Gracey sighed steadily as she walked into the mall. She just thought of going out and taking a walk to lighten her mood. She looked at some cute teddy bears on display... She smiled. She walked to the rows of jewelry. She wants to buy earrings...
Meanwhile... Rock was busy choosing a dress for his daughter when Rouge called him.
"Oh why?"
"Someone is missing you..." Rouge said.
"I’ll talk to her then."
Rouge is not just his friend. This is Audrey's twin-brother... His late fiancée. And it is his fault why his daughter is talkative. This is the promoter.
"Hello, honey!"
"Hello, Papa!" Angela greeted warmly.
"Yes, honey... Why were you called, huh?"
"I miss you, Papa."
"I miss you too, honey. Don’t worry... I'll be home early tonight. How are you?"
"I'm fine. I'm with uncle Rouge and Kuya Cleric. You know, the big Cleric... Why baby Cleric and Kuya Cleric have the same name?"
"Oh well, ask your Tito Aeon for that honey..."
"I will do that Papa. Anyway, did you already found a Mommy for me, huh? "
Rock laughed softly. His daughter is very confident. He heard in the background Rouge's loud laughter. He was shaken.
"I'm working on it, honey... I'm working on it. Don't pressure me, please...?" he beg.
"I am not, Papa. I'm just checking the status."
He was a bit frustrated. That Rouge is truly extraordinary! What Angela is being taught!
"I see... Don't worry honey, in time... I will find a Mommy for you. Okay?"
"Okay! Bye Papa, I love you!"
"I love you too, honey!"
Angela ends the call and he laughs. His mood is good again. He took a deep breath and looked around. His eyes widened as the woman wearing a peach knee-length dress struck him. It is in the Jewelry section. He will never forget that person because of the size of her arrears to him!
"Hoy!" he called.
Rock couldn't help himself. Gracey was startled by the source of the voice that called to her. She was swallowed up terribly.
"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed.
He was the guy... He walked quickly towards her and with instinct her feet spontaneously walked away.
"Wait!" the man called loudly.
It barely ran when she looked back so she ran out of time and she was stunned when the man chased her. There seems to be no intention of escaping her.
"Stop running! Stop!"
Rock has a hard time chasing the woman because of the crowd.
"Excuse me, excuse me!" Gracey said.
She was confused when the man was about to catch up with her. The speed at which it ran. She is desperate to escape it because she cannot face her sin... She suddenly took off her cream-colored shoes on her left foot and quickly threw it at the man.
"Go away!" she shouted.
But she was shocked when he caught her shoes effortlessly. She even removed another shoe she was wearing on her right foot. She threw stones again but the man just avoided it.
"Go away! Go away!"
Gracey quickly ran to the fire exit and after that she immediately went to the parking lot where her car was parked. She immediately got in her car and she quickly turned it on. When Rock got to the parking lot he saw the grey car leaving the parking lot. It was not moving fast then so he reached for the car and knocked loudly on the car window on the driver's seat.
"Open this! Let's talk!"
Rock gasps as he runs and he accompanies the car.
"I'm sorry!" Gracey bit her lower-lip.
She then stepped more firmly on the accelerator of her car. She ran faster then and the man was no longer able to chase her.
"What's wrong with you, Gracey! What's wrong with you!" she preached to herself.
But hse could not blame herself because she was really scared. Panting, Rock stopped on the side of the road, holding the woman's shoes. His eyebrows met and annoyance wiped the sweat off his face.
"You escape me! You're really going to pay dearly!" his jaws tightened.
He looked up when he heard the man's voice and he saw the mall security guard.
"Why?" he asked.
"Your Cinderella’s shoes, Sir." laughed the security guard.
He handed the pair of shoes Rock was holding. Rock laughed softly and shook his head.
"Thank you."
After that they walked back to the mall. He could not believe what had happened earlier. After he bought the dress he had chosen for his daughter, he called Archie.
"I need your help. I need information from someone."
"Do you need it now, Sir?"
"Yes, ASAP."
"All right, I’ll just fax it to your office Sir."
"Thank you..."
He said the plate number of the vehicle. Now, he will really give time to his billing. In recent weeks he hadn’t have the time about his ART. 143 because he has been busy in Men in Action and he is still in the hospital.
Meanwhile, Gracey took a deep breath as she sat on the sofa of her house.
