"Babygirl, you are mine." His eyes widened as soon as his mind registered the words uttered.
"That....that was my wolf Gaelic." Rhysand looked abashed of his outburst while a blanket of terror engulfed Medusa.
"D-do you not want me? Are you going to reject-"
"NO!" He spat in repulsion.
"If anything you should despise me, I am unworthy of you but you....you saved me, when you should have been throwing me out to those monsters for being the scum-"
"RHYSAND!" She covered the distance between them, throwing her arms around his waist embracing him tightly.
The lilac eyes filled with tears, lucent droplets trailing her cheeks as a sob broke free making her mate's heart clench in pain.
"I-I was so scared, when I saw you like that, you were bruised and for god knows how long tortured, I am ashamed of myself for not being a good mate, I am so sorry.......I can never do that to you...I feel too much to ever hurt you."
He couldn't comprehend what in the heavens had he done so great that Queen mother Persephone granted him a mate as beautiful as Medusa....she looked to be made out of stars sewn together and dipped in the pellucid starlight and her heart was pure gold, she was his little warrior.
"Don't be sad love, you have done more that anyone could, you have shown more care and love that anyone else in my life. You are the best mate and I cannot decipher how much grateful I am for having you."
His took her face, his palm holding her cheek, finger wiping her tears.
"Don't cry....please." She nodded her head burying herself in his chest.
He was a peasant in her presence and she wasn't even aware of that. His arms engulfed her small frame, pulling her in his lap. His fingers threaded though her thick silver strands, massaging her scalp, scratching softly....soon making them fall in comfortable silence.
The blanket covering him slipped down his chest and he realized he was naked underneath.
"Medusa m-my clothes?" When he received no answer he looked down finding his mate sleeping. She looked like a tiny kitten curled up and he realized he was falling way too deep.
Something exploded in his heart, warmth filling each and every pore of his body watching her in his arms.
"Rhysand" a voiced bellowed making him growl lowly.
Lucien entered the tent eyeing Medusa sleeping comfortably in her mate's embrace.
"I brought you clothes." Rhysand motioned him to keep them aside.
"She was awake all night looking after you."
"Lucien come straight to the point and stop talking about my mate."
"Straight to the point? Fuck you, you jealous bastard, I saw you being tortured before my own fucking eyes and I could not do a fucking thing, are you that sick to ask me my intention when I am terrified for you life." Lucien growled lowly so not to wake Medusa up.
"Have faith Cien, don't worry about it."
"Are you kidding me? Seeing my own brother being beaten is not supposed to worry me?"
A melody was created from the oncoming of the harshest of the hailstorms.
Yesterday Rogue King Zion watched his daughter carry her mate inside her own tent with anger evident on her face.
The idea of his precious Medusa with a common omega irked him to the core, no matter how much cruel he was but he and his wolf both were worried about her.
She was so different from her deranged mother and his own sinning self but her temperament was purely his. He knew how she physically surpassed his strength but mentally she was fading away. He told himself that just two more months and he could give her all the luxuries of life.
He would overthrow the Alpha King and make his little baby the first Queen ever to rule that throne solely....but now Rhysand was in picture.
There was a time when Medusa never left his arm, she loved Zion tremendously...she still did despite her poisonous words, but his greed and betrayal made her heart go stone. For power he left his little girl behind.
Killing her mother was not a surprise for Medusa though, Ann was one cold hearted bitch who could care less what her daughter thought and did. She didn't cared if she was fed or got hungry to her bed but Zion did.
His daughter was always supposed to come first but Ann hated that idea, she abused Medusa physically and emotionally in Zion's absence and the day when he came to know it, he snapped her neck.
After killing that woman he completely changed. He turned into someone Medusa could hardly recognize, cruel and inhumane.
Once being an Alpha, Zion was soon declared rogue but his eight year old girl followed him.
He remembered the day Medusa's small palm held his finger while he taught her the concept of life and death. She didn't feared her mother dying, she never had any sort of bond with that woman but the concept of Zion's death absolutely terrified her.
That day he taught her the importance of death, the way it liberated the souls. Of Hell and Elysium ruled by King father Hades......The torment of corrupted souls.
And deep down he knew his daughter wanted to kill him because she loved him way too much for him to go through that.
She wanted to liberate him or change him. Medusa would go through hell if she hurted him. The father whom she couldn't even see scratched....the idea of killing him would slowly kill her from inside.