"number fifty two, seventy one, twenty six and forty three," the high pitched voice causes me to release my lower lip from my teeth and i stop bobbing my legs up and down. i stare at the number "43" stamped onto the portfolio in my hand and i get up from the waiting area, gulping harshly before following the short guy with purple hair in front of me.
"congratulations, you have all been selected," the blonde girl smiles once we gather around her and i can hear sighs of relief around me, but my breath is still stuck in my throat. i did an irrelevant amount of research and i know that until and unless our producers like us and our work, we can't get through this. i clutch the strap of my bag nervously and my fingers grip the folder in my hand tightly, to the point where my knuckles are turning white as i stare at my shoes.
"you can go inside, and mr. adler can take your audition," she adjusts the bluetooth attached to her ear. "be confident alright?all the best!" she gives us a toothy smile and ushers us into the dark room. i am the last one to walk in, following the oddly muscular guy in front of me and i feel intimidated from the surroundings alone.
the lights are extremely dim, and i can barely see anything with my slightly blurry vision, as we walk further and further, through a carpeted hallway and towards a giant room with an open door.
there are four people already inside, one of them is sitting in a chair with his back facing us and two are standing up, talking to him. they are all in front of what looks like a recording studio, and it has brighter lighting, a variety of instruments and a few mics attached.
the last one is a small woman who walks upto us, with a crooked smile, her short hair is messy and framing her chubby face. she has horn rimmed glasses on, and has a little bit of a grandma like vibe to her as she adjusts her glasses and opens her folder.
"alfie deyes?" she speaks, her voice slightly croaky, and i watch one of the men with dark short hair and a messy stubble stepping forward, a confident smile on his face.
"that would be me," he smiles and the lady nods before speaking again.
"the line up is, alfie deyes, tyler oakely, hazel grace and oliver finely," my heart literally skips out of my chest when i hear my name last. i hated the fact that i'm going last, because that will only trigger my anxiety, and waver my non existent confidence.
"mr. adler will be judging you, and one of you is going to be selected to work with him. it's a big opportunity, so do your best alright?" she raises her eyebrows and i nod hesitantly along with the others.
i watch as alfie walks inside the glass booth, and gives a slight nod before walking towards the drumset, taking out his own drumsticks from his bag and tapping them together at the count of three before slamming them down with full force.
and the way his voice is dominating and powerful, i don't think i have any chance against any of the people here.