" Can't these women tone down their voice's? What if the men hears them? Damn I will be deaf by the time this they leave!!' Melody grumbled as she made coffee for a customer.
" Melody, did you see the men that everyone is talking about?" Sarah one of the girls working in the cafe asked Melody as she wait patiently for Melody to make a cup of coffee for her customer
" Hmm"
From her tone of voice Sarah knew that she wasn't interested in the topic. Sarah squeezed her face. Since Melody and her father moved to county vee, the only girl her age who did stay far away from her is Sarah. Even if Melody hardly replies to her, she always talks to her and tries to get her to reply back.
After giving Sarah the coffee she requested, Melody walked to the counter and sat down on a stool. Her eyes scanned the cafe and came to a stop at the objects of everyone's discussion.
The two men were really fair and handsome but one was more handsome than the other. One has sandy blonde hair while the other has black hair. The one with black hair has a feminine beauty that will put many women to shame.
They were really worth people talking about them!! They were now celebrities in county vee!!
Melody's eyes met with the one that has black hair and she quickly looked down. Why is he looking at her?
"Damnit, '' Melody swore under her breath. Why did she raise her head up to look at them? All the scars on her face haven't healed up yet!!
" Melody another cup of coffee for God sake are you deaf?"
Melody jumped off the stool and began to prepare another cup of coffee. She just hoped that the new guy had an eye problem and did not see the bruises on her face, she really hoped so.
After making the coffee Melody returned back to sit behind the counter with her head down. After some minutes she felt eyes boring into her head making her squirm. Was someone looking at her? She raised her head a little and found out that the two new guys were looking at her.
She quickly looked down, what was that for? Why were they looking at her? Why won't they look away? Did those city people not know that it's bad to stare at someone for a very long time.
" Melody!!!" One of the workers slammed a tray on top of the counter making Melody to jump
" W..what?" She asked in a tiny voice as she peered up at the girl in front of her
" What are you thinking about? Well it's none of my business just know that they mayor wants you at his table" the worker hissed at her before walking away
Mayor? Melody shivered in fright why would the mayor want to see her. Many people always treat her as if she was invisible and he was one of those people so why would she need her now?
Maybe he wants another coffee? If that's the case he should have told the worker's there is no need to call her right? What could he possibly want?
The mayor is sitting with those men from the city. She did not want to go close to them!!
She looked up and saw the trio staring at her, the one with black hair smiled encouragingly at her, his smile beckoning on her to move close to them.
She shivered like someone who had caught a cold.
" Melody!!"
She jumped and began to walk towards the mayor's table slowly but steadily. She stopped a little distance away from the table
" Sir, you called for me?" She tried to make her voice to come out as stable as possible but it was still shaky towards the end
" Over here, Melody this gentleman from the city likes your coffee and wanted to speak with you personally" the mayor smiled widely at her
Melody was shocked at the smile after all Madison was his daughter and she knew that Madison would have said something about her to her father. In fact the girl has spread many rumors about her in this town and since it was a small town everyone knows each other.
According to what she heard from people the lands the city guys wants to buy belongs to the mayor family so maybe he was just trying to do everything to please them
She raised her head a little " thank you sir's"
The one with dark hair opened his mouth to speak when the voice of the manager of the cafe interrupted him
"I am really sorry sir's" she turned to Melody " Melody your father just called and said that he wants you home and since your shift is over you can go home"
She totally forgot about the bruises on her face as she looked up quickly " did you tell him that my shift is over?" she asked in a shaky voice
" Yes I did wait Melody what happened to your face it's bruised and ......"
She took off but not before hearing a growl, from who?
Why does her father want her home? She shivered under the hot sun as she ran home. She knew that her father would be counting, she did not know how much time he would give her to walk from the coffee shop to their house but all the same she had to be there on time.
She was not just running to get home early, she was also trying to run from the coffee shop. Why did she forget that her face was still bruised and look up completely.
Now if that new guy did not see her face before then surely now he would know that her face is bruised and there is the manager of the cafe that woman was a total gossip before Melody gets home she knew for sure that the news would have spread around town.
She did not want the attention nor does she want to answer questions that will only make people pity her and not help her.
She pushed the door open slowly so that it wouldn't make any noise but still because the door was already very old it still made a squeaky sound.
" What were you still doing at that coffee shop when you should be home!!" Her father's voice thundered through the house making her jump in fright
She was supposed to be used to all this but no one could get used to being abused. Her father's voice should not have an effect on her yet it still did.
" Were you trying to run away, you unfilial child!!!?" Her father shouted when she still did not reply but kept standing close to the door with her head bowed.
" Am hungry, make some food for me" he said at last and she Scrabbled quickly into the tiny kitchen in the house.
There was no good stuff in the kitchen. Melody was confused. There is supposed to be a lot of food stuff left so where did they disappear to? She walked out of the kitchen slowly and looked at her father who was watching the ball on the old television in the small sitting room.
" There is no food stuff in the kitchen sir but there was food stuff in the kitchen this morning before I left for work?" She said in a tiny voice but her father heard her
Her father looked up from the television and frowned at the annoying thing beside him " what did you say? I can't hear you, speak up bitch!!"
She quickly repeated what she said but this time in a louder voice
"I gave them all to Missy Betty she is going to be your step-mom very soon" her father grinned at her smugly as if proud of his accomplishment
" You can go get another one you know" he took his eyes back to the television
She stood there not knowing if she should cry or not for God sake. She just bought those food stuff yesterday with her hard earned money and he gave off everything to a woman because he wanted to woo her?
What woman in her right sense's could date a man like her father? Apparently Miss Betty could.
Miss Betty lives not too far from them. She wasn't someone that Melody likes; she gossip too much for her own good. She is also Madison's Aunt.
For goodness sake what did she see in her father or the responsible he is clearly not.