Ethan was convinced that I was ready to sign the divorce papers and shoved the documents across his office desk.
"You look great." He smirked while I was agonizingly compressing an outburst.
I knew he'd love me to howl and scream like a mad and deprived woman, but I wouldn't, no matter what, I won't give him that satisfaction and act strong.
I managed to put on a tight-lipped smile.
However, I wanted to ask him the questions that were heavy on my heart. Afterward, I would sign the papers.
"Did you ever truly love me at any point in our marriage?" I tried to make my voice as firm as possible, but to my dismay, it came out shaky.
He scoffed.
"You want to know?" He asked in the most condescending tone.
I mutely nodded.
I stared deeply into his eyes, I wanted to maintain those gazes of ours and watch him answer the question I had an answer to already.
I shouldn't expect any consolation from his answer, but the sentimental part of me did. The woman who had given her all expected it.
"Well, no." He rose to his feet. I sighed, not very disappointed. I nodded.
"W-why Chloe?" My voice broke. He gave a mocking chuckle.
"She's not tender... I hate women who smother me with sweetness," he was laughing.
"I think it's some kind of allergy. And yes..." He bit his lip, keeping his gaze on mine. "She's exceptionally good in bed. Ever told you're as frigid as hell?" He laughed again.
It was a joke to him, everything. I sniffed.
"You took everything away from me..." My voice cracked and sounded like a whisper.
"I never promised you a rose garden." He was unrepentant. I accepted my lot.
"Besides, it was absolutely your choice to transfer the company into my coercion involved." He shrugged.
"I want it back..." I demanded, anger suddenly building up in me.
It was clear he was only after my father's company, and since he laid his hands on it... I became the trash.
I've never felt so used and dumb in my entire life.
And I can't believe Chloe had a hand in this... I should have seen this coming, but I didn't.
Now, I see how clearly stupid and dumb I was, a fool.
Yes, that's what I am... A fool!
"Oh, Layla...we both know that's the second impossible thing to me abstaining from sex." He stated as a matter of fact. By then, I was managing to hold back my tears. What had I gotten myself into by marrying this Asshole?
"Okay." I signed the papers within a minute.
"Here," I swept the file over to him.
"Good." He glanced through it.
"I hope she treats you better than you treated me." And then I was gone, overwhelmed with sadness yet full of hope.
I hope I will never have to return to feeling the same for him, hope that I will never be reduced to tears again because of him, hope that I will never fall to pieces ever.
It was just natural for me to pity Sofia, but then I thought if I remained in LA I still wouldn't be able to help her because I, myself, was disorganized. And remaining in the same place, with the same people who had caused my misery, was not the best decision. I would only hurt myself further.
As I looked at the building for the last time, I wondered what my father would think of me.
Would he think he had indulged me too much for me to have had no room for sensibility?
Would he take the blame, or would he be disappointed at me for having allowed an asshole to control my life?
I didn't know the answers to those questions. It had been a week, but it felt like yesterday.
Was I supposed to still be this sad because of Ethan and Chloe?
Those motherfuckers!
Mrs. Carter had not truly endeavored to debunk the wicked stepmother fairy tale. She had not moved a limb as regards my ex-husband's infidelity, it wasn't her business for all she cared.
She was selfish and only thought of herself during this aching phase of her life. Likewise, she was not prepared to be truly there for me, she wouldn't even help me with getting the company back.
It was all my business, she had no hand in it.
Certainly, I had taken complete responsibility for my actions, but I was hurt because I was alone, I was deserted. My biological mother wouldn't do that to me. If Mrs. Carter was my biological mother, she wouldn't abandon me when I needed her the most.
I evacuated all of my belongings from our, it was all Ethan's, and then I went to Africa. You could call it fleeing or displaying cowardice, I didn't care what name it could be given.
I wouldn't have anyone else look after me after Aunt Layla traveled out of the country.
I was mad at her for a long time. Not only that, but I hated her for leaving me behind and not taking me with her.
Mrs. Carter, the mean lady my mother chose to be my guardian, wouldn't allow me to talk to Layla on the phone. She even warned me not to disturb her about Layla anymore, or I'd be locked up in the cold room.
I wondered who was more evil between her and Agatha Trunchbull in Matilda.
I missed Aunt Layla so much, I wanted to know where she went and how she was doing. I wondered if she'd still remember me.
After she left the country, I was surprised when Uncle Ethan took Aunt Chloe to the church and got remarried. I pondered on the issue for a long time, guessing this and guessing that. I didn't know what had happened.
My mom returned to the States with Chege and no matter how much I'd asked her to get my dad for me, she'd never really listen or do as I said.
She kept me in total darkness regarding the identity and whereabouts of my father, and we consequently grew apart.
I waited and waited for Aunt Layla to come back. She'd been the only one who had truly cared for me.
And I was beside myself with happiness when the news came, as I burst open the piñata on my fourteenth birthday, that Aunt Layla had just returned from wherever she went to with a son.
As I had gotten accustomed to the heat and sun in Africa in the past four years, I found my country as cold as the North Pole. I had not chosen the best of times to return. Winter in the States was a terrific period.
"Mommy, can I have a chocolate bar?" The little boy whose baby fingers I clasped in my palm asked. I stared down at him for a moment, my little boy whose conception had shocked me to death when I'd first learned about it.
"Of course, you can." I took out a bar of his favorite chocolate and unwrapped it for him.
