Chapter 4 (Part 1)
They all stood to greet the guests. I, on the other hand, was statued in my seat, confused and shocked by what was happening. First, the concept of ‘modern’ arranged marriage, second, Jared was my second mate. Seriously? Is destiny making fun of me? I miss my family! Their penchant for surprises, huh? First, they just told me they would marry me. I mean, I wasn’t prepared! I also have no idea who they chose and wow! Is this really a scam? I hope anyone just doesn't like him!
"Good evening, Xandro!" Daddy greeted him happily while shaking hands with Mr. Arevalo.
"Good evening, too, Joseph. Are we late?" A playful smile rose on Mr. Arevalo's lips.
I stared at his father. He's tall, masculine and screams of Spanish features. Her complexion is neither white nor dark. Just right to be called strong. No doubt that Jared got his looks from him.
"No, you're just in time."
"Jenevieve!" Mom exclaimed and hugged Mrs. Arevalo tightly.
Mrs. laughed. Arevalo and also hugged mommy back.
I stared at him too. Like mommy she is also very elegant which can be seen in just the clothes. She's fair and still sexy for her age. I think she's in her 40s now. She looks like a deity who lives with mortals. That's why Jared looks like a god too. The beauty of his racial background. If only it weren't so confusing. Wait, I sound like I'm praising that jerk!
"Long time no see, I guess?" Mommy raised an eyebrow.
The four of them laughed.
"Yeah. Business is really taking all our time." Mrs. Arevalo.
If I was confused and shocked before, even more so now. By the way our parents talk, they seem to be so close to each other. Even closer to the Villacorta family! How did that happen? Why don't I know? What else are my parents up to?
They laughed again and turned to me.
Naalimpungatan ako.
"Is she?" Mrs. asked. Arevalo to mommy but she kept smiling looking at me.
I felt weird. Hiya maybe or what.
"Yes, Jene."
I stood up and approached them. Although I really don’t like Jared I should still be respectful of his parents. They're out of my irritation for him.
"Good evening." I said confidently, forcing a smile on my face to hide my confusion and curiousity.
On my peripheral view, I saw Jared smirking. I don't want to face him. It seems like a shame that we used to fight and now we will be put in this arrangement that I am sure my family has a plan. Hell they don't need anyone's help to make their business grow. Only now is it lush. Chain of five star hotels all over the Philippines. La Sirene Chain of Hotels and Resorts. La Sirene Hotel and Resort. The leading, largest and most expensive hotel and resort in the Philippines. Yes, they are so rich. They are so powerful. I know these things because the whole population of our school talks about it. That is why girls flock to him. He's filthy rich and powerful. My family. They are the ones in need. And it's crazy to think that Jared might think I'm teasing him and then just offer me to him. Na.ka.ka.hi.ya.
"Hmm, you're Thalia, right?" Mrs. Arevalo who still can't get rid of the smile on his lips.
"Yes ma'am."
"Oh come on, hija. Don't call me that. Daieanah, I guess you didn't introduce me to your children?" He turned to mommy with a raised eyebrow.
Mommy laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jene. They were young then and we always didn't include him in the events you were there so I agreed," he shrugged.
Mrs. shook her head. Arevalo. "That's so sad to hear." He turned to me. "Call me tita Jene and this is my husband, call him tito Xandro." Balng niya kay Mr. Arevalo "Your mom and I we're good friends! And ... if you're lucky, it'll probably get worse." He laughed.
My cheeks got hot.
“Mom,” Jared said.
"Stop that, Jene." Mr. Arevalo.
Mrs. Arevalo-tita Jene, I can sense that she's very kind but I won't be her daughter-in-law. Aside from the fact that I don't like Jared, I also fuck one of my mates. Mrs. Villacorta is the father I want to be.
"Just kidding. What are you!"
Daddy laughed heartily. "Oh hey, let's sit down when this starts," He said and sat down first.
