It's been two weeks already since Damian and I started the deal and he still didn't know my name. He said it was better this way. I seriously don't know why. We've been having sex like hormonal teenagers.
Hello! How can I resist such a sexy man?
I sighed dreamily as I packed my suitcase. I was going at my parent's house today. Alena's wedding is in a few days and I don't even know her fiancé. Well, again, I'm the one guilty here. I didn't even bother asking about the guy she's going to marry. I'll make sure to get to know him in those few days staying there.
"You've done packing?" Rose asked as she walked into my room, wearing a white long dress which reached her ankle. She was holding a small handbag and her hair was tied in a bun. That was so unlike her.
"Why are you dressed like that?" I questioned with rose eyebrows as I motioned to her attire.
"Your parents are rich, honey" she said as if I was stupid. "I'm pretty sure that there will be poshy people who drink tea with their little finger pointing the air" she said while mimicking the action of drinking tea.
"We're not in England" I deadpanned.
"Who told you that only people in England drink tea like that?" she asked while crossing her arms over her chest.
"Wild guess" I said while shrugging. I turned to my suitcase and closed it. "Still don't understand why you're dressed like this" I mumbled.
"Because I look hot" she admitted. I chuckled. I already knew this. I just wanted her to admit it.
"Your parents are rich, honey" I imitate her after I rolled my eyes.
"Oh shut up!" she retorted and stared at my clothes with a grin. "You're going like that?" she questioned. I stared at my white denim jean and my black crop top. I had a white gilet over it.
"What's wrong with my clothes?" I asked with rose eyebrows, wanting her to explain.
"You look hot" she replied. "Too hot for classy, sticks in their asses, poshy rich parents" she ended with her lips rolled in her mouth. Again. I rolled my eyes and lifted my suitcase from the bed.
"I'm not going to change" I told her. "I don't give a fuck about Shrek and Fiona" I told her. She chuckled at my words. I always called my parents Shrek and Fiona.
"You shouldn't say that" she laughed as she pulled my suitcase out of my room. I took my phone and tucked it in my back pocket.
"Yeah, I shouldn't insult Shrek and Fiona" I mumbled. She laughed even harder but decided not to say anything. I need to drive to the hospital to get Thomas and we even paid Jace to be Thomas's private doctor during this week so that my little guy wouldn't be taking any risk. Let me tell you that Rose was enchanted by the idea of Doctor Jace accompanying us.
"I'm going to drive to the hospital" Rose said as she took my key from the table and we both made our ways to the front door while pulling our suitcases with us. My phone buzzed in my pocket but as I was too busy locking the door and holding my suitcase, I let it ring and focused on walking down the stairs without breaking my neck. Yes. Wearing heels and holding a heavy suitcase aren't the best things to do when we have stairs to walk down.
"Give me your suitcase " Rose said as I reached the car while huffing and puffing. I pushed my suitcase towards her and got in the car with a sigh. My phone started buzzing again, making me groan in annoyance.
Can't I have a minute in peace to calm from frantic beating heart?!
"Hello" I answered, semi angry, semi breathless.
"What were you doing to be all breathless and not answering my call?" Damian's hard and sexy voice was heard through the phone.
"What I was doing, certainly doesn't concern you" I replied smoothly that he was going to get all worked out because of my answer.
"It certainly does" he answered calmy. Too calm. "It concerns me if the girl I fuck is fucking with some other guy. I don't want to get some disease" he said. By now my mouth was opened in shock and anger. Is that what he really thought of me?
"If this is how low you think of the girl you're fucking, then maybe you should stop fucking her" I snapped before ending the call, not really wanting to hear him say more bullshits. I put my phone on the dashboard and watched as Rose got in the car with a bright smile on her face. She was probably excited to meet Jace again. But again, he'll be spending a week with us. My sister even invited him to her wedding when she went to visit Thomas last week.
"Are you okay? " Rose asked, pulling me away from my trail of thoughts. "You seem a bit sad" she continued. I quickly gave her a smile and shook my head.
"I'm not" I told her, not letting the smile fade. I didn't want her to ask me a lot of questions and get all worried. A smile is all that you need to appear happy.
"You're excited?" Rose asked before squealing.
"You sure are" I chuckled as she sped to the hospital.
"Jace is coming! I mean I'll get to seduce him and all" she said with a proud smile on her face, making me laugh.
"Rose! You're twenty six! Not seventeen" I exclaimed while chuckling.
"What? I'm sorry but I don't have a sex God, unlike you!" She said, making me gasp at her words. Little did she know that I may no longer have a sex God. "I need to get out all those frustration" she added as she drove in the hospital's parking.
"Then go to the gym" I deadpanned.
"I'm too lazy. I prefer the other type of sport" Rose said as she wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive way, making me roll my eyes. As soon as she parked the car, I got out and went to pick up Thomas. Rose seemed to be like half walking and half running. Jace's effect.
"Rose, Athena" Jace greeted as soon as he saw us. I nodded in his direction while smiling and soon turned to my little brother who had a huge grin on his face.
"Athena! I'm finally getting out of here" Tommy exclaimed in happiness. I ruffled his hair and pecked his cheeks.
