Chapter 4
Olivia devoured her scrumptious meal like her life depended on the meal
She hasn't tested anything for the past 3 days
He gave her only 20 minutes, she bought herself enough time
She knew the day he will sleep with her will come eventually
It might be this night or tomorrow morning
Anytime at all, but she knows he is going to devour her like a ravenous lion, like the way she is devouring this poor innocent food
How could someone this young be as affluent as this and feared among others in Mexico?
The elevator dings, bringing her out of her thoughts
Austin came out of the elevator…dressed in black from head to toe
Black tuxedo, black tie, black shoes, a black briefcase, and a black eyeglass
With four bodyguards behind him
Olivia is curious to know where he is going, he was about to fuck her a few minutes ago, when then is he going to
Their eye locked before Austin took his gaze away from her before living the house
Where could he be going this late, Olivia thought.
She ate her remaining meal, a maid came to clear the table
“Don't worry, I'll do it myself, Olivia offer to help her
“You are generous, thank you, but it's my job, it's what I'd been paid for
The maid said, smiling back at Olivia
Olivia thought of asking her where Austin was going, but she doubted if a maid will know the whereabouts of her boss
“Do you possibly know where Austin could be… Olivia asked, but the sudden look on the maid's face was something else.
The smile the maid has on her face has disappeared and replaced with that of fright
Olivia wonders why the sudden change,
“Nobody dare call the boss by his name, the maid said frightening
So, that is why the maid became scared because she had called him by his name
The maid cleared the table with shaky hands
The maid fears Austin, everybody is
The two hefty guards that took her to Austin's room walked in her direction
How can someone like Austin Hernandez have the power to control all these hefty Men?
That's what power can do
Austin Hernandez is known widely and all over Mexico, his name alone is trouble
“We'll take you to your room, one of the guards said as Olivia scoffed
“You call that shithole my room, that dark kernel meant for dogs, are you out of your mind… Olivia yelled.
It's only Austin Hernandez she fears, apart from him
She doesn't fear anybody, no one can intimidate her, these two hefty guards cannot intimidate her
The two guards became speechless
The way and manner Olivia used made them speechless
The nerve of this lass speaking to them rudely and disrespectful
“What gives you the nerve to talk to us in that way and manner, one of the guards asks
Olivia pointed her finger to him in a fearless manner
“What gives you the right to treat a woman this way, have you no respect for a woman, she fires back
She wasn't terrified by them
They want to take her back to that dark room
She doesn't want to go there, it's dark
She could catch a cold due to the cold floor, she could get sick
“Enough of all this delirium, do you know what will happen if the boss gets to find out about your tactless acts, one of the guards yelled
“I'm not scared of Austin Hernandez, Olivia said firmly, even though she knows she is lying
She gasps, realizing what she has just done, the maid had cautioned her earlier not to call him by his name
And now she just did…will they report her to him?
The guards open their mouths in disbelief, hearing this little lassie call their boss by his name
“How dare you speak of the Boss like that?
“let's take her to her room
Olivia tucks her hands stubbornly…she wouldn't move an inch from where she stood
The intolerant men nabbed her roughly and haul her through the staircase
Her wailing filled the entire mansion…her dynamism had failed to the core
What was she expecting from these two hefty guards, they probably are more powerful than she is
She keeps screaming and yanking her feet stubbornly
The guards are not concerned about her wailing, so they pay her deaf ears
They finally reach the room and lobbed her into the room
Before she could run back to the portico of the room
The door bounced right on her face as she shut her eyes
She slowly open her eyes, but it was no different from the darkness she sees when she closes her eyes
Here she is, back to this darkness, back to this cold room
In the same room, she stayed three days without seeing light, without eating
In the same room, she cried for three days straight
She lay on the cold floor, she has regained her strength
She is no longer weak, and she wants to avoid being weak again
She just has to accept the fact that she is his puppet and endure for five months
She can do it, she won't stay here forever, it is going to last for just five months, and she has to endure it if she wants to leave here
She has to play by his rules, she has to accept them first
She needs to accept the fact and the reason she is here
To be his sex tool for five months
She can do it, for Elena
What will happen if he hadn't chosen her but Elena instead
Will Elena be facing, what is she facing right now
Lock in a dark room as cold as a morgue for three days straight
He would have slept with her already, the thought of that alone brings fear to her
Austin Hernandez is a demon she will have to avoid in her next life
A person she prays not to come across within her next life
She will have to let him break her chastity, her innocence
She just hopes and prays she doesn't get pregnant within these five months
She closed her eyes in pain and her heavy heartbeats
As she slept off.