"Thank you, Mommy." He said and softly a bit on. I caressed his rosy cheeks, which, I felt, were getting quite cold. Even though I had worn layers of clothes for him to make him warm and snug, the sharp cold was still getting to him. Partly, I guessed, it was because he had not been born in the States and Africa had done him a lot of good with its full sunlight and heat.
"Come here." I carried him in my arms, letting go of our luggage box while we waited for the Uber. It was rather late, I thought, as I gently rubbed his cheeks.
"Have a bite, Mommy." He brought the confectionery close to my mouth.
"Thank you." I took a small bite.
"You're welcome, mommy." I kissed him as soon as he said that.
I smiled, he was my bundle of joy, my compensation, my succor, my everything. He was God sent when I was in my lowest spirits. I stroked his platinum blonde hair, which was exactly like mine. His beautiful pair of blue eyes were the most mesmerizing. I loved him. I couldn't have asked for more, he was more than enough, stirring all sorts of beautiful emotions within me. I was grateful to have him.
"You want a drink?" I licked the excessive smear of chocolate around his mouth. I often did that even when a tissue was within my reach.
He nodded.
"Here," I gave him water from his carry-around water bottle.
"You good?"
He nodded, and then I kept his water bottle away. I looked around while he quietly fiddled with the chocolate wrapper. A man who was behind me was helping a senior citizen walk towards the parking lot. I felt like I knew him from somewhere, but when I tried to get a closer look at him, someone called my name.
"Yes, how maybe..." I was shocked to find Ethan and Chloe standing in front of me. I didn't expect to bump into them quickly, but yes, I was not surprised they were together. They would probably be married. I traced Ethan's gaze to my son.
"Long time no see, Layla." Chloe gave a feigned smile. She was looking much more comfortable than she used to be.
"Hmm." I wasn't interested in talking to her or even Ethan, who wouldn't particularly take his eyes off my son.
"Is anything the matter?" I asked him.
"I didn't know you'd be back with a son." He folded his arms. "My son." He added, a frown creasing his face. Chloe's eyes widened. I wondered if it was a display of shock or envy. It could be both.
I scoffed.
"I don't remember you being a joker." I clung tightly to my son.
"Sure, I'm not. How old is he?" He asked, his eyes meeting mine, and I remembered those sepia eyes of his, but I immediately brushed off the thought.
"You don't have any right to question me, Ethan. We are long separated. You should proceed with your wife." Chloe shot a malevolent glance at me.
"Just answer me..."
"Please be on your way, or I'll be forced to report you to airport security." I was irritated by their presence. Ethan gave a mocking laugh.
"You've become so obstinate, haven't you?" he stepped closer to me. I took two steps back.
"Answer me." He gritted.
"Stay away from me and my son. We don't want to have anything to do with you. In fact, I don't want him to know of your existence," I warned him with a fiery glare.
"Let's go, honey. We'll be late for our flight." Chloe grabbed his arm, but he wriggled himself free in annoyance.
I enjoyed it, a smug look on my face as I stared at the both of them.
"Why have you come back? Couldn't you rot wherever you fled to?" He said bitterly.
"Why don't you stop being a busybody and go catch your flight? I won't be responsible if the plane leaves you behind." I got hold of my traveling box and started moving away. I really couldn't stand their faces, and I was totally in for a vengeance mission.
"Why don't you just answer my question? Do you want to keep me away from my son? You can't do that, Layla! I won't let it happen. Stop being a bitch and just answer!" He was yelling, but I wouldn't stop walking away.
"Come on baby..." I could hear Chloe as I moved farther away from them.
"Take your hands off me," Ethan said tartly. He was still the asshole I'd left four years ago.
He could never change, he was like a leopard who couldn't let go of its black spots.
"Fine!" Chloe blurted out and walked on without him. He was launching towards us when, to my relief, our ride arrived.
"Fuck off!" I didn't hesitate to say before the driver sped off. I sighed, very much satisfied with myself. Though I had not expected to see both of them, I had proudly told them off and it was so satisfying.
"Mommy?" My son's voice broke my thoughts. His beautiful eyes, which he must have gotten from his father, were staring up at me. His baby hands had crumpled the chocolate wrapper, and it was then some kind of imperfect ball.
"Yes, my love." I caressed his cheeks with my thumb. They had become warm but I knew I would have to increase the layers of clothes he would be having on henceforth. I couldn't bear him to be ill or down with a cold.
"Is that Daddy?" He blinked.
"No, no...that wasn't Daddy." I immediately refuted what he might have started believing.
"Who is he, then?" He pouted.
"Just some man. Not daddy." I said to him, hoping he'd take his mind off Ethan.
"Some man?"
"Yes, believe mommy." I stroked his hair. He nodded and fell silent for a moment.
"Where is Daddy then?" I had feared he would ask, and he did. It wasn't his first time asking about his father.
What could I say to my four-year-old Nathan? I couldn't possibly tell him that his thirty-one-year-old mother had had a one-night stand four years ago, and he had been conceived by a total stranger.
I couldn't, so I told him what I had told him the previous times he had asked in the same year. Nathan being four was different from Nathan being three or two. He was still a toddler, yes, but he knew more and his imagination had widened.
"Daddy's still learning magic at Hogwarts, all right?"
"Okay." He nodded with a bright smile on that cute face of his.
"He'll visit soon when there's a holiday, all right?" I added to cheer him up and he nodded expectantly.