He takes good care of it and never loses a flower. Rose Queen is the name there, according to his friend Olivia where he bought the plant. He smiled as he remembered the woman. How is she and Rouge on the island? He is happy to know that the two have finally settled down. He could smell the wedding bells again. Surely they will continue in the church. He rested deeply. One by one his friends were tied up. And he, he has no intention of tying up unless he finds his the one. That's why he's a womanizer, because he's looking for someone. And so far, he has not seen yet.
Beauty was finally done in cooking instant noodles and making coffee. She heard that his boss went to the garden again. It was his ritual every morning and afternoon. It takes care of its plant collections. It loves rare and wild varieties especially if the flower is exotic. Once in a while, he traveled with her for almost a week just to find and buy black orchids. She went to it and saw it staring at its favourite red rose that was huge and full of flowers. According to his Sir Velvet, it has been taking care of it for a long time. It was there before she even became his P.A.
"Sir, breakfast is ready." She said.
It nod slightly. She was a little surprised when he picked a flower stalk of his favourite plant. The flower has not yet opened, the type that will open the petals is the one it chooses to pick. It looked at her and smiled sparingly. She was amazed.
"Pangs, happy birthday! Do you think I forgot ah?"
She recovered from her slight shock and then smiled. She stared at the red rose it was holding and it handed it to her. She slowly picked up the flower. She smiled at her boss.
"Thank you, Sir."
"Put that in the vase in your room. When her flower withers, plant it in the pot. When it grows and becomes a new plant, you will be lucky."
"Really, sir?"
A sly smile appeared on his lips.
"Yes, when that came to life... That means, you still have hope to get married. But when the stem doesn't live and just rot... Good luck, Pangs! You may be end an old woman! Wa ha ha ha!"
Velvet messed up her hair and she angrily scolded him. After stroking her hair it left her in the garden. He went inside the house to eat breakfast.
"You also have a day Pagpag! I was greeted, I was also annoyed in the end. Alas, if you weren't my boss, I would have tweak you."
That's all, she also smiled when she looked at the beautiful flower. She smelled it and she was glad she could smell its fragrant scent.