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“Christina! Come and help Mister Bates here with his tie, I have my hands full with the other two…” My eyes widened at the nearly suggestive way Marissa said that. But I quickly schooled my expression before fully turning towards her. She was only helping them track down the photographer…I hope. I watched Marissa leave with the other two models and then I walked over to a very tall, dark, and handsome Jeffrey Bates. He looked even better in person than he did on his headshot. Well, really, all the guys did, but he had something special about him.

I thought it was the odd swirl of green in his hazel eyes. They were what caught my attention first. They were framed by long lashes and he had the smokiest gaze. I wonder if that came natural to him or if he had to practice at it. He had the perfect cheekbones for a male model, well formed, but not too feminine. His dirty blonde hair was styled into a sexy undercut and was purposely moussed. He had a straight nose that led to perfectly plump pink lips and a masculine angular jaw and slightly cleft chin. Sometimes I thought it hard to believe that these models were real people.

“Are you Christina?” he asked me, his voice carrying over to where my feet were rooted into the ground. I had almost forgotten that I was supposed to be helping him with a tie.

“Um, yeah! I’m sorry. You needed help with your tie?” I asked tentatively, trying to cover up my embarrassment.

“Yeah, I suck at tying these things. Do you know how to do a bow tie?” His voice was deep and a little raspy. It was definitely sexy, though. I tried to ignore the little thrill that went through me at the sound of him speaking to me.

“I do, I used to tie bow ties for my dad all the time…” I paused for a fraction of a second before he sat down on a bar stool so I could reach his tie. I didn’t know why I just told him about my dad.

“Your dad sounds like a smartly dressed man. What does he do?” The question was harmless really, it would come as a normal response to what I said. I silently kicked myself for having a slip like that.

“He’s um…he used to be an investment banker,” I said shortly, not wanting to continue this line of talk.

“Really? That’s actually a lucrative line of business. I bet he does well for the family.”

I smiled politely and nodded vaguely. Jeffrey seemed to pick up on my reticence and he changed the topic.

“So, you work for the ever lovely Marissa. I heard she’s kind of a hard ass when in the office.”

I snorted and then bit my lip to keep from commenting. Marissa had the habit of popping out of thin air and hearing everything you would normally try to keep from her.

“She’s not so bad. She just runs a tight ship and likes to be organized. That’s commendable really, so I can’t complain,” I said softly.

Jeffrey’s gaze locked onto mine as I gently fixed his bow tie and there was an intensity in his gaze that was hard to ignore. It made me nervous, yet it also brought butterflies to my belly. I quickly shook myself and focused on his tie, there was no way someone like him could be attracted to me. I was a glorified intern and after the research I did on Jeffrey yesterday, I knew that he owned a huge airplane manufacturing business.

Jeffrey was worth four billion dollars and that’s at thirty-four years old, after inheriting his father’s company. Four billion dollars was sitting in a bar stool in front of me and I was fixing his tie. Yeah, I needed to get a grip, four billion dollars and I were a completely unrealistic couple.

“Does she ever give you a break?” Jeffrey confused me by asking. I blinked at him in bemusement and he laughed. The sound was delicious and reminded me of chocolate. “So I’m guessing that meant no.” Jeffrey chuckled and I smiled a little crookedly.

“I’m allowed to eat lunch at my desk while working, so maybe…?”

Jeffrey laughed again and I wanted to kiss his throat for the beautiful sound. I really needed to pull myself together. Sheesh, when was the last time I’ve even been around a guy? The office was full of women and all I ever did was work. I held in a sigh, I really needed to get out more. I finished with his tie and he stood up to check himself in the mirror.

He was wearing a gorgeous black tuxedo that fit him beautifully. I wondered if models got to keep the clothes they dressed up in.

“That’s perfect, thanks, Christina,” Jeffrey smiled at me in thanks and my heart almost seized up. He glanced around at the few people milling around, waiting to get started. The lights were set up and the other two female models were dressed in stunning gowns and ready to shoot. “I wonder if they’ve found the photographer yet,” Jeffrey said rhetorically.

“While we’re waiting I can get you some water or something to eat if you’d like?” If Jeffrey so much as needed to scrape gum from the bottom of his shoe, Marissa informed me that I was to take care of it. Anything one of her models needed I was to tend to, or else I’d be fired, of course.