Just like last night, daddy and I were side by side while our guests were in the same row as well, opposite us. I was facing Jared but I didn’t want to look at him. A mixture of shock, annoyance and embarrassment I feel for him now. Annoyed by the crowd, why is he still there? There are many other rich people in Metro Manila! And of course, shame as well because of the set up we have now. Don't let him think I'm as desperate as my parents because I can beat him!
“So… you are also schoolmates of this Thalia, Jared? For sure you already know each other. Are you close, son? ”
I almost choked on mommy's question.
Mom, he’s my number one enemy!
Mommy was still waiting for an answer, her eyes still twinkling. What the hell?
“Thalia and I are not close, aunt. He is a snob to me. But, for sure, now we will be really close, ”Jared gave me a teasing look.
I stared at him. Is he insulting my parents? Argh! I really hate this man!
And why does he call mommy ‘aunt’ ?! Aldrin, whom I will definitely choose in the end, is what my parents call ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir’! The thickness of this creature’s face really!
They all laughed except for Jared and me. I secretly looked at him badly but he just raised an eyebrow at me which only made me even more annoyed.
“Sorry for that, son. Maybe my son really has that habit. But I’m sure he’ll be fine now. Right, Thalia Ysabel? ” Mommy turned to me with her threatening eyes.
Part 2
Nice one, Jared! I’m gonna punch you when I have time!
Fortunately, we lost the conversation. It has become a pure business so only the elderly can relate. That was also good because I was really a badtrip.
"So after Jared graduates, he will be the manager of La Sirene?" Not daddy.
“Yes, yes. Fortunately, he has an interest in business so we won't have any problems. We can already lie low in business when he graduates, ”Mr. Arevalo - uncle Xandro to Jared.
The asungot sat up and seemed very proud of his father's compliments to him.
If you only knew, uncle, that's a woman! That's not sensible!
“Oh! That’s good to hear. Such men are ideal. Concerned with business. What year are you in, Jared? ” Daddy asked.
“I'm in my 4th year, uncle. Graduating, ”
Huh, if you can graduate. With the amount of nonsense you've done and your lack of interest in students, that instead of being in class you wander around the school campus with a battalion of cheap girls? Impossible. But anyway, powerful and rich, so you can bribe to get a diploma.
I was secretly seduced.
“Great! So the gap between you and my son is three years? ”
He looked at me first before answering. "Yes, uncle."
"Are you a business ad student too, Thalia?" Si tita Jene.
"Yes, ma'am - tita,"
She smiled.
"Thalia and Daphne took the business ad, Jene," Mommy whispered while Daphne and I looked at each other.
Earlier this brother of mine was quiet next to me. After all, if I were to be asked, I would rather keep quiet than engage in this conversation. I really envy her. She still doesn’t need to deal with things like this. I just hope he doesn't fall into this arrangement.
Aunt Jene nodded. “The combination is good. If by any chance… you know. The JV and La Sirene have joined forces, ”She joked.
I was swallowed.
“That’s right. We will just supply you with construction supplies, ”said mommy jokingly.
Okay, business.
We took them outside as they were on their way home. A few more announcements happened before they set sail. Jared even blew his horn as his car passed in front of us but I just stared.
When I saw that the Arevalo's car had come out of the gate, I turned to my family behind me.
"Mom, Dad, how did you know the Arevalos?" My voice sounds accusing.
Mommy laughed. “We were friends with them since college, hija. We are four schoolmates. We were the squad back then, ”
I nodded but I was still not satisfied.
"Hey, why don't I know?"
“Hija, you were young when they always came here but they weren't with Jared on those occasions. Maybe you don't remember that anymore. Then, like us, business persons, they also became busy so they could no longer visit here. But we see each other at events. By the way, you always happen to be absent from those opportunities so you don't know. ” Daddy shrugged.
So that explains it? How many times have I missed events and do you always remember that they and my family meet? Amazing!
“But dad,” Here it is. “Why did you choose them? I mean, can it be different? Or just Aldrin. You know I like him, ‘cause? Maybe we can just arrange marriage. ” I begged.
I don't think I can afford to date Jared. I just thought that when I dated him I was like one of his cheap girls. I cannot take it!