"You're finally getting out of here" I breathed and pulled away to pick up his suitcase.
"Is it necessary that I go?" Jace questioned, looking a little bit nervous.
"Yes. We paid you" I said playfully and he smiled.
"Then let's go" he said before motioning to the door. We all walked to the car, with an over excited Thomas. A smile crept on my face and my problems with Damian were soon forgotten. Damian settled in the back seat and I decided to sit next to him. Doctor Jace decided to drive because he was a gentleman. His words. Not mine. Rose sat in the passenger seat and Jace started driving to my parent's mansion by following the GPS navigation.
After a few minutes, I turn to look at my little brother and saw that he was sleeping. I lifted him and rested his head on my knees. I noticed that Jace was looking at us in the rear view mirror. I gave him a little smile and he offered me a reassuring one. He knew I was worrying about my brother. Thomas was always a little ball of energy.
"He's tired" Jace reassured. "The nurse told me that he hardly sleeps at night. He would usually read the books that you'd bring" he explained and I nodded, not really knowing what to say.
"You care a lot about him" Rose pointed out and Jace nodded with a little smile as he took a side glance at Rose.
"I should always care for my patients" he said. "But even though it's unprofessional, Thomas is like my little brother" he continued. Rose nodded and stared at the road. Jace cleared his throat and Rose turned her attention to him. "You look different" He said, making Rose go pink.
"Good different or bad different?" Rose asked. Oh no.
They are going to start flirting and I'll feel like the third wheel.
"Good different. Very good different" Jace said, his voice turning deeper. Oh great! I want to sleep too now. As I wasn't sleepy, I turned to the easiest way to escape their conversation.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen!
I pulled out my earphones! My savior! My hero! My everything!
"What are you doing?" When I realized that Rose's question was directed towards me, I rose my head from my tangled earphones.
"I'm untangling my earphone" I mumbled and resumed to what I was doing.
"Why would you do that? Don't you know that it's rude to ignore people" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest in my motherly way, making Jace chuckle. I let a squeal of happiness when my earphones were finally untangled. I motioned to Rose to give me my phone and she did reluctantly.
"I also know that it sucks to listen to two people flirting. So bye" I pulled my phone from her hand and watched as she turned bright red again. Jace chuckled at Rose's red face. Soon, I let the music burst out in my ears. I grinned when I saw Rose and Jace talking... A lot. I turned my attention to my phone and saw that I had five miss calls. Three from Damian and two from Alena. I texted Alena to tell her that we were reaching in a few minutes.
From: Alena
I stared at the message before deleting it and resumed to listening to my favorites songs. I played with Thomas hair as I rested my head against the window. I didn't even realize when I fell asleep.
"Athena" I felt someone poke me on my face. I stirred a bit, not wanting to curse out. "Athena!" the person shouted.
"Shut the fuck up!" I exclaimed and soon a hand was on my mouth. I opened my eyes to glare at the person and I saw Jace glaring back at me.
"Don't swear in front of Thomas" he said while giving me a disapproving glare. I turned my head to see Thomas still sleeping on my knees.
"He's sleeping" I whispered and gave Jace a sheepish smile.
"Come on, we're here. Let me pick Thomas" Jace said and i quickly shook my head.
"Take the suitcases, I'll take him" I told him as I moved so that I was out of the car in a few seconds.
"You're sure? " He asked uncertainly as he stared at Thomas's sleeping figure. I nodded and lifted Thomas so that his head was now resting on my shoulder. He wrapped his little arms around my neck, making me smile. I love when he would do that. I started making my way to the front door and Alena and Rose talking.
"Hey little sister!" Alena exclaimed. I playfully glared at her then looked at Thomas.
"He's sleeping!" I whispered yelled. She simply gave me a sheepish smile and moved away from the door so that we could step in. I could hear some voices belonging to men but I didn't really give it too much attention.
Damn. This little man was heavy.
"Take him to your room in the meanwhile and come back downstairs to meet my fiancé and his brother" Alena told me as she and Rose walked away. I turned to see Jace coming with the suitcases. There was one of the maid who was helping him so I didn't have to worry about him.
"Show him the guest room" I instructed the maid and gave Jave a smile before walking up the stairs.
Heels, stairs and a little boy. Definitely not my day.
Once I reached my room, I avoided staring around, knowing that I'll get all nostalgic and emotional so I simply put Thomas on the bed and I covered him with a blanket before walking out. Jace was waiting for me in the hallway. We both walked down the stairs to finally go meet my future brother in law.
"Athena! You've done putting Thomas to sleep? Come downstairs" she yelled from the living room. I huffed and rolled my eyes.
"I'm coming! I have heels so I can't run" I shouted back. I've noticed that my parents weren't here and even if they were, I wouldn't give a fuck. We finally walked in the living room. I took a deep breath and placed my hands on my hips. "Damn. My little boy is too heavy for me now" I mumbled while staring at my sister.
"Athena" I heard Rose mumbled. I turned to look at her and she looked pale. She seemed surprised and shocked.
"Athena, meet my fiancé and his brother, Dean and Damian" Alena said while motioning towards the couch which I have yet to turn to. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. I seriously didn't want to turn around.
What the actual fuck?