“No, no. Thank you, though. I bet you hate this job, are you an intern?”

I couldn’t stifle my sigh.

Then Jeffrey smiled at me in knowing sympathy. “We’ve all been there, my father made me intern at the company he passed down to me and the work was menial and grueling sometimes.”

I was surprised to hear that, I couldn’t imagine a sexy, young Jeffrey having to fetch someone’s coffee and lunch, much less at the very same company he was to own someday.

“I’m an assistant…but yes, basically an intern. I just need the job to pay the bills until I get a real job in advertising and marketing. It’s what I went to school for.” Again, I wondered why I was revealing so much about myself to him.

“Really? Do you have any connections to help you with that?”

I sighed again and shook my head.

“No, I’m not from this city originally, so it’s slow going,” I admitted.

Jeffrey seemed to consider this as he studied me.

“I’m sure something will come your way soon. It’s not all about connections really,” he tried to reassure me. But in this city I didn’t see how it wasn’t.

“Christina! Wonderful job with Jeffrey’s tie, we’ve found the photographer, but I’m going to have to ask you to fetch these boys some sparkling water. They’re parched.” Marissa breezed into the room giving orders and I smiled at Jeffrey in parting before going to get Marissa’s “boys” some water. While I went in search for sparkling water, I wondered why normal water, that wasn’t sparkling, wouldn’t do.

I always found normal water to be more refreshing anyway.

Once I got back with the water, Marissa had me go out to pick up dinner that they’d eat after the shoot. I had to run and get steaks from a nearby Cuban restaurant that was really good, but the smell of the food in the car tortured me on the way back.

After I dropped off the food, I had to help load up the equipment in the hot summer rain and got soaked. Of course, as I was about to simply get into my car and leave, Marissa called me on the work phone and reminded me to lock it up in the office. So I had to walk into the freezing hotel yet again to get the keys to the office from Marissa, then drive across town to deposit the freaking cellphone. I hated my job.

“Whoa, you’ll catch a cold walking in here soaked like that,” Jeffrey practically jumped up from eating at the bar when I walked into the room. He covered me with a suit jacket and smiled crookedly. Again, I wasn’t sure if I saw attraction in his green hazel eyes.

“Um…thank you, you didn’t have to ruin your jacket, I was only coming in for a quick second,” I said hurriedly. I didn’t want Marissa to see me and get the wrong idea.

“No, I insist. I can’t believe she had you go out in the rain like this. You shouldn’t be working for her,” Jeffrey said in muted frustration. He was concerned for me? But why…?

“Thanks for the jacket, I’ll have it dry cleaned and mailed to your office,” I assured him before hurrying to retrieve the keys from Marissa. Thankfully, she was caught up in a conversation with one of her boys and didn’t pay much attention to me. I hurried past Jeffrey who looked like he had more to say to me and made a quick exit to my car.

Once inside, I let out a loud groan of frustration, drove to the office to drop off the phone and then drove home, refusing to cry. I just needed to find a job, then I wouldn’t have to work for that slave driver anymore.

The very next morning I discovered that Jeff was right, walking in the rain and then being shocked by the cold air conditioning would make me sick. Marissa would kill me if I got anyone else in the office sick, she’d be pissed that I have to take sick days, too. But it was the lesser of the two evils. Really I’d be glad for the break. Marissa had been giving me more and more of Kristi’s workload as she didn’t think Kristi was “capable” of performing as she usually did, what with the “symbiotic fetus growing inside her.” Honestly, the woman was a piece of work.

I called in and begged Jennie to deliver the news that I was sick and couldn’t make it in to work, she begged me not to make her have to tell Kristi or Marissa, so we begged another assistant, who we both owed lunch for the next week.

“Well, Marissa knows, hey wait, how are you calling us right now? Your work phone is here.” I sighed and explained to Jennie that my neighbor was kind enough to let me use his. I also owed him dinner, which I was not looking forward to. The guy was kind of a hermit, and not in an okay way either. He looked like he lived on the streets. I was planning to dodge that date until I was on my death bed.

“Oh, well, maybe if you’re up for it, you should buy a phone. Marissa actually wasn’t too upset about you being out sick. She’s given you a bonus and the money should be in your account by now.” I was stunned speechless. She was actually serious about giving me a bonus? Well, dang.