Daddy laughed and gently patted my head. Mommy shook her head.
What’s wrong with my suggestion?
“Oh come on, Thalia. The Arevalo are kind - ”
I immediately cut him off. “Maybe just uncle and aunt, dad! Jared is a jerk! He’s a womanizer! ”
He laughed again. “Finish me first, Thalia. They are very powerful and I know you’re aware of it. They can help a lot in our business and they are still friends of your mommy and me. They can be trusted. And about Jared, that was a nice kid. It’s normal for his age to explore, hija. That will also determine, if that’s your problem. Besides, you are the buyer of who you will marry after six months. Though we like Jared for you more because… ”
"Dad!" My complaint.
He laughed heartily. “We know, son. We’ll give you all the right. But you need to still date them both despite you already liking one of them because that’s the rule. Get to know them. You know your perception will be different-”
“It won’t, dad. If Jared was the only other choice, I would definitely choose Aldrin, ”I said quickly.
Aldrin is so far away from Jared ‘no. Aldrin, matured and sober. Jared, no comment.
She shrugged. "It's your choice. You went inside and you still have class tomorrow. ”
What happened was not erased from my mind. I can’t date Jared, right? Aside from the fact that I believe she doesn’t like this concept, it will further reduce her time for her femininity. Right! He didn’t like it either! Who’s a playboy who wants to be stuck with the same girl, ’right? At this point of my life, I think I’ll need Jared’s help. We need to work together to cancel the arrangement of the two of us. Aldrin and I would never be close if I had another date. It’s like I’m two-timing minus the label. He can still be off me.
So the next day when I entered school, Jared was the first person I looked for. It's only six in the morning and I'll be in at eight later but since I want to talk to him, I went in early. I also don't know what his schedule is and I have no intention of finding out. I'm just assuming he's here because I'm not at peace until I take no steps to end our agreement. If I agree with him, I might suggest to mommy and daddy to just look for someone else or maybe just Aldrin. The latter is the best thing to do. It's up to Jared to do his part. The important thing is that we can escape here that we are sure we both don't want. Me, because I want to focus on Aldrin and him because he doesn’t want such an arrangement.
I scoured the entire campus. In the gymnasium, business ad building, library, school canteen, even in the former place of students that I often hear that he hangs out with different women and there he works miracles. I cringed at that thought. Not even embarrassed. Wealth wealth and just where to interact. Lots of hotels in Manila!
I was caught in my chest because I was so tired. If I go around the whole school it will take me noon to find him because of the sheer size of the school! Damn, Jared! Maybe that's not coming in yet!
Part 3
"Oh, Thalia, are you okay?" I jumped when I saw Larry's concerned face on me. I didn't notice him approaching me.
He is also a 4th year business ad student and he used to be my ‘lover’. Like my ‘lovers’, when he realized he really had no hope in me he stopped me but still didn’t lose his concern for me. I didn't feel bad for him to give up because as I said, I would only like Aldrin.
“Yup. Uh ... did you see Jared? ” I asked, hoping he saw it because they were year level.
His eyes narrowed at me.
"It's not what you think, Larry." I'm ready.
The whole campus knew about Jared's attacks on me. Fools often choose to pay attention when we are in public so I can do nothing but run away from him before I can set fire to him. Even though I really don't like him, I don't want to be embarrassed in front of a lot of people, that is if he is ashamed. Even if he enters naked, he will not be ashamed because the women will only tremble even more with excitement. And if this person thinks that I'm going to blame him for his actions, well, he's mistaken.
“Oh… okay. He was in the parking lot earlier, ”
“Is that so? Sige. Thanks! ” I said cheerfully and waited to leave.
"Hey!" He calls me.
I looked at him irritably but didn't notice. I raised an eyebrow.
“Be careful from him. We all know that he gets who and what he wants, Thalia, ”He said playfully.
I just stared and finally left. I don’t need to be careful anymore. He’ll get all he wants but not me. I’m sure of that. That is… if he likes me. I’m sure and I hope not.
