Natasha's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night thirsty.
So thirsty.
I quickly got up from my bed and went to the small kitchen of the apartment I'm renting and opened the refrigerator to get water.
I didn't bother grabbing a glass from the cupboard anymore and just directly drink from the bottle.
I had a hard time catching my breath after finishing all the water in the big bottle.
The water is so cold and refreshing but I don't understand why I'm still thirsty.
Beads of sweat started to form in my forehead and neck.
"Ugh, f*ck!" I groaned as I deeply closed my eyes.
Now, I'm not only thirsty- I'm so hungry. So hungry and thirsty like as if I was deprived of food and water for months.
What is happening to me?
I peaked at the window to see the moon but it's not a full moon tonight. I also don't feel the urge to turn into a werewolf.
I don't understand what is happening.
My stomach is not growling and it doesn't hurt but I am so hungry.
And now my throat feels like it's as dry as the desert.
I went back to the refrigerator and grabbed the raw meat I was hiding there. I quickly dig in like a hungry animal and finish all of them but the hungriness and thirst that I feel won't go away.
It's unquenchable.
I'm looking for something- craving for something.
Maybe, the reason why I'm still thirsty and hungry even though I already ate a ton of raw meat and drank a huge bottle of water is that, this isn't what I'm looking for.
I'm searching for something different. I'm craving for the taste of something different.
Not water nor meat.
Valerian Fenrir. . .
I swallowed hard as my mouth watered at the thought of him.
I want Valerian Fenrir.
His blood.
I want it.
"What did he do to me?" I whispered to myself as I clenched my fist.
I'm longing for his scent. The smell of his blood and the taste of it.
I want it.
I need it. . . So bad.
Right now.
F*ck f*ck f*ck.
I ran back to my room and grabbed my phone. I opened the internet and type his name.
Valerian holds such a reputation in this city. I know there's information about him on the internet.
My eyes scanned the results and I was right. I found his address.
Without thinking, I quickly grabbed my hoodie and went out of the apartment.
I climbed up the huge gate with ease.
The moment I was inside, I am in complete awe of how beautiful his house is.
A mansion.
It may be dark but the small light that's coming from the half moon and lamp post are enough for me to see how big and beautiful his mansion is.
I ran towards the main door and banged it while shouting his name. My voice echoed in the cold and silent night. It's almost eerie.
I don't care if he doesn't live here alone or if he has his family here. I really don't care.
I need to see him. I need to know what he did to me.
I need to taste his blood because this unquenchable thirst of mine feels like it's going to be the death of me.
"Valerian Fenrir!" I shouted with all my might.
I could destroy the lock of the door and break in but I don't know what's going to welcome me inside.
It's the devil's lair, after all.
And I can't fight for my life in this state.
"Valerian!" I shouted for his name the nth time.
F*ck. I need to see him now. The more I exert energy the more I feel my thirst and it weakens me. I need to f*cking see him!
"F*ck you, Valerian Fenrir!"
I fell on my knees.
"What are you doing here?" Valerian Fenrir's cold voice filled the silence.
I immediately turned to my back to face him.
It's him.
With wobbling knees, I hurriedly got up and ran to him.
I almost fell on the floor but he was quick to catch me.
I grabbed his hand and brought it to my mouth. A metallic taste consumed my tongue as I sucked on his hand and I didn't stop until I was satisfied.
"W-what did you do to me?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath.
I wiped my mouth and I feel so much disgust when I saw his blood stained my fingertips.
"What are you doing here?" he questioned.
I drew a breath to calm my heart down.
"I'm thirsty. I was craving for your blood. What did you do to me?" I questioned.
"You were craving for my blood as much as I am craving for yours," he stated.
I creased my forehead in confusion. "What do you mea-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when his heartbeat became clear to my ears and suddenly, I am calmed.
I didn't drink much of his blood as much as I drank water earlier but it was more than enough to quench my thirst and suffice to my hunger.
"What the f*ck is happening?!" I hissed. "What did you do to me?"
"How did you know my name?" he asked not answering my question.
I sucked on my lower lip. Of course, he will wonder because he never mentioned his name to me. I'll just tell him that I admire him so much to the point that I'm stalking him already that's why I know.
I hate how it will boost his ego. F*ck.
But that's not the issue here right now.
"That's not important. Tell me what did you do to me and why do I feel like this?"
Valerian didn't answer. He's just standing there looking at me with his hands inside his pocket.
"What? Are you gonna ask how did I know where you live too? That's not the issue here."
"I don't live here," Valerian said.
I creased my forehead at him. "This is the address I saw in the- how'd you know I'm here?"
"I heard you calling my name," he answered.
"But how?" I asked, voice full of wonder. "Are you just around here earlier?"
"No," he replied.
"How did that happen?" I questioned. "Can vampires hear everything even from miles away?"
He shook his head.
"Why do I crave for your blood?" I asked although I kinda have an idea already why.
Valerian made me taste his blood and maybe that's the reason why but I still don't completely understand. Why did he make me taste his blood? Why did he do that for?
"Natasha," he called my name.
I took a step back when all of the sudden he was already closed to me.
"We are mates."
I saw the words stumbled upon his lips but seems like I lost my power to hear and understand what he just said.
My mouth gaped. "What?"
"Your smell," he stated. "And when I tasted your blood and crave for it after, I knew."
"It can't be. . . Is that why you made me taste your blood too?"
Valerian nodded. "You craving for me only confirms my hunches. We are mates-"
"No! We can't be mates. My mate is also a werewolf and not a vampire. It can't happen. You're fooling me!" I took a step forward and tried to run from him but he quickly grabbed me by the arm.
I want to escape before his words get inside my head.
Valerian Fenrir is vicious and cannot be trusted.
I will just ask the witches my father knows for answers as to why I am deeply attached to his blood.
We can't be mates!
"You can't leave," Valerian whispered in my ears.
I tried to pull my hand away from him but to no avail. It's like he's made of iron and I couldn't get away from him no matter how much strength I use.
"Let me go." I gritted my teeth.
"You can't leave, Natasha." His voice may be low but it's cold and firm like as if what he just said is his final decision and couldn't be revoked.
The next thing I know, we're already in the house. The silence inside is deafening and it's dark. It happened so fast. One second we were outside the mansion and the next we were already here.
I felt Valerian's grasp loosen so I took the opportunity and step away from him.
"I want to leave," I told him.
"You can leave when I allow you to leave," he replied.
I can't stay here. Not with him.
"You'll starve without me," he added.
My heart sank.
I hate how it felt like earlier. I don't want that to happen again.
"What did you do to me?" I whispered as my gaze fell on my feet.
"I did nothing. It's destined to happen," he replied.
I refused to believe we are mates.
My mate is supposed to be a werewolf. My own kind.
He's just fooling me and I'm not going to fall into his trap.
I'll say this again, my father is right about him. He's a bastard, vicious, and he's ruthless. I will not be fooled by someone like him.
"So, I'm your prisoner now?" I looked up at him.
Our eyes met.
"You'll stay here until I have answers." Valerian walked closer to me and wrapped his hand around my neck. "You disobey me, I'll dry your blood out of your body."
I mustered all of my courage and looked directly into his eyes. "Thank you."
Being close to him means I'll have the chance to finish my failed mission and kill him.