Mirabel had suffered so much in her life. Being repeatedly abused sexually by her stepfather, she grew to know how to us...
Chapter 1: My Stepfather
'Please, please, don't do this. I am like a daughter to you. It is not right' Mirabel pleaded.
'Will my manhood refuse to penetrate you because you are like a daughter to me? Answer me, you whore and point of correction, you are not my daughter. I have no blood connection whatsoever with you. You are just like any other girl to me and that is why I can feel my lust for you rising anytime I see your lovely young body'. he screamed at her like someone deranged.
He was done being kind to this fool. He had tried being nice to her, to win her over so that she could come to him of her own free will or at least submit to him willingly enough when he eventually made his demands but she had continued to show animosity towards him and looked at him as though he was beneath her. The fool who did she think she was anyways?
Mirabel could not believe this. Her mother could not come to her aid because she was in a drunken stupor, dead to the world.
'Come now, you know you want it. You hear me hitting on your mother every night and you want to. You want to know how it feels like, don't you? Well, I am here to oblige you. And don't bother screaming. No body will hear you. Even if your mother wakes, she will not understand what is going on and the neighbours will not come to your rescue either. So be a good girl and be submissive and compliant. I promise I won't hurt you. I will be patient and go easy on you'. Ken, her step father spoke to her adopting a gentler tone.
Mirabel could not believe what she was hearing. It was not as though she had not seen it coming. She had seen the way Ken had started looking at her since her mother decided to bring him home as her new husband, being tired of always having to go out to meet with him. She had thought that he would forget about his lust especially since she started calling him father even more frequently than she did formally.
She had also shared her fears with her mother but she had reassured her.
'Ken is not like that. We should be grateful that he accepted us and cares for us you know'.
Mirabel had considered running away when her mother had brought the man Ken home as her new husband. She did not know why but she had disliked him instantly but she had been scared that her mother might just not survive her absence.She was all that her mother had afterall.
'Please Dad, You couldn't possibly violate your own daughter this way. I promise to be more respectful but please do not do this'.
Ken was now very impatient. He had wanted this fiery witch since Mira had brought him home but he had to take his time. He had intentionally made the nights unbearably noisy with their lovemaking so that she would feel attracted to him or wish for him to do to her what he was doing to her mother but the girl had continued to show her dislike of him and it had enraged as well as excited him and now, he could not delay the inevitable any longer.
He tore at her old clothes.
She screamed but Mira did not even stir. He knew that the neighbours would not come to investigate because they were used to such shouts and noises. And they had come to fear him and would not want to antagonize him.
She was now naked,using her hands to cover her full firm breasts.
He pushed her down and hurriedly unbuttoned his trouser. He pulled her pants down roughly and was about to thrust into her but Mirabel did not know from where she got the strength but she the second, she felt him distracted and off guard, she raised her knee and kicked his penis with all the strength adrenaline had pumped into her body due to her fear of what was about to take place.
He twisted in pain, his erect penis hurt him much and be ame flaccid. He was enraged.
Mirabel stood up and grabbed her clothes thinking that if she escaped, she could put her clothes on in a bush or anywhere.
Any exposure was surely better than what Ken had in store for her.
She ran to the door of their one room house but it was locked ,not with a key, they had not been able to replace it since the last one got missing. But it was bolted.
She tried to unbolt if quickly but her hands were shivering so badly and was sweaty from her fear.
She eventually got it open but before she could run out, a hand grabbed her and pulled her back into the filthy room and flung her on the floor. Then he hurriedly bolted the door again.
Mirabel knew that she had just missed an opportunity for escape and was resigned to her fate.
She had heard about these things and had also seen such things where boys and girls would do some things to each other in the bushes and all round. That was the kind of neighbourhood she lived in. Living with the worst of the worst in Soho, but she had also heard of love and had longed for it.
Her parents had not had it and in search of love, her mother had ended up with this monster, this beast called Ken. He was the reason,the drinking problem her mother adopted after her father's death had increased.
She had thought that she would give herself to the person she loved and that she would enjoy the experience but it would seem that that was not going to be. Her first time was going to be with this beast that she detested.
'Stop playing hard to get or pretending that you do not want it because I know that you do and very much too' he leered at her.
His breath reeked strongly of alcohol but that was not what nauseated her because she was used to perceiving that from her mother's breath as well but he did not even brush his teeth.
Admittedly, they had no money for such luxury but they used other means to make their teeth clean and smell good but evidently Ken had no time for that.
He was already naked. Mirabel shut the disgusting sight if his naked body from her sight. Years of rage and helplessness filled her. She felt humiliated even before anything had happened and she wondered how she was going to feel afterwards.
This was hell. She felt his tough filthy hands fumbling with her breasts as he lay on her pulling her legs up so that he could thrust into her. She shut her eyes to shut off the sight. She wanted to scream as she felt his legs nudging her clamped kegs apart and spreading them apart with his hands.
All of a sudden, his weight was lifted off her. She thought that he had risen to adjust himself to better punish her. But she heard as though in a haze a sound of something hitting something else.
'What is he up to now? Does he want to do me any body harm apart from the obvious?' He might want to stab her with something sharp as he had his way with her. She thought to herself and the thought forced her eyes open to see that it was her mother who had hit Ken with a bottle on the head and had collapsed again.
She stood and ran to her mother bit she was unconscious and so was Ken.
What had happened?