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« Yes. I received his report card today. » He handed me the paper he was looking at. A list of Matthew’s classes, followed by one A, three B’s and two C’s. Even I was impressed. « This is the last one he received prior to your arrival. » He handed me another paper, this one showing a smattering of C’s, D’s and F’s.

« I . . . I’m in shock, » I said. « I can’t believe this. »

« After a mere month, neither can I. » I looked up and found Augustine with a grin on his face. « You are doing a wonderful job with all the children, especially Matthew. I think he respects you—and he does not seem to provoke you the way he does me. »

I smiled as I looked at the papers again. « It’s normal for teenagers to want to push boundaries, » I assured him. « I think he needed a little encouragement to push in a more productive direction. »

Augustine peered at me. « I would like to offer you a salary to keep you on for the rest of the school year. »

My heart leaped in my chest. « Really ? »

« I appreciate the effort and attention you have put into each of my children’s independent needs, and I think it is only fair I match what you would be able to get at a comparable establishment, » he said. « Does eighty-five thousand seem fair ? »

I nearly choked. Eighty-five thousand ? My last job paid me less than fifty and that was a private school where the children paid more tuition per semester than I did for my undergrad. « I think that’s too much, » I said but hoped he’d disagree.

« Too much ? » he asked sardonically. « Would you like to continue working without pay then ? »

I wondered if he thought eighty-five thousand per year was laughable, but I knew I couldn’t negotiate with a man whose job was negotiating. « I didn’t become a teacher for the money, » I said, « but I would still like some. »

He smirked. « So, you accept ? »

« I accept. »

« Good. We look forward to having you on for the foreseeable future. »

I brushed my hair out of my face as I smiled. « I look forward to that too. »

. . .

« Eighty-five thousand dollars !? » Crystal screamed through the phone. « For a goddamn tutor !? »

« I know. »

« Jesus Christ, that’s a lot of money. »

« I know. » I sat on my bed with my knees curled up.

« Damn rich people, just throwing out money like it’s—wait . . . » She paused for a moment. « Do you think he’s paying you more so you don’t complain when he makes a pass at you ? »

I laughed at her joke until I realized she hadn’t told one. « Of course not. He barely says two words to me. He’d never make a pass. »

« When was the last time you got laid ? »

Of course she’d ask me a question like that. « I don’t know. »

« You don’t know because it’s been so long you can’t remember, woman ! Maybe I shouldn’t be worried about him making a pass, » she said. « You better find some dick before Mr. Mont-Money offers his up and you can’t say no. »

I laughed. « Fuck you, Crystal. »

« Fuck someone, Aub. » We hung up.

With all the stress that came from dealing with a moody teen full-time, two first-graders were a welcome change of pace. Tabitha and Sebastian tumbled around on their oversized plushies as they laughed. The sound of their small giggles brought an uncontrollable smile to my lips.

Though I hadn’t left the castle in months, it felt less confining each day that passed. I had time to talk to Crystal more often than I did at a traditional school, and Mildred was always around to keep my cabin fever at bay.

My phone buzzed against the cushion of the window seat. I picked it up and looked at the screen. Rianne. Usually, I would ignore her like all the other times, but I was in a good mood this morning.

« Hey, Kitty, » I answered.

« Bunny ! » she greeted me. « How are you ? How’s Portland treating you ? »

« I’m not in Portland, » I told her, though I should have known better. « I landed a teaching job in upstate. »

« That’s amazing ! I’m happy you didn’t have to move back with all of those prudes. »

Prudes don’t have three kids before the age of twenty-two, but I understood what she meant. « Yeah, me too. »

« Well, if you’re still in New York, you know you can come by the club and pull a shift whenever you want. We miss our Bunny, » she purred.

I smiled at the memories of that place. Not necessarily my reputation with the other staff, but how natural the job felt—how good it made me feel.

It was a great way to bring in some extra cash, especially during the summers when school was out. But now, I didn’t need extra money and I didn’t need to be pulled back into a scene I was trying to leave. I looked back at Tabitha and Sebastian as they squealed with joy. Helping them was all the gratification I needed right now.

Emotionally speaking, at least.

« I wish I could, » I told her, « but it’s a six-hour drive from here. »

« Oh, you’re in upstate, » she said. « I’ll give you a weekend shift if you’ll come visit. »

« I can’t right now. Maybe some other time ? »

« Whenever you’re ready, Bunny. You just let me know. »

« I will. »

« Kisses. »

When I ended the call, I saw the time. I stood and went to gather the twins. « It’s time for school, little ones. » They frowned but made no sounds of protest. « You can’t be sad on a Friday. That’s the second-best day of the week, remember ? Tomorrow is a whole day of fun ! »

Their smiles returned. Tabby ran up and hugged my legs before running out of the room. To my surprise, shy, little Sebastian did the same. I stroked my hand over his hair, partially to return his hug, and partially to thank him. When he ran out, I felt a sense of pride.

The more I bonded with the children, the more I started to chip away at the family’s walls. Mildred had years on me, but I was making noticeable progress. Eighty-five thousand a year progress, some might say.

I had been waiting for Mildred to show up for our mid-morning tea break, but she was late—very unlike her. Rather than leaving the playroom a mess, I started cleaning it on my own. I picked up the toys and as I stood up, I noticed a run in my stockings. I tossed the toys into the trunk and bent down to take a closer look at the tear.

A little hole at the side of my ankle and a two-inch rip. Most likely my heel caught it. There goes another perfectly good pair of stockings.

I took a moment to stretch my hamstrings, judging how stiff I had become with months away from my yoga routine. No need to keep up my flexibility if no one is going to use it, I chastised myself. Sliding my hands up the back of my legs as I stood, I ran them over my backside to check the placement of my pencil skirt. I glanced over my shoulder and gasped when I found a figure standing in the doorway. « Mr. Montgomery. »

« Ms. Nielson. »

I dropped my hands and felt my cheeks warm. Why does he always manage to walk in on me with my ass in the air ? « Good morning. »

« Morning. » He walked closer, his hands in his pockets while he stared down at my feet. When his eyes bounced up to mine, I felt warmer and colder at the same time. The smell of his delicious cologne wafted into my nostrils and lulled my senses.

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