Ervine placed a folder in front of Siege. He just stared at it and then he looked in front of him. Its face is serious.
"It's a mission order. For you..." Ervine said shortly.
"Okay..." Siege replied casually.
Siege read the contents of the folder and see that this mission is not light. He will lead a unit and take them to a place for a rescue operation. A controversial Religious Leader was abducted by a group of rebels...
"From whom did the mission order come from?" he asked.
Ervine let out a deep sigh before speaking.
"Above. Siege, I'm a little skeptical of that. Just don't accept it. I don't believe that madman was really kidnapped. I received an update that it has its own private army and it uses the sect it has formed to raise money and you know..."
"I'll take the risk. You know, we will find a traitor in the branches. Especially in the upper echelons of government. I have long doubted them and this is an opportunity to overthrow them. You can use me in case something happens to this operation."
Ervine frowned at what he said and stared intently at his face.
"Siege... I have trauma from what happened to Cleric. I can't bear to lose a friend again." Ervine objected.
Siege laughed softly.
"I'm a weed. I'm not as kind as Cleric so I won't die as early as he did." His joking answer.
Ervine took a deep breath.
"Fine. Just make sure you come back alive. If not, even if you are dead... I will still kill you."
He just laughed at what Ervine said.
"Deal." he replied smiling.
Meanwhile, Amber was busy packing when her mother Adriana entered her room.
"Where are you going again?" its a question.
"Take a break, Ma. Relax too when I have time." her smiled language.
She just kept on packing. She saw her mother watching her.
"Vacation or will you do your own investigation for the new case you are holding? You will gather evidence. Child, stop what you are doing. That will ruin you."
Her smile turned to a grin. She was guilty of confronting her mother. She really has nothing to hide here. It knows her every move.
"Mom, if I don't do this... The small farmers will lose their land forever. It will only go there to the pig-lunatic with a cult or whatever so ever their land and he will only build it in his temple to raise money for those who think he is a messenger from heaven. Well, I will prove that he is the messenger of hell. Get ready for me!"
She was determined by what she said. She will not allow the poor peasants to lose their farms. She will fight for their rights as best she can.
" My child! I do not allow you to do what you are planning." her Mother's strong language.
She smiled sadly at her mother. She held her hands. She knew, her mother was too much to worry about what she was going to do but she had already made up her mind. She needs to act.
"Mom, I promised at Papa's grave that I would be a good lawyer. And here I am! And I also promised that no one will be imprisoned innocent and oppressed without money. I’m already grown up and I can do a lot... Unlike before... I can't do anything for Papa. Because I was just a child then, I know nothing... So even though I am a lawyer, I do not stop reading books about laws. I need to know all the ins and outs of the law so that the exploiters do not get in the way. I will not allow myself not to do anything if someone is being bullied."
"That! That's why you don't have a boyfriend. You have nothing to do but Law. My dear daughter, I want to have grandchildren!"
She smirked at what her mother had said but in the end she laughed softly. It reminds her of her love-life while she’s not thinking about that thing.
"Mom, again! Oh go ahead, when I finish this case... I'm going to do a boyfriend. Just, just allow me, please?"
Just when it comes to her mother... She doesn't want an argument. Shee really loves it because it gave her everything. She raised her alone and sacrificed a lot so that she could study and become a lawyer. Her mother supported her greatly in her dream. She saw her mother's deep sigh.
"Whether I allow you or not, I know you will still do what you think and what you think is right. Be careful, daughter."
Her mother smiled and stroked her right cheek. After that it left the room. Even though her mother did not say it, she knew it worried her too much. Yes, she admits... She is not just a lawyer because she takes an action. She does not want to prolong a case if it can be resolved immediately. She doesn't understand why so many in the judiciary are lazy or just really lazy... Or is it stupid or just looks like money? Sometimes, the evidence has already been served and when it compares to food, they just going to chew but still, many cases takes too long. Poor people spend money every time there is a hearing and the inconvenience of what is happening. What if she acts?! At least, something did. Something ends because of that. Most likely, if she became a man... She is definitely a good agent now.
Siege suddenly entered her brain. She was stunned when she remembered that it puzzled her.
"You're crazy Siege!" he just ejaculated.
