother say that she remember them but except for him and their memories before the accident happened.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lyn wake up when her dream end. What it is all about? What is the connect of that girl on her dream to her? She feels that they are connected to each other.
"You're awake Lady Lyn.” a male voice make her back on her senses because of her thoughts. She glare on the man who have that voice and she could tell that he is a doctor, with a beautiful nurse on his side. She nodded as an answer.
"I'm Doc. Vin Santiago and I'm the Doctor incharge about your case. How's your feeling Lady Lyn?" Doc. Vin introduce and ask with a smile on his lips. How handsome he is. A perfect creature.
"I'm fine Doc but please remove the word Lady just Lyn please.” Lyn answer and begged. It was too formal to call her Lady, she is just a poor innocent girl not a rich girl.
"Sorry about that Lady Lyn but someone ordered us to call you that way. He's the one who brought you here and he's the owner of this hospital too.” Doc Vin explained with a voice full of respect.
'Really? What a rich guy!'
'Seems that she catch a big fish on her hand!'
"Is Axiel who brought me here?" she ask full of curiosity. But Axiel is in his company that time. How can be that he will be the one who made it?
"Yes, Lady Lyn. Master Axiel made it." So he's really the one huh? How it happened?
"What's he's full name? If you matter to tell me." she just knew about his name either, not his full name. Curiosity kills the cat.
"He is Master Axiel Simoun Monteverde, Lady Lyn. First child of Ma'am Cynthia Mae Monteverde and Sir Jace Miguel Monteverde." he explain. What a good introduction.
She just ask what's his full name but Doc Vin also mentioned about his parents. What a good teller.
'Monterverde huh?'
'Oh my gosh, is he the top 1 on business industry?'
"He is the top 1 in business industry, right?" she can't help to ask anymore.
"Yes Lady Lyn." Confirm! A big is catch by me hehehehe. What a good cather.
"So, you already know me baby?" a cold but sweet voice ask. So he heard about what we talk about? All of them stare at the person in the door with a cross arm on his chest and leaning his head on the wall near the door.
"Good afternoon Master Axiel.” Doc Vin and the nurse greeted him and bow their head as a respect. What a high respected person in the world.