A few days passed and I was still here, they still haven't found Alliyah. As each day pass I fell more in love with Henrique and Grey with Cloudy. The two dogs were inseparable. Using my logical thinking, I knew the two have being messing around and that meant a couples puppies will be here in less than 63 days.
I was sitting in front of the fireplace on a blanket, which Henrique was fast asleep on. I had my sketchpad in my hands drawing the scene. I looked intently at the fireplace and then shifted my gazes to the sketchpad to draw the lines. I continued my sketch until I felt someone's presence behind me. I stopped drawing and turned to look. The set of green eyes, looking down at me. I shifted uncomfortably. Why the hell was Carter looking at me?
"Is there something you need?" I tried to sound politely as possible.
"Yes, I need you tell me about your sister," I replied. I was shock, I was here for a couples weeks and this was the first time, he ever asked about her.
My neck was paining from looking up at him. "Okay, but can you have a seat." He came and sit on the couch that was behind me. I shift so I was now facing him. "What do you wanna know?"
I sighed and looked up at him. This is gonna be a long conversation. "So, we were born January 3, 1990. Thus we're twenty 26. Hmm..We are identical twins. We are naturally red heads, I dyed my hair black couples years back, her hair is still red, I think. She went to Camborne College but dropped out after she met a man who was willing to make her a model. She now a model. That's it." I hated speaking about my sister, everyone job interview I get, they ask about family. I hate speaking about her because she changed and was no longer the sister i grew up with.
"That's all?" he asked unconvinced.
"I don't know much about my sister. I haven't seen her in years. I can't help you look for her. Check commercials and magazines, she is hard to miss."
"Don't you think we've tried?" he asked rhetorically.
"Why are you even looking for her? She left Henrique here. Do you think she really wants to be find? My sister is a well known model if you're not able to find her than you will never. She is....You don't know her okay. If she wanted to have a kid she would have kept him. But no! she didn't. She wants and life that she can do all sorts of immoral things. It's in her nature." I finished feeling breathless. My sister was evil, look what she did to her own child. She left him in the hands of stranger. She got pregnant for Carter father. Who I know no doubt was old. She was careless, that what she is.
"Why do you sound so disgusted? Did something happen between you two," why was he preying in my business?
"Yes, we did and it's none of your business." I tried to keep it low I didn't want to wake up Henrique from his sleep.
"No, Ms. Bisson. My business is finding your sister so I can go back to my life. I don't have any time for taking care of a child."
"Wait, but I taught Henrique was your brother. Are you lying to me? Are you using me to find your mistress?" my question flew in the air. Henrique was his child. That explained the dimples and the green eyes that we the same. I shrug and shake my head. Before I could continue, he spoke.
"What! No, he's not my child and I didn't have sex with your sister, gosh, I don't even know her." He shouted.
"Then why do you care so much about Henrique if he isn't yours? Why do you care? Why are you paying me to keep him?" I really wanted to know the answers to my question.
"Because my parents are still married. If I don't keep this child to myself their relationship will be destroyed. I don't want that. I want your sister to come take her child." He was getting angry. His veins were now visible. That scared me.
"Your father cheated on your mother? Does he know about Henrique?"
"Yes, he does. I confronted him as soon as I saw the note left by your sister. He knows but he doesn't want his relationship with my mother to be ruin and neither do I." he showed a lot of emotions when saying this. I felt sorry for him.
"The relationship is already ruined. It was ruin when he decided to look at Alliyah. If he didn't look he'd be save." I said and I was true. If Mr. Carter hadn't looked at my sister as to have sex with her it would have never happened. Me being here would have never happened. Henrique wouldn't even exist.
"Are you saying my father approached your sister? If that Bitch didn't speak to him and flirt with him the one night stand they shared wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't be here." His words didn't shake any of my feelings. Alliyah was indeed a bitch. She hurt me and I am her sister. She didn't care, who she ruin, she just did.
I looked at the angry man, my face showing no emotions. What emotions could I feel? I was once in this position once. I understand.
"I don't judge. I didn't say your father was the one who took the step. I really don't even care. But what I know, you want to get back to your life and I understand. But just remember Henrique is your brother, at least give him some love, he deserves it. How would you feel if your mother left you? Your father doesn't want you? Your have a brother that doesn't give a shit? This child needs us. You and I, are the only blood relative that cares. His mother left. I understand you have a life and you have to work, but work isn't everything. Show him that you care, because if you don't this child will grow up hating everyone. He needs love." We all need love. I heard mumbling and I looked down at the sleeping baby, I let out a small smile. I ran my hands throw his hair. "He needs us."