She continued packing and she smiled as she did not know what the exact reason was. It just happened when she thought of Siege.
The next day, Siege immediately walked with the unit he headed to the area where Gener Umali is believed to have been abducted — a controversial Religious Leader because he is now involved in several cases of abuse and land grabbing by farmers. He smiled as he looked at one of his companions. It was young and obviously nervous. New graduate.
"Private, first time you can be deployed in the field?" he asked.
"Sir, yes Sir."
He greeted his teeth. He was driven violently, it would be difficult for him because some with him were new.
"Just follow my command and I will make sure I bring you back alive."
They are in the leapfrogging tactic. He did that to make sure they would not be ambushed. He noticed that their position in the given location was uncertain. They were all definitely dead when they got together. He divided the group into four. The whole area is quiet, and that silence... Serves as a danger. He signaled to stop because he noticed something. A thick smoke gradually forms and spreads rapidly around. He quickly called the other unit...
"Attention! It's a trap!... Disengage!"
After that a series of gunshots rang out all around. They all prepared to exchange gunfire, they hid in the thick trunk of trees. The problem is, they can't see their opponent's location because of the smoke. Obviously all this was planned and he did not know why. Their opponent is in a good position. Only a few know about this mission and he already has an idea who the traitor is. They were really fed. They immediately withdrew because their position was uncertain.
He hears his comrades shouting and being hit by bullets. He was very enrage, obviously they have plan this well. He overturned his other companions and led them away from the place. Fortunately, there are many trees. They have a cover somehow.
Meanwhile... Amber walked slowly to the big house where the religious leader Gener Umali was. She was slightly frightened when she saw the armed men surrounding the walls of the big house. She quickly pulled out the video-camera and immediately shot the surroundings. However, she was not very satisfied with what she got. She dared to approach the place a little further. She climbed a small hill that was somewhat covered with large trees and grass. She pointed the camera at the large terrace of the house she was looking at. Gener was reportedly kidnapped by a rebel group but she doubted that, so she dared to go to the place where he was. Many cases have been filed here, including abuse of some young women. She was a little enrage when he remembered about it. This pig is really bad. She could not believe that some people still believed in this fake sect.
Her eyes widened as Gener and I went out on the terrace with some men. The camera remained focused. It sat at the table full of food and frankly talking on the phone. Her suspicion was correct, it was not really kidnapped. There it is, having the taste of life. Feed and command the armed men. She was startled when she heard loud gunshots. That's where her attention was focused, even on the camera she was holding.
She was very nervous when she saw that it was just near the place where she was. She sees thick white smoke in the forest, near Gener's house... Then, a series of explosions were captured by her camera. Obviously there is a battle going on. She swallowed. She was in a bad condition, she had to stay away from the place. Somehow she got something from her camera. She immediately went down the hill and ran away from the place. The gunshots she heard were getting closer and closer. She suddenly stopped running and raised her two hands. Unfortunately again...
"Who are you?!"
The man holding the gun pointed at her intently. She smiled awkwardly.
"I'm just a tourist and I got lost here in the f-forest. I can no longer find the way back..." she excused herself.
It hesitated when it look at the camera she was holding.
"Did you know you entered our territory?" he asked.
"N-No... I got lost."
"I think, you look familiar?! Best of all, come with me and explain to our boss!"
"Wait, I'm not doing anything wrong ah?" she strongly objected.
However, she could do nothing because the gun was aimed at her. She was swallowed several times and rested deeply. She regrets why this time, she did not follow her mother's advice. The man walked to her back and pointed the gun. He is not a big man but it is obvious that he will kill her when she makes a mistake.
"Go!" its command.
It pointed the gun directly at her back. She felt very cold. She seemed to stiffen in fear.
"Go!" its impatient command.
"Y-Yes!" her irritated the language.
She forced herself to walk even though her whole body was shaking with fear. She was involved in a mess she did not know if she could get through. She just prayed silently, and God will take care of her. Throughout the moment, the gun pointed at her back. They are approaching the yard of the big house. It is not so much a house because it looks like a military camp. The big gate and the high wall with barbwire above opened up to her. The two guards opened it and they continued inside the house. She was stunned when they entered. Only armed men were there and the garage of equipment. The building was four stories high, and they went to the third.