“Wow…she mentioned it yesterday, but I didn’t…I didn’t realize she was actually serious,” I said incredulously.

Jennie laughed and wished for me to get better soon before ending the call. I went to give my neighbor his phone back and he actually gave me a weird, nervous smile as I was returning it. Thank goodness he was too nervous to have a conversation and soon I was back in bed. I tossed and turned, mostly from a slight fever and a bad sinus headache.

I needed medicine to help with the symptoms so that I’d be able to beat the cold sooner. But that meant getting out of bed. I sighed heavily, which turned into a coughing fit and then rolled out of bed to change into jeans and a sweatshirt. Yes, it was still technically summer, but I was shivering from fever.

I remembered to drop Jeffrey’s jacket off at the cleaners before I went to pick up some medicine and soup. When I got back home, I drank the broth and took some Motrin and NyQuil to take care of the fever and help me to sleep.

* * *

Thankfully, the cold was only a two-day visitor and I was feeling much better. I was actually a little bittersweet about it because that meant I had to get back to work. Just as I was heading out to my car, I spotted a fancy Audi SUV that was uncharacteristic for my neighborhood, parked right behind my car. I simply glanced at it and then went about my business, because this neighborhood was relatively safe. I hoped that no drug dealers moved nearby.

“Is that my dry cleaning?” his smoky voice came out of nowhere and almost made my heart leap from my chest. I quickly turned around and my eyes widened. Jeffrey Bates was standing on the sidewalk, right there in front of me. I glanced down at the dry cleaner’s bag I held that contained his jacket. I simply nodded and handed it to him.

“Um…uh—what are you doing…here?” I asked, very confused as to his presence. It was still early and my mind hadn’t fully woken up yet, the processing department was lights out. Jeffrey looked amazing for six in the morning. He wore a perfectly tailored, blue pinstriped suit and his hair looked silky smooth and was pushed back out of his face. His green hazel eyes were as intense as ever and completely focused on me.

“I came to see you, actually. Why don’t you have a cell phone?”

My mind was thrown back into error mode. I just couldn’t process this. He came to see me?

“I broke mine a long time ago and never got around to getting a new one,” I explained automatically.

“You know, that could be a big factor as to why you’re having a hard time finding a marketing job,” Jeffrey pointed out.

I shrugged.

“I was able to get the job with Marissa Fiore easily enough without one,” I replied a bit defensively. I did have a computer and people more often used e-mail and Skype. Jeffrey raised his hands in surrender.

“You’re right, I was just pointing out a crucial point, is all…this isn’t going how I planned it. I’m sorry, I came to ask you if you were going to be busy tonight?” he asked me almost tentatively.

Why on Earth was he asking about my schedule?

“I um…I have to wake up early in the mornings for work, and I’m still getting over a cold, so I’ll most likely be asleep,” I said slowly.

“You work on Saturdays?” Jeffrey asked, seeming shocked. I nodded regretfully.

“Yeah, it sucks, but working weekends is overtime and I need all that I can get,” I said without thinking. Why did I have such an urge to just speak so freely around him? I bit my lip to try and keep my mouth shut.

“Well, how about tomorrow night then?” he asked, this time hopeful.

“Why are you asking me if I’ll be free?”

Jeffrey gave me a look as if to say that it should have been obvious.

“Because I wanted to take you on a date. You ran away from me at the shoot before I could ask you,” he said, almost seeming to be a bit nervous.

I tilted my head at him questioningly.

“You want to…date me?”

Jeffrey’s slightly anxious look turned earnest.

“Of course I do. I…I’m very attracted to you…” he said in all seriousness, his gaze locked on mine.

“I’m not the kind of girl you usually date. In fact, I hardly think I’m your type, Jeffrey,” I said, being bluntly honest. I opened my car door and made to get in so I could head to work. If he held me up outside any longer, I would be late. I didn’t want to take the rest of the week off if I didn’t have to.

“No, no, that didn’t come out right. I meant…I like you and I want to see you again, I want to go on a date with you.” Jeffrey floundered a bit and held my car door open so I was forced to either tell him to leave me alone or accept his offer for a date. I’d be an idiot if I turned him down, but really…he was way out of my league.