"It's been two weeks since that happened... Has he not forgotten yet? I was trying to move on..."
She got up and went to the kitchen to drink some water. She opened the refrigerator and took the pitcher that was there then she poured water into the glass which she immediately drank. Just now, a man chased her literally and because of that she lost her favorite shoe gift from her sister Candice. That was expensive. But will she still remember the shoes now that she was wanted by the person she stole a kiss from?!
"What is that!" she said frustrated.
Because of that she was scared to went out. It's hard... In the evening, Gracey feels okay when she joins as 'Sweet Kisses' in her program Midnight Blues... She fell asleep in the crazy thing that happened to her earlier.
"Well, my beloved listeners... I'm going to accept your call and request... So far we do not have a heart problem. But I will wait for you to send so that we can fix your love problem. For now, let's just enjoy the music."
She has already played a song. Without you by Samantha Cole, dedicated to herself. Second song was Insensitive, dedicated again to herself... And the third song was Before I fall in love by Coco Lee. After three songs are commercial breaks... And...
"Okay! We have our First Caller! Hello, first caller! Good Evening!" she greeted warmly.
"Good Evening, my dear Sweet Kisses..."
She was stunned when she heard the voice of her First caller... He has a sexy, husky baritone voice.
"Oh, hotshot!" her flirtatious language.
She did not know but she was very impressed with the voice of her first caller. She even heard his soft laugh and her flirtatious heart seemed to have fallen to the floor. She scolded herself, it was just a voice! She have not seen it yet!
"May I know the name of my First Caller?" her flirtatious language.
She really meant for the blood of her listeners to live as well...
"Hmmm... Just call me, Stolen Kiss."
Gracey's eyes widened and she was stunned when she finished hearing what her interlocutor said. The thrill and toying that she feels has been replaced by frightening nervousness. Her tongue, suddenly backed away?! She smiled bitterly and swallowed...
"O-Oh... Stolen Kiss?"
"Yes, Sweet Kisses..." the man's voice seemed to attract.
"What's your r-request?" she hesitated to ask.
"This Kiss by Faith Hill and Kiss me by Sixpence None the Richer."
Son of a bitch! Gracey took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Maybe Stolen kiss is that man?!
"Okay... And who do you dedicated this songs?"
"To you, my Sweet Kisses. It reminds me about the hot sweet kiss that we-You know what I mean..."
Gracey scream but there was no sound because she quickly covered her mouth. She can't be hysterical, on air!
"T-Thank you and bye!"
She quickly turned off the call and immediately applied for Stolen Kiss's request. She violently grabbed her forehead and sank to the table.
"What are you going to do, Gracey?! What now?! How did that man find out I was Sweet Kisses?!" she said frustrated.
A short time later, one of the staff of the radio station arrived and was carrying a basket of flowers. She was not familiar with that type of flower.
"Its for you, Ma'm."
"Who did it come from, Kuya Dan?"
"Given by the motorized man. He also left as soon as he handed me these flowers."
"What does it look like?"
"Young... Looks like a teenager."
"T-Thank you, Kuya Dan..."
Looks like a teenager? Stolen Kiss did not give it so she immediately took the basket of flowers. Kuya Dan came out. She looked at the flowers and smiled. They are blue and the shape is stars. Really cute! She took the lavender card and she excitedly opened it. She used to receive things from her fans. She read the card and...
"These flowers are Forget me not. I hope, you get my message."
She dropped the card and felt like she was going to have a heart attack.
"You're dead Graciana!" she swallowed her tongue.
Meanwhile... Rock smiled as he listened to radio on Sweet Kisses' radio program. He leaned against the door and simply glanced at his daughter Angela who was fast asleep. He smiled and then hovered over the paper he was holding. There is the information he got from Archie earlier.
"Graciana Alcantara, be ready for me..." he said softly.
His cellphone rang and he looked at who the caller was, Ace. He immediately answered the call.
"Yes, Ace?"
"Kuya Rock, I already gave the flowers to her." its language.
"Thank you, Ace. I can really count on you."
"Nothing, Sir! Just for ART. 143!"
He laughed softly at what he said. He ended the call. He closed the door of his daughter's room and went to his room. But not to sleep, he will review the classified information he obtained for his case. Intimate Assault against an authority... What Graciana did to him is covered by Seduction, Corruption of mind, and Slavery. Plus, Humiliation.
"This is the beginning..."