After their second day around the pool at the Cabo resort, reminiscing about the night before, Megan and Julie are relaxed, feeling their margaritas, and ready for another evening at the disco playroom. Now that they have one day as experienced swingers, they have a better idea of what to wear and how to act. Both are easy. What to wear is erotic, and easy to get off. How to act is also not a problem; they are themselves, pretty and ready for fun.
After the buffet dinner with Karen and Bud again, they shower, put on their slinkiest dresses, and head to the disco bar for another margarita. They wish the disco started a little earlier. The time waiting gives Megan and Julie the opportunity to mingle and talk to other guests, at the resort.
They try to pace themselves on the alcohol and limit themselves to one margarita per-hour. It was a good plan, but they should have limited themselves to one every hour and a half. By 10:00 p.m., they are feeling the drinks. They decide to have a plain cola prior to the playroom opening. The bar at the disco is always crowded, but there is one opening near the right end of the bar. There is one guy standing, by himself, at the far right end of the bar. The open space is alongside of him, on his left.
Megan figures the guy’s wife or date must be off to the restroom. Megan leads Julie to the open spot to get a drink. They plan to be gone by the time the guy’s companion returns. As they get to the open space, Megan tells the guy, “We will only be a minute, trying to get a drink.”
The guy tells the girls, “It’s Ok, that space is open.” He is about Megan’s age, a few inches taller, in shape, and cute.
Megan is surprised. “Open? Where is your date?” Megan is hoping he is single. She is not disappointed when he acknowledges he is at the resort alone.
“The travel brochure made this place sound terrific, with plenty of romantic possibilities.” He smiles and shrugs his shoulders a little.
“We saw the same brochure.” Megan smiles also. “When we got here, we realized it is mostly couples. They are friendly couples but still couples.” Megan holds out her hand to the guy. “I’m Megan, this is my girlfriend Julie.”
“It’s very nice to meet you. I’m Todd.” Todd shakes the girl’s hands. He moves a little farther to the right, so there is enough room for both girls at the bar next to him.
Megan and Julie had originally planned to get a cola for this round of drinks, but when the bartender gets to them, they order margaritas for themselves and another beer for Todd. Megan thought ordering a cola did not sound sexy enough.
For the next half hour, the three talk about the resort, jobs, TV shows, and music. It is all small talk and all interesting. When they talked about music, the DJ at the disco came up. Todd thought the DJ was doing a reasonable job but never had much of a crowd dancing.
Megan tells him, “Maybe the small crowd was because of the room behind the bar.”
“Room behind the bar?” Todd had seen people coming and going, but he had not noticed where people were headed. “What did I miss?”
Megan explains to Todd about the couples they met. She also tells him these people are swingers. She fills him in about swinging and the playroom.
Todd is amazed. “You mean people go into that room to find others, to take back to their rooms for sex?”
“Nope!” Megan smiles again. “People go into that room to meet people and fuck them right there.”
Todd swallows first, then takes a big swig of his beer. “It’s sort of like an orgy?”
“Nope! Not sort of like an orgy, exactly like an orgy.” Megan’s smile is bigger yet.
“Are you swingers?” Todd’s brain is working at the speed of light, envisioning a wild romp with a pair of lovely women.
Megan corrects him, “We just learned about swinging yesterday and had our first exposure to a swing party last night.” Megan has already decided she wants to fuck Todd. “We’re still Rookies.”
“Talented Rookies I suspect.” Todd then asks, “Can I attend tonight?” He knows this is a little forward, but he does not want this opportunity to slip away.
“I think you can attend. We can ask the couple we met yesterday.” Megan and Julie chat with Todd a while longer. The girls do get a soft drink for their next drink. Todd has another beer. When Megan sees Karen, she checks on the rules for entering the play area.
“Hi Karen, we met a single guy at the bar. Can he get into the playroom when it opens?”
Karen looks over to where Julie and Todd are standing at the bar. “You can bring him in as your date. He looks great.” She smiles at Megan. “I knew you girls would fit right in with swinging.”
Megan reports back to Todd. “You can get into the playroom if you are my date.”
“Your date! Oh darn.” He is kidding of course. Sarcastically he says, “What I’m willing to do, to make you happy.”
Megan does not say anything. She has plans for him to use his hard cock to make her happy. The three chat until eleven when the playroom opens. Todd danced a couple dances with Megan. He asked Julie also, but she was fine with Megan getting all the attention. They enter the playroom as a threesome. Megan tells the guy checking at the entrance that Todd is her date and Julie is a single female. They get Todd into the party without a problem.
They do not have the tequila-tasting event this night, as they did the night before, but the resort did provide a free shot of tequila to get the party started. With their free tequila in hand, Megan leads the three of them to the big table Karen and Bud have reserved. Megan introduces Todd to Karen, Bud, and their friends. When Todd was not looking, Karen gave Megan a smile and a thumbs up.
It has only been about half an hour talking at Karen’s table, when a few couples take their clothes off and head to the mats on the floor. Todd’s eyes are on the show unfolding before him. Todd whispers to Megan, “I have never seen anything like this before.”
Megan kids him, “We’re old hands at this kind of stuff. We have experienced this naughty behavior for at least twenty-four hours.” The three giggle a little chatting with Karen and her friends for a few more minutes. Todd keeps looking back at the mats area. More couples are getting naked on the mats.
Megan asks Todd, “Wanna get a closer look?”
“Are you a mind reader or something?” Todd loves the way this evening is going.
“Your mind is easy to read. The drooling from the corners of your mouth is a dead giveaway.”
Megan tells Julie, without Todd hearing, “Let’s take Todd to the mats.”
Julie responds, “Two against one? Like we did with Nick?”
The three of them are smiling on the way to the mats. When they get there, several couples are fucking or having oral sex. There is one girl licking the pussy of another female. They also see a group of four or five people licking, sucking, and touching everything in sight.
Todd is not sure if they are only coming for a closer look or if the girls want to play. He has had a partial hard-on in his pants since the activities on the mats started. As they watch the orgy on the mats, his cock stiffens even more. There is no more space in his pants for him to get any more aroused. Todd looks at Megan. He does not say anything.
Megan can read his mind again. “It looks fun Todd, what do you think?”
He does not say anything audible. He only nods.
They kick off their shoes. Megan takes his hand and leads him and Julie to an open corned on the mats. Standing on the mats, Megan moves to face Todd. “I hope you will not be offended, if Julie and I gang up on you.”
“There is no way you could offend me. I’m already beyond my expectations for this trip.”