I felt the tension when that girl smirked instead of being terrified with Kyra’s presence.
“Kyra, everyone has moved on. Do yourself a favor and get over from our past,” she answered. I felt like she’s really provoking Kyra to her limit.
“Really? You have the audacity to say that in my face?” Kyra answered back. I felt that she’s trying hard to control herself not to hurt the girl physically.
“We love each other. Isn’t that enough reason for us to fight for each other?” The girl asked trying to sound pitiful so that she could get sympathy from Kent.
“If that’s the kind of love that you can offer, it’s better not to have anything at all!” Kyra shouted.
Although I cannot understand what’s happening right now, I can feel that they had a very terrible past for Kyra to be mad that way. Knowing her, she doesn't easily get mad at something if it ain't heavy for her.
“Kyra! Enough!” Her brother shouted to stop his sister from arguing more.
“What now, Kent? You really love making yourself look like a clown, huh?” Kyra asked to remind him of what happened in the past. “You know what? I’ll let you. Just don’t come at me crying again because of this bitch.”
Kyra glared at the both of them before grabbing my hand and pulling me over to go upstairs.
We went to her room where I am currently staying and I felt the heaviness in her heart when she breathed heavily upon sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I can’t believe that he trusted her again,” she devastatingly said. I saw her tear up a little bit because of the frustration that she's feeling.
“Your brother seemed to be okay with it already. I’m just wondering - why is it still a big deal for you?” I asked curiously because as I can see it, Kent has already moved on from what happened between them but Kyra seems like she’s still affected by it.
“Once a cheater, always a cheater,” she said in a simpler way but it already gave me a clue on what happened before. “I caught her in the act. I was in the parking lot with my friends looking for our car until we saw two people making out and it was her – with another guy,” she smiled bitterly while remembering that specific moment. “You know, Sol – I loved her. I was their relationship’s number one fan because I saw how much my brother loved her. I told myself that if ever I’ll be in a relationship, I want it to be like theirs. Not until that moment when I felt like she didn’t just cheat on my brother. She also betrayed me. She made me feel that my idea of love is flawed.”
She began tearing up and I can’t do anything about it right now but just to hug her and make her feel that I’m here. Now, I understand why she’s still not yet over that phase. It wasn’t just about her brother.
“Now, everything makes sense,” I uttered.
“I can’t understand Kent. He’s too smart to be this stupid. To be honest, I envy him when it comes to school because he can ace everything without even studying that hard,” she released what’s on her mind and I let her do that because I feel like it would help her feel better. “That’s why I cannot understand why he’s allowing her to make him look like a fool.”
“Maybe that’s how love goes,” I told her.
“That’s not love. That’s stupidity. If that’s how love goes, it’s better not to love at all.”
I didn’t try to defend my point anymore because what she’s feeling is valid. I can feel her pain right now but I can feel the anger and sadness as well because it happened to them.
“I feel like I need to do something about this,” she uttered again and this time, I feel like she’s thinking of something already.
“Your brother’s old enough to know what’s right or wrong. I don’t think he’ll like it if you decide for him,” I warned her.
I feel like if she’ll push through with whatever she’s currently planning, her brother will be so mad at her.
“I won’t decide for him,” she clarified herself.
“What do you mean then?” I asked.
“He needs someone who will make him realize that she’s not the one for him,” she told me as if it was a bright plan for her.
“He tried to bring a lot of girls already, Kyra. None of them worked,” I said to make her realize that it’s not going to work. “Maybe, he truly loves that girl so much that’s why nobody can get his attention the way she did.”
“None yet,” she insisted on her point. “No one dared to know him better the way she did. All they want is to have a one night stand with him and after that, they’ll be gone,” she explained further which I agreed on because it made sense.
“So, what are you planning then?” I asked further about her plan.
“He needs someone who will make him feel that he’s worthy to be loved,” she added.
She stared at me which made me feel awkward because I can already sense what she’s planning right now.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked her.
“Since you are living here already, it wouldn’t be hard for you to know him better,” she said which confirmed my speculations.
“Are you crazy? Kyra, I’m gay,” I told her the obvious. I can’t believe that she came up with this idea because it’s really impossible. “I mean, okay! I like your brother physically but he’s straight!”
“Just try, Sol. I feel like he’s just longing for that kind of love and attention that’s why he feels like he needs her in his life again. If it doesn’t work out, okay. But please, Sol. Just try.”