“Don’t doubt yourself. I really do like you. I mean it’s been two days and I still tracked you down to ask you out. That has to stand for something,” Jeffrey pointed out.

I sighed and then gave in, almost reluctantly.

“Fine, fine. I’ll go out with you Saturday night, then.”

Jeffrey smiled crookedly and stole some of my breath away. He was just a beautiful, beautiful man.

“I’ll pick you up around seven thirty, then…and Christina…?” I looked up at him expectantly.

“Please get a cell phone, it’s unsafe not to have one,” he said.

I sighed, I keep meaning to get one, but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

“Okay, I’ll get a cell phone after work,” I assured him halfheartedly. Knowing me, I would much rather go straight home after work and pass out on the bed.

“Good, here’s my number so you can put it in your phone and call me when you get it,” Jeffrey placed his card in my hand and then winked at me before walking confidently towards his car. “Oh, and I’ll just show up if I don’t hear from you by the end of the day tomorrow,” he warned, before he got into his car and pulled away.

As his car passed me I could see into the front seat and found that he even had a driver. Yeah, Jeffrey Bates was way out of my league. I sighed and then tucked his card into my purse before heading off to work. During the entire ride to work, I couldn't figure out just how this date was going to turn out and I was considering backing out of it altogether.

I at least arrived to work on time, thanks to light traffic, miraculously, and Jennie was surprised to see me in so soon. Her big blue doe eyes widened with pleasant surprise and her exotic Hispanic features conveyed relief.

“You came back early, thank God,” she said. She even hopped down from her perch behind the reception desk to give me a hug. “Marissa has been in a mood ever since you got sick. Whenever she needed you for something and you weren’t there, she’d yell and be like, ‘where’s my Target girl!’” We both laughed and I shook my head. Of course Marissa would say that.

“Oh! Oh, Christina! You’re well, you’re back, thank God!” Kristi came hurrying out of her office and hugged me, too. Well, has it been that bad without me there? “You know you’re Marissa’s favorite, you’re not allowed to get sick and stay home anymore. It’s for reasons of everyone’s mental health!” We all laughed and then froze as Marissa walked gracefully out of her office in a long flowing summer dress.

“Christina, you’re back. It’s nice to see you are well enough to work again. I’d like my coffee and bagel please,” was all she said, even though she must have heard us laughing about her. I told everyone I’d be back with their coffee and bagels and headed out to get breakfast.

While in line at the bagel shop, waiting for my regular order to be made, I spotted Jeffrey Bates at the end of the line. Two women in front of him were going gaga and obviously trying to get in his pants. They were way into his personal space and touching his arms and chest. I didn’t know how I felt about that.

Then I saw him smiling at them and his hands went a bit low on their waists to take a selfie with them. He was obviously enjoying their attention and had completely forgotten that he ‘liked’ me, apparently, and we were supposed to be going on a date.

My chest felt hot with embarrassment and I quickly turned around so he wouldn’t see me. If he’d rather have fun with two random chicks then, by all means, I definitely wasn’t going to date him. It was already proving volatile to my self-esteem.

“Christina!” Jeffrey called out to me and I closed my eyes briefly in slight dread. I did not want to face him, especially not after what I just saw. “Christina, hey I didn’t know you came to this bagel shop.” Jeffrey touched the small of my back and I sidestepped his hand so that it fell to his side.

“I come here every morning, to get breakfast for Marissa and the office,” I explained, again giving him more information than I wanted him to know. I was a bit short with Jeffrey and he picked up on that, as his intense gaze studied me, his head slightly tilted to the side.

“You’re not bailing on our date are you?” he asked seriously and I simply shrugged. Why’d he have to be so damn perceptive?

“I really don’t think…” I trailed off when Jeffrey started shaking his head at me.

“You saw me in line with those girls, they just wanted a picture. They were just fans of my modeling. Honestly, Christina, I want to go on a date with you,” Jeffrey said clearly and concisely. I took a deep breath, why was he still trying at this point? Didn’t he see how difficult I was being? Didn’t guys usually like confident girls?

Not shy ones with low self-esteem? My order was called out and I went up to the counter to retrieve it. Jeffrey followed closely behind me as I maneuvered through the packed bagel shop. I could feel his brush against my back every so often and it sent little thrills through me. Honestly, when was the last time I’ve even touched a guy?

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