"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" he breathes, in a hoarse voice placing a kiss on my lips. "Good morning. And ye...
Chapter one -Surprises
Ella's POV
"Ah" I groaned into my pillow from boredom. I have been turning and tossing on my bed since morning and it is beginning to annoy the hell out of me.
An idea pop into my head when my eyes landed on my phone which has wallpaper of me and James, my boyfriend.
Thirty minutes later I'm walking towards James's front door in a yellow sleeveless shirt which I pair with Navy blue denim jeans.
I remember James once told me he didn't like surprises, and surprise visits inclusive but this was different, I was going to finally give him my heart, completely, my pride. This is something he has waited two good years for. Two damn good years. Which had me wondering whether I Was hard on him? It will be worth it when I say yes to him. Yes to be his forever.
The ding from the elevator brings me back to reality. I can't wait to see his face when he opens the door and find me standing at his front door or when I tell him I was ready. I thought as I slowly pushed open the front door which to my surprise was unlocked.
James never leaves his front door unlocked, unless he has someone over.
The last time we saw each other he never mentions that anybody will be visiting.
Maybe he had his friends over
He always tells me when the guys came over to his place.
I wave it off as I proceed to his bedroom.
Taking slow light steps towards the door. I hear soft moans from James's rooms.
Probably watching some movie or something. I thought.
I have a bad feeling about this but I wouldn't let it spoil my surprise package.
I slowly opened the door and froze at what met my eyes.
James was on top of a lady.
They were so into it that they didn't even realize someone has open the door.
James was the first person to notice my presents as he stumbles to get up, I stood frozen on the same spot.
Reality hit me hard and that's when my mind registered what was happening right in front of me. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. My eyes brim with tears ready to flow, I spark round and ran out of the room.
"Shit!". James curse as he ran towards me.
" Ella please! Listen to me, I can explain, is not what you think," he said with some traces of regret and hurt in his voice.
"There is nothing to explain James, go back and complete whatever you were doing with that slut." I snapped at him with some new found energy I didn't know I still had left in me.
"Ella please just hear me o...
I ran outside before he could finish whatever is it that he was about to say, I entered the elevator leaving him behind.
" I came running when I heard your voice over the phone," my friend Lena said as she took in my appearance, then hugging me tight afterward.
Edward was already with me when Lena joined us. He was rubbing my back gently to provide me some comfort.
"Ella please talk to us. " I heard Lena's voice but I was busy sobbing hard to answer her.
"J...James" I stuttered as I try to explain.
" Ella, calm down and explain to us. You are freaking me out." Eddie said with concern in his eyes.
I took a deep breath to calm myself a bit as I narrated everything right from when the idea of surprising James to me sobbing in their arms right now.
"Ella, you deserve better than that cheat." She continued when I didn't say anything.
"There are better guys out there, so just move on, show him you are better without him in your life. Be happy and don't give him the satisfaction that he had you or you are hurt by whatever he did to you"
"But l love him Lena and it hurts." I said bursting into another round of tears." how could he even do that to me. I thought he loved me and he was sincere when he said I could take all the time I wanted and he wasn't forcing me to have sex with him until I was ready, adding that he wasn't dating me because of sex" I cried even harder.
"Put yourself together Ella. The bastard doesn't even deserve all these tears." Lena said cleaning my tears with the back of her hand.
"He didn't have to do that, I'm his girlfriend and I know I have been hard on him about this no- sex-until-I'm-ready-thing, but still... Maybe I shouldn't have been that hard-headed about it."
"Don't be silly, at least you should be happy that he didn't fuck you and dump your ass afterward," Eddie said. He spoke after some time and I could tell he was trying to control his anger.
Yeah maybe Eddie was right, but it still hurt knowing I was going to inform him I was ready to take our relationship to the next level. I thought two years was enough to earn his trust, I thought two years was enough to make sure that he would stay, that I could depend on him, that I could trust him and not get hurt but man! was I wrong?
Apparently, I was wrong because Once again someone I trusted has broken my trust.