I hurried to the university parking lot and spotted him immediately with his three classmates laughing in front of his Corvette. The twins had girlfriends while he was alone. What a miracle, huh? Oh maybe he's just waiting. Well, he's sorry because I'm going to disturb them with what he's going to flirt with.
I unconditionally approached his group. Travis and Trevor fell silent when they saw me approaching them. They turned me over to Jared and opened his mouth as he looked at me.
"Good morning, crush!"
Everyone laughed and I started having a bad trip again. I hate that I need to go through this. Never mind and after that I will never let our paths meet this asungot.
“Man, stop it. You suck! ” Kantyaw of one of the twins once burst out laughing.
I don't marecognize them even though they aren't really alike. Semi-identical twins seem to be. After all, I don't get along with them and I have no intention of living with them. Womanizers!
"Fuck you, Trevor!" He said irritably then turned to me with twinkling eyes.
He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Let's talk." My words were more like a command.
His mouth fell open and the twins whistled.
What’s with the reaction, Arevalo?
It's like you just wanted to talk now, huh?
When he recovered, he let out a horrible grin. “You heard that? My crush wants to talk to me. See you later, apes! ”
I rolled my eyes as I followed him to where we will talk. I would have liked to complain that I should be the one to say where we would talk but I no longer had the strength. I just want it to end. Maybe if I stab him, he won't cooperate and play with me. That’s if I will.
We stopped at one of the benches that were on the edges of the school grounds. It was early so we were the only ones there.
She smiled and turned to me. "What is it baby?" He asked playfully.
The annoyance flared up inside me.
“Can you not call me that ?!” I spat angrily.
Being called by that disgusting word feels like I’m one of his girls!
He just raised an eyebrow and just annoyed to stare at me.
I calmed my irritation first before speaking. Remember that you’re here to make a deal, Thalia. After that, he won't bother you anymore.
I breathed heavily. "I'm here to make a deal." I say seriously.
“Woah! What kind of deal is that? Just make sure I’ll be happy about it, baby. ”
I just closed my eyes tightly. I don't think it will really make me laugh.
“We both know that our parents want us to date for our companies. But, I know your company doesn’t need our help. I’m sure my dad offered it and maybe your dad just wants to give my dad a chance since they were friends. ” I just found out…
He folded his arms and his face suddenly became serious. "What do you mean?" He asked coldly, his eyes starting to sharpen.
I swallowed hard as I remembered what happened with us in the corridors. Those dangerous eyes that’s nearly appearing before my sight right now.
I cleared my throat. My fear won’t stop me from talking. “I want you to back off. I want you to tell your parents that you’re not interested and you don’t want this kind of arrangement. After all, I’m sure you don’t want this arrangement, anyway. You can't be too feminine. Let Aldrin and me date alone. ” I boldly say.
His jaw clenched.
"No." He said in a tone marked with finality.
My jaw dropped dramatically. “Are you crazy ?! It's for you too! I’m already helping you so please cooperate! ”
I feel like I’ll have a heart attack right now. I think my blood has reached its boiling point!
It's going to be hard to tease Aldrin, as well as this one ?!
He laughed but there is no trace of humor in it. “What am I, fool? I know you like Aldrin that’s why you’re offering me this and not for me. ”
My forehead frowned. “So what if it's for that? You will also benefit, ha! ” I irritably shouted at him.
He clenched his jaw again. “I can deal with it alone. You don’t need to think of me. ” He said emphatically.
"Oh don't do it for me!"
He laughed mockingly. “Why would I do that, huh? No, baby. I won’t. ”
"I'll tell them I'll choose Aldrin so you can stop!"
“Then go ahead. We'll still be under the arrangement even after you say it. We still have 5 months and 29 days you know. ”
I clenched my fist like a punch. "You are one selfish bitch!"
He slowly approached me and because of my anger I could not back down. He put the runaway hair behind my ear and he whispered to it. “I know, baby. An Arevalo won’t let go the girl he likes. So you have no choice but to deal with me. ”
To be continued...